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Everything posted by cainchapman

  1. Yes, but still no pricing on the Piggyback unit. A shame they never got to give it a good flog to see how it performed.
  2. Or Waikato, eh Grant. Picking the 2nd division helps clueless buggers like me.
  3. A genuine new gearknob shouldn't cost you more than $155, and that was for a 6 speed.
  4. Tyre pressures dropped. Is the water temperature normal still? Hand brake? I'd get it to a mechanic for a check. You don't really want to wait until it's a major problem.
  5. Killing it! What a fluke. Don't worry, I'll slip down the table quickly from now.
  6. Take it to Richard @ DCH Motorsport. Washbournes Rd, Sockburn.
  7. Nice, I'd price the 18" tyres before you get bigger wheels and you can never have too much horsepower.
  8. cainchapman


    Rule of thumb is that you get a 1% increase in horsepower for every 10 degrees C that the intake charge reduces. You do the maths. But 8 horsepower increase would need a 400hp stock motor and a 20 degree temperature drop. Doesn't sound likely.
  9. cainchapman


    I guess you need to get out more. Michelin used Tess in an advertisement (offshore) and rented an airstrip and flooded it. Then drove Tess through a number of times. Not only paid the rental, but had to replace the carpeting in the car. Have no footage from the shoot.
  10. Not intentionally lowered, but I guess it counts. Fastest way to do it too.
  11. Also, not being an expert. But the 318 is a 4 cylinder and the 325 a 6 cylinder. I would think the flywheels are different, so the answer I'd expect is no.
  12. cainchapman


    They look similar, but unlike the German's and Japanese, the Italian's can't build the same car twice. It is the wheels in the later shots, lightweight BBS off memory, they are not common on Tess. Different front spoiler. I'd bet that Testarossa has never been raced either (even though it has been around Puke, quite clearly).
  13. 88.5kW/litre or 120hp/litre from a Naturally aspirated motor is not to be sneezed at. The Supertourer has 150hp/litre and it isn't a daily driver. I'd buy the M3 as it's a little more practical. But I'd buy the Honda for a week-end car. Even this is only 88hp/litre.
  14. There are the other car garages in the background of the pic with the 348. The hoist is always a useful addition to a garage. Been too busy to drive much this trip.
  15. cainchapman


    It looks like our old one. It's not though (before everyone tells me) Nice condition. They are only any good going forward and not in the wet. Still fun though.
  16. Only 9 cars. Here's a quick shot of the spare garage at the moment. The Dino and one of the Touring cars is at DCH.
  17. The top 3 cars are performance cars. The others are posey cars. Nice, but no real performance.
  18. Lionel drives it quite regularly. Nice car. He swaps it from time to time with Lin Fox for tax purposes.
  19. Wrong Program Jock. That was a Testarossa. Never a good looking car, but seemed to look ok in white. Never seen a white 308. Sounds interesting.
  20. http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....9&hl=engine
  21. cainchapman

    PC Parts

    You forgot the "One young male owner, only used to surf the interweb for porn" Good luck, no idea what I might use that stuff for anyway Carl.
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