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Everything posted by _ethrty-Andy_

  1. MSN to the rescue ahaha. go to it
  2. buying this http://www.trademe.co.nz/Electronics-photo...n-300219044.htm
  3. Okay so went and saw the owner today and i may take out a loan and pick up the car. Just depends on his insurance. aparently someone didnt take a corner, smashed into it and then did a runner (on cuttiez is my bet). Insurance will write it off im sure, but we arent sure whether it becomes the insurance companies property when this happens (i think so), or whether it remains his (he thinks so). Forgot to check if they are 16" or 17", probably the more common of the two fitted to E36s.. They are in good condition from what i can see visually though
  4. if you brought it from repco, thier catalouge lists the wrong belt. you need either the one size bigger or the one size smaller. At least that happened to me
  5. Have Jamex rears in mine, could be persuaded to part with them. Offers. Front ///M (M3?) springs not for sale yet as not as easy to pull out as the rears (Half worn 205/40/17 Tyres, so gaurd gap is less with better fitting tyres)
  6. Bimmersport at school eh? they must have unblocked it ha, i got it blocked there Good that you got it sorted @Jon yeah didnt think it would come up with much if anything, but would have used it as a last resort
  7. .02c When modifying a car, the safety of the vehicle afterwards should ALWAYS be the first priority, and the look or reason for doing the mod coming second. I dont care if your own life is wasted, or your saftey in general is compromised by your modifications, but you have to think about who you share the road with. goes for vehicle lighting too, the old HID debate for one, and for two the painted tails (which you all will be happy to know i now have legal ones) When my car is drivable again, we all know ill probably take it round the block for sure, but im not stupid enough to drive it again till its certed and legit. There is always a possibility i didnt do an engine mount up properly etc and i could loose control very easily and kill someone. +1 thats how i intend to do it as well. Dropped 2.1" on 55 tyres + gaurd work if needed
  8. pictures fail to load for me? welcome to bimmersport though!
  9. the trademe ones are good for a year or two so if you plan to sell the car theyd be fine. i regret spending money on mine though, i should have got them from the dealer in the first place
  10. shiiii- how did i not notice it had 4 doors!? an immaculate conversion by the looks of it!
  11. Good to read for when i get my hartges fixed! +1
  12. oh wow was not expecting that answer at all! yeah its from M40B16. sweet ill take that over as well then
  13. ^ maybe in 0.2 megapixel resolution like that video ha. the taker of the video obviously does not know how much cooler a manual E31 is than and AE86 lol
  14. sweet. Hes (hopefully) drying out the ECU at the moment. We will see if that fixes it, if not then check the relay, and then steal/borrow/buy an ECU. Im going to be daft and throw it out there, a B16 ECU wont work for this purpose to rule that out will it? i just have a B16 one here..
  15. Okay thanks! i didnt know that one or other of this will check this out and see how we get on. is it the same relay (as in type of relay) as the rest of the ones in the fuse box? ill take one of my known working spares over. If its not this, what would you suggest to check next? (just trying to kinda get a plan of action so im not making 10 minute visits every other day). Thanks for your help on this sort of thing as always!
  16. Can do. I dont have any spark either though, so its not 100% fuel issue. dunno if you missed that part? forgive me if you did see that
  17. Hey guys! My mates 318i (Will to those wellington boys that have met him) has developed starting issues. Ill write down what i/he/we have checked - no spark - no fuel - CPS is mounted correctly/plugged in. have not resistance checked or whatever you do to test that - Cranks over fine - Turn key to ON, all lights come up on dash like normal - Turn key to ON, ICV etc does not whur in engine bay, and fuel pump does not prime - Checked other stuff too, but the above are the main parts - Battery is sweet (would not crank over otherwise right?) - All fuses have been checked. Have not checked relays (i dont think he has anyway) as its a time consuming process. Anyone know which ones to check specifically? From what i know, i am quite sure its the ECU thats at fault, however hesistant to run with that as i thought they seemed to be more of a temperamental sort of issue, not a 'come out to the car one day and it doesnt go' He is going to dismantle the ECU and check for condensation inside it when he gets a chance, will post results up. Have not scanned as yet. Will do if no further suggestions come up and the ECU is not damp. Cheers all Andy
  18. truth. My 316i felt faster..
  19. _ethrty-Andy_

    Fuelstar expands

    Best post ive read on this foum in months rofl!
  20. Listing is here http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=300397910 not really sure what they are worth, market to decide. These are the real deal, not fiberglass replicas Cheers, Andy Edit: Also have another listing on E30 parts for shady prices under sellers other listings. tbh most of it ill give away now if you want something, pickup only on all that crap
  21. what kind of side skirts? have some OEM Tech2 ones for sedan, pretty sure they fit touring as well? coincedentally just about to list them
  22. yeah fair call. point still stands though..
  23. *wonders why i never picked up on it..* its so obvious once you know what it is!
  24. Is it your car or the above posters car? Do the mods etc that you want to do! i hate seeing people have ideas and then get told not to by other people so they change thier mind! If you want to go back to stock wheels then do it!
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