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Everything posted by _ethrty-Andy_

  1. The N13 Sentra is quite close too. I was going to do this back when i was 15 or 16 and i parted out my N13 after getting the E30
  2. yep good luck! they certainly are an acquired taste! will be follwing closely ha
  3. I was waiting for this to happen.... grossly over priced last time imo. my offer from last time they were listed still stands though
  4. Id be interested to know what he/you used to power the amps.. what kind of battery and does it have a capacitor? I have a similar setup in my wagon, but it eats batteries. Im using a cap too. Going to invest in a yelow top next time i think
  5. I have notcied this in the past 6 months or so aswell, though now im looking at E34 parts rather than E30. comes down to a supply demand thing.. there are more 3ers on the road so parts are cheaper because third parties have a bigger market. The down side (in Welly anyway) pretty much everything seems to be ex-Germany
  6. you might want to get another set of stock E36 manifolds and get them rebent from that, rather than bent twice? im not sure on how tough the metal is etc. im sure there is an expert on this though
  7. hanger bushing has just been replaced not even a month ago and problem was before that i think. yep suggested the weight transfer onto handbrake before shifting into park, i suspect its that pin too
  8. Jeff Gray have done almost everything on this car and still not quite sure. its getting a fluid/filter/gasket etc service this week or next. This is a no expence spared babied car ha
  9. i see i finally convinced you to join up put some pictures up in the new members section if you want! someone with a better idea will help soon Andy
  10. If this is the one that was on trademe, yes you have great score! I thought VERY long and hard about that car, but couldnt justify two garage queens just now, calypsot E34s no less! Decided i was better off not seeing it coz i would have brought it ha. Enjoy it mate! Edit: are the skirts SE skirts?
  11. i dont know whether to love or hate this? interior is horrible, but maybe a good basis for a track car? http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/...n-409745686.htm
  12. I think this Kingkarl guy is gunna need this car afterall at this rate......
  13. Relisted here: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=410573426 would sell slightly cheaper through here as no success fees. just PM me
  14. Relisted at $689.00 Will sell for cheaper if sold via bimmersport as i wont have to pay fees. Would like this gone soon! http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.as...419&ed=true
  15. if your car is facelift and the eninge you get is facelift (or both prefacelift), reinstallation is the backwards order of taking it out. they function the same as the b20. doing in a day is a realistic proposition, and the only specialty tool you will need in an engine crane.
  16. well it works, but the screen is very red, like it has a red filter. ill mess around with the settings, but its looking like its not going to happen
  17. does it skid? congrats mate!
  18. PM me if your going to import some of those decals, go halves in shipping or whatever edit: if in auckland, welly, or not far removed from SH1
  19. have picked up an LCD monitor/tv for in the bedroom. The TV has DVI-I input port on the back. i want to connect the TV to my iMac which has DVI-D output (through the little apple adaptor plug thing), through a DVI-D cable. female DVI-I can physically accept a male DVI-D connection, but is this going to blow my TV (or worse the iMac) up if i turn everything on? thanks lads and lasses
  20. 1) think so but not an expert 2) yes ive done that using a late model M20 starter. but you may and probably will run into issues if you are trying to mesh it with an M50 flywheel.
  21. depends where the wheel is damaged really. Are you getting it painted a different colour or just repaired curbing etc? I had mine repaired and painted and lost the ACS logos could probably get them laser etched back in or something if you wanted
  22. Okay well silver fox must be saying the M50 bolt pattern is different to the M52, which i find very unlikely seeing as there are other gearboxes both the M50 and M52 had. because it is 100% FACT that the M40 and M52 bolt up as i have done it with my own hands.... edit: ...and car was running, no clutch slip etc as you can see in the videos ive posted on here. edit2: M40b16 and b18 have the same bolt pattern
  23. iirc its the input on the gearbox, but if it does out to be that is probably not worth fixing and just getting a new gearbox.
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