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Everything posted by Forrest

  1. ^ Sweet will grab them when I grab the sideskirts
  2. ^ Tell you what it is a really shitty job, wish I had mates that would help with the sh*t jobs, they usually just watch me ha.
  3. I just removed all of mine, all the hoses, condensor etc all the extra shiz inside the heater box so it is now totally goneskies. I am expecting 500hp on the dyno next week.
  4. Just switch the two hoses around at the firewall and it should fix it.
  5. Forrest

    Boyces E30T

    I want to say from Ray, but I could be wrong.
  6. Forgot to ask today Stephen, do you have E30 coupe door seals? Cheers, Nathan
  7. FML. This is why you don't work on cars all day. Fuse #4, I hate you. Cheers Michael for your help. BTW: Haynes manual FTL
  8. K so with Antileet's help I got the hazards working (cheers dude I owe you a e-beer). Just can't get the indicators to work. Anyone got any ideas???? Cheers
  9. Does anyone know what color wire goes to which letter on the relay? Please and thanks this is the ultimate fail.
  10. Okay I have found it. Looks like some genius unplugged it and didn't label the wires
  11. Stupid question on the resurection of this thread, where is the flasher relay located on a PFL E30?
  12. ^ Methinks I may brace the really thin parts with some alloy strips. Wouldn't know about it when the bumper is on with it on the car though.
  13. Welcome to rangimods.com At least it is hidden and saves weight All the chopping was just eyeballed, whats a ruler? Thank you for visiting rangimods.com
  14. Does zinc coated shiz rust? Lol John. You guys would hate to see how much the front valance has been massacred to get the bumper to mount + now the fog lights to fit
  15. Little New Years Day Observed project for me. $20 worth of brackets, nuts and bolts + a couple holes and bada boom bada bing I now have foglights in the Alpina front bumper.
  16. Yes Know how you feel man, had the same dramas with my car when I brought it and now with subsequent removal of the carpet, good luck getting it sorted/get a pro to sort it for you. Fish Oil is your friend after its fixed
  17. Yeah Mark I mean't wax sorry. Interesting points made. I also use Mothers California Gold Car Wash and find it not as harsh on my paint being a 25 year old paint job. I find the cheaper brands are alot harsher.
  18. Also, slight hijack on topic but is there any truth to washing the soap off the car without a nozzle, just letting it flow out of the end on a low pressure, my Dad said to do it because if you use the spray nozzle/jet it blasts all the polish off the paint you have just added with the car wash? Mark should know this since he is the car wash expert
  19. ^^ I heard chamois are more likely to scratch the paint IIRC. Dean, that Meguiars Quick Detailer smells amazing, I use it to clean my road bike
  20. ^ Toothbrush and throttle body cleaner, done deal.
  21. Pretty sure me and Apex are the first ones to say anything sensible for the first time in a while in the whole thread.
  22. ^ I heard he was replacing Glenn too.
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