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  • Birthday 07/28/1980

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  1. Thanks Glenn - have a great weekend mister man.
  2. Modern Government is less about doing what i right and in the best interests of the country and more about doing what is popular. It was very interesting listening to talkback last night when i was heading home - there where countless people calling and complaining about Dental care and the costs involved, they where commenting that the government should be providing more dental care for people. At what point will these people realize that if we continue to ask the government to pay for or subsidize everything it will just lead to larger tax bills? I hate the fact that i'm paying for middle class jo blog's medical because he can't be bothered with getting his own private medical insurance. The lower class i will accept i need to help out, but medical insurance should be a given when you start earning to a point it's a consideration - when doctors visits, eye wear, dental cover, surgery, etc... are all covered it's not very hard to have the costs of the insurance covered by a single incident. I had knee surgery last year it was 6k roughly - how many months of medical insurance payments was that? No waiting lists, just 1st tier medical surgery. Yes the money could be spent on other things, but this is easy to complain about. What about the MILLION's spent on Treaty claims and not just the compensation payouts but the other surrounding crap the investigations, court costs, etc...

    The bastard child.

    looking epic as expected!
  4. Black stanced out e30 up in coatsville...
  5. Matt (MLM) dropped these off to me at the pub - had to give it a test fit... they arn't screwed/revited in yet - just sitting in there. Nothing happening with the car as i'm way to broke at the mo...
  6. largest i've got is a 35mm or 36mm sorry...


    Lots of guys at work have bought stuff from there, shipping is usually pretty quick
  8. ok wow long time since and update... not sure if anyone cares... Sainsbury Road event last October: Finished 9th out 40. 3rd in class C 1st - 3rd in class where covered by .25 of a second Still having gear selection issues with 3rd and the suspension is still not fixed. <--- only decent run - thanks gear shifter!Some photos from Sainsbury road: ----------------------------------------------- The car is handling much better with the new torsion bars but it has made the need to be smooth mid-corner much more evident as it will step out on you very easily. i'll try and get another friend to give me a hand and swap over the sump with my baffled one and reseal the damm thing so it doesn't leak. Then fill with some nice new oil, new filter... then play time mid-week at Hamptons for the Unkles thing i'm thinking! I'll also needed to look at cutting some air holes for the oil cooler in the bumper as now with the lip it's not getting much air and it's really working that well. Got the hole saw and stanley knife out and hacked up my silver bumper... Placed some nylon mesh on the backside of the hole for larger stones, i'll have to see how it holds up before looking at improvements. -------------------------------------------------------- Did the Unkles Hampton run. Had massive tyre pressure issues in the rear, but a stupid amount of fun. I'm hitting about 190ish on the front straight, and with the lovely Carbone Loraine RC6 pads i'm pulling up at the end of the pit garages from what i remember. Did my best time (cellphone timed) with fuel surge, and held up on the final corner of a 1:23.1 - i know with out the surge, tyre pressure issues and not held up we should be in the high 1:21's i think... ----------------------------------------------- Found a couple nice little bits that will be ordered this year from a UK company called Bridgecraft Engineering - blurb from the 306 forum: "Our main line of business is manufacturing aerospace components for the likes of Rolls Royce and Pratt and Whitney, as well as various forms of motorsport including F1 and MotoGP. We have an ever growing range of Peugeot related parts which have been developed on Martin’s 306 track car and my own 309 and 205. We never really intended to market any of our parts but due to the increasing interest we thought it'd make sense to list a few of our products for you all to see." Should help with a few things. Bridgecraft Roll-Centre Kits:£95 plus p+p. The price will also include an abrasive stone that can be used in a hi-speed gun drill to chamfer your hubs. The main body is cnc machined in house from EN24T and gives 30mm of correction. The full kit consists of the main body,laser cut side braces,zinc coated hi-tensile bolts, washers and nyloc nuts. The kit is per car so theres two sets of everything. Bridgecraft Bump Steer Reduction Kit: £100 kit only 2x high quality rose jointed TRE, 2x EN24T sleeved spacers and washers, High tensile bolts and nyloc nuts This kit requires the TRE taper in the hub to be accurately drilled out to 16mm. They also do a couple other nice little bits like: - Negative camber rear arms: £175 - Machining of your trailing arms and fitting of new EN24T stub axles to give -3 degrees of negative camber. - Negative camber front hubs: £140 - We can modify 205/309/306/405/406 front hubs to give any amount of negative camber you require. ---------------------------------------- Some progress on the blanking plates for the spot lights that a Matt is helping (doing) with and took some pics of his progress... You can see how it's going to extend past the spotlight hole blanking the complete hole. Once the skin gets applied it should look something like this -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Front sub-frame is all now nicely welded up (except for the sections I did) - THANKS MATT! It's sounds a lot more solid when it bangs on the ground and dosn't really feel any heavier.... It looks like it was basically 4 sections of 3mm thick steel spot welded in a few places so based on the feedback from those overseas that have done it already it should stiffen up the front end a fair bit. We have reinforced the control arm mounting points a fair bit with extra welds. no pics of mine but it's like this:
  9. I'd hate to think of all the bars and places the ordered extra supplies for the weekend.
  10. Then some idiot ruined any and all high ground the supporters had - http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/6679874/Tu...ve-is-digusting
  11. Ohakune Giant 1000 - Okay so the pinic went ahead they intvited every one to attend this pinic so why did the iwe who orgizinse the " Celebration "act the way they did racers took there took their own road cars up the mountain for a drive when they confornted by some of the iwe holding spares and sticks this result in the iwe damaging cars by hitting vechiles with their sticks etc denting doors and ocbsense jestures when people try to leave, What does this action mean to you guys doesnt sound like grown people to me and i have to amitee that alot of this iwe were out of towns your throughts please ------------------------ Nathan Saunders - Little do they know that we have the hole thing on camera, one guy was filming start to finish about an hour And majority of them were locals, they live around here and i went to school with some of them.
  12. I'd love this but couldn't afford it. I do want another 205 to restore / make more awesome - but i really really want a black one.
  13. Any questions muster man just ask.
  14. Allen, Yes there is - http://public.servicebox.peugeot.com/pages/login_hors_eu.jsp Sascha - the pedal area is small but i didn't have too much of an issue with it. The gti is a very torquey engine vs the gti 180. We have a 307 xsp and love it we haven't had a single issue with it other than a dead battery. We put the H&R springs into it as we found it a little floaty in the corners. The automatic 307's are known to have a few issues with the gearbox so it would be very worth while getting a pug specilist to look it over. In Auckland i can highly recommend Greg Kent automotive - he's by far one of the best pug mechanics in NZ. might be helpful - http://www.peugeotlogic.com/workshop/base/workshop.htm
  15. http://audidude.wordpress.com/2012/03/29/o...limb-cancelled/ Includes coraspondance with the mayor.
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