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Everything posted by bravo

  1. bravo

    Bugger !

    I used to have the FI sedan version back in 1996. Was an awesome car for a learner driver. Cheap, enough boogie to have some fun, but not enough to get into serious trouble.
  2. I'd be happy if they actually were. Problem is, most of the roadworks happening in the regions is patching. Same old, cheap, flexible pavements being rolled out over poor subgrade. I spoke to someone from Downer Edi Works the other day. NZTA asked them how much to "fix" the statehighway network in Northland? They told them. NZTA came back and said - well you'll never get that, so heres $xmillion (about 20% of the initial figure). So all they are able to do is yet another year of patches and chipseal. Oh, and you want to know why sometimes you see them resealing a stretch of road that looks fine that you're sure they sealed a year or so ago??? Its because the maintenance period of the road is supposed to be, say, 5 years. To obtain this period they might need to do 3-4 coats of seal. But, 2 will do to make the road usable. The budget is so stretched, they do 2 now, wait a year and get a bit of wear out of it, and then come back and do the other 2 coats a year later getting essentially 6 years out of 5 years worth of seal. We are woefully under-funded. But it would help if the roading contractors were more efficient, and had better workmanship. I see some terrible preparation and sealing jobs by Northland contractors. No wonder the roads don't last. We do have really really bad clays up here that make building roads hard, but it's no excuse for some of the sh*t workmanship.
  3. I was beginning to think Porsche didn't know how to do interiors (well, they don't really), but that is gorgeous inside as well as out.
  4. bravo

    HB Martyn

    HB Martyn. Hope the e30 is treating you well!
  5. bravo


    Cheers. I'll probably stay at my regular hotel. I just thought it might be fun to bedsit for a change, rather than run up a tab at the hotel bar. Now arriving Saturday - couldn't book a late enough Friday flight.
  6. bravo


    And feel like a house guest for a couple of nights? I'll bring the beers and pay for a couple of dinner's out or some such in return. I need accommodation from Saturday 17th April. Leaving Tuesday 20th. Apart from Monday when I'll be working at The Terrace, I'm keen to just saunter around Wellington and enjoy a few beers. Was going to do my usual and book a hotel or apartment, but all of a sudden thought someone might feel like some free beer in exchange for a room. You know how much short-term apartments and hotel rooms go for in town? Do the math - it's a fair few beers! And on that note, if the usual suspects feel like a catch up, we should do that at some stage too.
  7. bravo

    The Engine Porn Thread

    Well.... ....it exists! Been waiting awhile.
  8. +1 The point of this thread was to have a laugh at the muppets (vendor included) commenting on the auction - not to become one.
  9. No, the rumour about Falcons being canned was rubbish. No concrete decisions have been "publicised" (note I didn't say "made"), but the news is that the Falcon is very likely to move to a FWD format at least for production cars. And yes, it was the Taurus platform that they were looking at. But it's a similar story for Holden (not that they are going to FWD with the commie, but that they are not likely to be doing an all-Australian design like the VE when it is replaced). At least whilst GM is still in trouble. The new gen/FL VE is not going to be much different either - some minor cosmetic changes and some fuel economy and emissions improvements. Looking forward to new V8's. But I'm with Simon - strip out an m3 or m5, throw the race motor and drivetrain/suspension in, and go.
  10. No, Toyrolla_35 also has a 96 Corolla Tiara! Straight high roll'n'
  11. Read the comments section especially I lol'd.
  12. I played Heavy Rain last night (borrowed from a friend). It's cool, nice graphics, and cool plot etc, but it's essentially an interactive movie. I'd was pretty cool, but it wasn't OMG!!!!!11!!!! AWESOME!!!!11!! But don't take my word for it, it's only the 3rd "video game" I've played in the last 7 years, and I didn't get very far through it. Gaming n00b's opinion.
  13. Any subdivision consented near an existing use that has noise or similar effects that the new residents may not like should have consent notices placed on all the new titles preventing the residents from complaining. Or it should be knocked back on the grounds of reverse sensitivity. Signed.
  14. Arrived yesterday and now safely in my lounge. Eagerly awaiting arrival of God of War.
  15. Digging the black Koenig e24.
  16. Yeah, the logo matches the colour scheme. They look sweet. Pity RX7 wheels look sh*t on an m5 or else you could get some good swaps going on.
  17. I don't want a japanese wagon no matter how fast it is, so I'm with the Porsche on this one, BUT, for that money if I were to go Japanese I could be tempted by the right GTR, NSX, or even 370Z or Mazda RX#.
  18. Lance Andy Dave and Steve. Calrton Stripe. I never forget a beer commercial. Great ad, very average beer.
  19. Yep. "Keep it on the limiter - that way you can't over-rev it" Still gold a couple of years on.
  20. Did you not hear it sitting on the limiter before he launched? I bet he did that several times a day, every day. The limiter is there to protect your engine, but it's not designed to live on it. I'd say that the motor was getting well on for wear and a big end or piston pin or similar went, and the rest is history. Lesson: Don't thrash your cars kids. Only the 327-eater likes to live on the limiter!
  21. For a first BM you've made a damn good start. Nice ride, and welcome!
  22. omg those seats!!! You have to love it for what it is. If I owned it, I'd have to buy a yellow power-ranger costume.
  23. Seen before, but still has me on the edge of my seat every time - even though I know how it ends....
  24. bravo

    euro plates

    You can either buy the additional fixing set, or you can drill holes in them, or you can use double-sided foam trim tape. (I use the tape option, and they've been on the car for over 3 years, and still going strong.
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