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Everything posted by darkwolf

  1. I know you didn't ask, but I figured I'd mention it anyway. If my understandings are correct: Mounting 6x9"s in parcel tray. Sub is in boot Unless you desperately need the 6x9s in the car. Don't do it. The sub uses the boot of the car like a box. If you put another speaker in there (i.e. in the parcel tray, it'll throw both of them off. You would be far better keeping the parcel tray clean and putting in some decent speakers in the doors and running them off the amp. I hope this gets to you in time. I had the same situation in my Celica. I had alpine S 6x9"s in the parcel tray and the sound was just never right. I put some infinity 6.5"s in the rear arm rests (Celica is a coupe, doesn't have rear doors and couldn't think of the name.). I never looked back, sounded immaculate. Just my suggestion. But I stand strongly by it. With the two amps, also try and run the best cable you can at all times. You'd be surprised how much difference there is between wires, even in something that seems basic like a sub.
  2. Dyers Pass Road, S-EDC, Dry weather, 420NM, 4.4L of Bavarian Glory. Heated seats in -3 degrees. Burbling up hills. Starting her up first thing in the morning - standing outside of the car just to hear those first shots of anger. The right pedal.... and for that matter the brake pedal. The internal combustion engine. The wheel. Leather seats that let you feel like you're gonna slide off them, but you nail it at the right time that you're just pinned in your seat hoping this feeling never ends, but it does and it's ok... cos you know it's gonna happen again... and again... and again. When the poor bugger beside me thinks his V-TEC will waste my grandpa car. Watching turbo powered cars lag behind and NEVER being able to make it back up. The fact that leather grips like no other material on earth once it's wet. The fun that can be had while it's dry. The fun that can be had once it's wet. The fact that it's so easy to clean. There is more... so much more... but I can't think of any more at the moment
  3. Still has a cooler name when it comes from Lambo. Nero Nemesis!!! OH YEAH!!! If i ever get a lambo, I want it in that colour. Just cos it sounds so awesome. Personally, not a fan of the look though.
  4. While I agree to the above post - I feel I would get pwned. I love the current system. Keep paying for my Ks. I agree with the lower ACC and thus registration for newer cars, they are usually (not always) better in every aspect, crash, road wear, environemental crap, comfort etc. And while there might be a higher chance of dying in a serious crash, there is also a higher chance of serious injury in less major crashes in an older car. Thus, the total cost is increased. Implement the new system and start the road user charges for all vehicles. My 2c
  5. Woke up this morning started the car up to see a "CHECK COOLANT LEVEL" warning. Thought "oh fudgesticks and fairy cakes, not again." Pop bonnet, started looking for broken hoses. Nothing seems broken. Fill up reservoir. Start car. Everything normal. No water running places no "CHECK COOLANT LEVEL" warnings nothing. Turns out. I haven't checked my water since March. And that was only because there was a fountain coming out the bleed valve on the top of the radiator (cos the muppet who replaced my split hose less than 7 days earlier, busted the valve when bleeding the system and neglected to tell me). So I've given myself a very big slap on the hand and am thankful once again for her early warning systems. It's all good now. To be honest I didn't even check the water when she came back. I take full responsibility for the neglect I've shown my car and have seen the error of my ways. I'm not worthy.
  6. I know that the law states that you shouldn't have them on, but I leave my foglights on regardless of weather conditions. I turn my lights on if the sun is burning a hole through my car. It's all about visibility. Not about whether I can see where I'm going but if the other bugger on the road can see me. In my opinion the fog lights are unobtrusive and not a problem. What I can't stand are the idiots (like the guy I saw this morning) driving with his fog lights on and his park(position) lights on but not his normal lights. I think those people are worthy of being shot.
  7. CLIC car Insurance (underwritten by AMI) I've had no problems at all. 0800 CAR LOVE (Not kidding - that's their number).
  8. darkwolf

    Want to borrow!

    Should only need a cheap socket and a bolt to remove the tie rod end. Place the socket over the tie rod end (this is to protect the thread) push the bolt through the hole in the socket and hit the end of the socket as hard as you like. This ensures that the end of the thread won't get damaged by the hammer (as long as the bolt is hard against the tie rod end.)
  9. It's all a bit to easy to just back down and say that the government knows best. The argument that if you aren't doing anything wrong you don't have anything to fear is a dangerous point of view to have. People should think about things long and hard before using this statement. I still haven't read through the proposed changes but I can't see how this would be enforceable in the courts. They are effectively trying to legislate for theft or vandalism. If you went and took a bat to someone's car because they performed daily burnouts on your road, would you get away with it? No you would be charged with vandalism of some sort. So why should the anybody, government or otherwise be given the right to steal and vandalise your property? I'm sure there is something in NZs constitution about this sort of thing - YES NZ does have a constitution. And if there isn't maybe we should be looking into why it isn't.
  10. Really? Who's you insurance with? How'd you get such a low excess? Seriously though, when you get your car stolen it changes you. Those who have been there know what I mean. I was lucky enough to get my car back, but it never felt the same. It's pretty common behaviour to ignore an explosive situation. It's the reason they tell women to scream "Fire" instead of rape. Even minor problems, there was a car that had broken down just before the fairfeild bridge roundabout in Hamilton. Everyone just went around the poor girl who was in it. I got out to at least push her over to the side of the road - she told me she'd been sitting there for 15 minutes (probably annoyed so might have been exagerated a bit). It's a disgusting trait of society to just turn a blind eye. Any luck with the servo re: video surveillance?
  11. As I was about to say before my laptop had a BSOD fit... I'll suss it later: Inform your landlord that a you have just recently been broken into and that you would really like the alarm to be working as it would make you feel more secure. Also, if she refuses you may like to point out that if the house is broken into again, judging by the condition of the items in the flat that were damaged, you would be concerned the flat itself may also be damaged.
  12. We got broken into on Friday. Very little was taken. Thankfully the alarm went off. If you can, try talk to the landlord about going halves on getting an alarm installed - ESPECIALLY in Hamilton. I don't know why Hamilton is so bad, but it's terrible for thieves. Also talk to your neighbours - see if they noticed anything and also about a neighbourhood watch scheme. It seems a bit ridiculous and is often not very helpful after the fact, but it could help your neighbours and or prevent them thinking it could be worth coming back to see what was replaced under insurance. Alternatively get 3 big burly dogs
  13. I'm going to save my comments for a bit and see exaclty what the new bill states as this is the first I have heard of it, however, I will state that if anybody has a problem with this bill they should take it upon themselves to express to the powers that be that there is a problem. I'm NOT talking about being an idiot like those people down in CHCH who crowded the police car. I'm talking about the the proper channels. One of the most effective things you could do is to talk to your local MP. They usually have an office in the centre of town. If you do this don't go making stupid immature comments as they are unlikely to get you anywhere. But if you want to go on about being mature etc then take mature steps to see that your point gets put across. Too often I hear people whinge about how they never get there say, yet they never take any steps (apart from whining on a forum or starting an internet petition which achieves 1/10th of fudge all).
  14. darkwolf


    I used it yesterday at work. I had a simultaneous algebraic equation to do. Having not done one (that I can remember) in over 5 years I decided I'd give the thing something to chew on and chew it did - less than a second. I was really impressed. I then took it upon myself to refresh my algebra knowledge (and the little bugger was right).
  15. darkwolf


    The WAG54 from linksys does the trick - though it depends on how techinical you wanna go. If you want to run a standard phone they can come with 2 standard analog phone jacks in them. Use it at work atm. Through Xnet too.
  16. darkwolf


    Heh, My dad used to work for Vickers. I always knew it as Vickers Shipbuilding. It's located in Barrow in Furness, Cumbria, England. First time I've seen a tank that was built there - though I knew some tanks were. Dad worked on the Trident Class Submarines Infact on of the keels for was laid on my birthday (actually day born not the anniversary of).
  17. When you install a smoothwall at work and realise when analysing the logs that you've spent far too much time on there. So you reboot the smoothwall
  18. Best advice - first home. Reason being that while your investment MAY get up to 15% you are still paying rent to some other bugger. If you are putting money into your own home, although you might not make as much money, you will definitely not be lining some body elses pockets. When you think about the fact that you are basically throwing $5200 away (assuming your rent for your room at $100 /week + expenses - I don't know if you rent your own house or what) that's a nice chunk of money being wasted each year. I went in on a mortgage with the family. Still ended up paying about the same ($15/week) as I was when I was renting, but it wasn't going to someone else which made me feel better. EDIT: At the end of the day, I wouldn't expect property to be a winner everytime but with keen eye and some hard work (which working yourself debt free implies you're not afraid of) you can make something. And that money you'd be spending on rent is theoretically going into your investment. Look at the total cost of the house as well. Not just what you can get it for now? But how much is going to need to be done? Is it in a street where the money could be made back? Are your neighbours the type of people that if you left your wallet on top of your car it'd still be there when you came back outside? what are you going to pay on your interest on your mortgage? Are you going to be able to repair the place and make mortgage payments? If you move in and the water heater dies, can you afford to replace that? If not, do you use less of a deposit so you have that cushion, or go for a cheaper house so your repayments are less so that you can put money aside to repair things as and when they happen?
  19. That'd be the one. I find wiki is good for getting general info and then the more in depth stuff I ask the forums or google etc. I think a low compression turbo set up could be quite good. Especially if you minimised the lag and made it a stupidly quick (read quick not necessarily fast) drivable car. Again I don't know but a turbo might mean a new ECU which as Glenn has said would lead to problems. So a low compression might avoid that. What options are available diff wise for your car? I know the E39 had a diff they referred to as providing a virtual V12, cos it increased the acceleration of the car (lower ratio I think). It might make the car quicker around town etc. Don't know what it would effect i.e ABS, DSC etc EDIT: Also I've heard the turbo was removed due to the low quality petrol over in (some of?) Aus.
  20. Glad to hear it all went well. I was waiting for a horror story at the end. Suspense was unreal.
  21. Another good place for other information is the wiki: BMW N42 Motor But take it with a grain of salt unless you can back it up from somewhere else. I once read an article on subaru legacies that said the turbo version wasn't available standard in a RHD model. Oddly enough, my friend owns one, as do many other people in NZ.
  22. It looks like a silencer or on closer inspection a butterfly valve?
  23. Yeah I've been looking down the sell and rebuy road. I will talk to the new job about a relocation allowance, but I figured it is worthwhile looking at what is going to cost anyway. Rather than asking and then going "But I have no idea of the cost." Slightly modified your idea. I'm sure my 540 would tow a bedford (bugger just realised I need a tow bar) Thanks for the suggestions everyone. I'm pretty much sorted for costs - and suprisingly the cheapest option I've found because of the size of my gear is through Crown who quoted $600.
  24. I can just imagine a Chevrolet 599... No wait... I can't
  25. What's the deal with this sort of crap? The guy wants to mod his car then he should be allowed too. I there was a thread recently about a similar sort of thing (Inappropriate of irrelevant crap on BS - for your reference) If you don't think it's worthwhile then that's your opinion and not really of importance to the thread. There could also be a really good reason they've bought a 318ti. The next ti in the series is the 325ti. It could well be that they don't want the extra fuel usage or the extra two cylinders brought about with a 325 or maybe they are incredibly hard to find, or maybe they feel a 2.5 doesn't fit their primary requirements. Does this mean they aren't allowed to get upgrades for it? Should modifications be restricted to only a certain model of car? If so does that mean you shouldn't be allowed to modify your 328 because its not an M3?
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