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Everything posted by Grant

  1. Grant

    Mtech Springs

    Thats a good effort, I thought that they would be pretty much worthless as well, ahhh the power of supply and demand.Cheers Grant
  2. Grant

    Star Wars III

    What I meant was it didn't rely on the CGI to tell the story (even though there was a lot of it). The previous two relied on visual grandeur rather than story telling.
  3. Wait a while, then buy some goldfish....waalaa, a mobile aquarium. Cheers Grant
  4. Grant

    Star Wars III

    I saw it on the big screen yesterday (but have also downloaded it, but still wanted to watch it first on the big screen). I thought it was really good, a huge improvement on Episode I and II, and was almost as good as the real original Star Wars. It was good as it didn't rely on to much CGI, or 'lightweight' comic relief typre characters like the Episode I and II. I thought it also tied the two trilogies together quite well too. What have other people thought? Cheers Grant Andrew: Edited title
  5. Happy Birthday to our favourite Dutch Bimmerphile Cheers Grant
  6. Grant

    Problems solved

    Did you get a wheel alignment at the same time? Maybe try that. Cheers Grant
  7. Seeing as I had to delete some stupid, pointless and non-constructuve posts, that were nothing but stupid arguements in this thread, consider it locked. Cheers Grant
  8. Grant

    Turboing an e30

    Don't worry, I'm in the old fart category too.Sounds like you have got a really nice car there. Cheers Grant
  9. Very cool indeed. Cheers Grant
  10. Rake in E36 coupes ia sll good in my opinion
  11. I really like the look of the Plymouth Prowler. It would be a good toy/play car. Anyone see the episode of American Chopper when they added NOS to Paully Juniors Prowler? It went fairly hard. Cheers Grant
  12. Very interesting as I prefer the old Yoko A539's over the new Yoko C Drives. However the C Drives are still very good tyres, and I am happy with them. I just had more rear end grip (especially in the wet) with the 539's over my C Dives.I have never had the 901's, socan't comment on that. Cheers Grant
  13. not it is frustration!!It is just so boring and repetitive.
  14. Sweet,Cheers Grant
  15. Grant

    Wgtn E30 325i

    I agree, maybe we can put a new rule in place, Gus is not allowed to have a body part of any shape or form as his avatar (or signature).Cheers Grant
  16. Who ran against Steven Donnell? How close was the voting? Congratulations Carl for getting on the committee, and Paul for staying on the committee. Any other new faces? Cheers Grant
  17. I just watched the documentary on Rialto (I missed it in the theatwhen it was playing in the film festival). I thought it was really good, and bloody insightful into what went into the making of St Anger (both in the making of the record, and the stuff they were going through anyway personally, and their 'infighting' etc. I know a lot of people don't like St Anger, so hence won't have like the doco, but I liked them both. I take my hat off to James, he came through his 12 months of rehab to be a much better person, and it was good to see him and Lars getting along again by the end of the making of the record. Many other people seen it? What did you think of it? Cheers Grant
  18. I'm not disillusioned, I'm just sick of the same old "let's hassle someone elses car" thread.It gets done over and over again, who gives a sh*t what stickers the Prelude owner has on his car. Anyway enough from me, if you guys want to post that, and it makes you feel good, than all power to you, my point merely is that I get bored of the contant flogging of dead horses. Cheers Grant
  19. It truly is a sad day when the most popular threads on the forum are those that hassle other people's cars. The owner of the car is probably proud of his car, and good on him. It sure isn't my cup of tea, but I'm not being an ass about it Cheers Grant
  20. ... they are not that quick. and they are so computer controlled, that they are not as much fun either. Tiff had all sorts of trouble trying to make an RS4 do anything for him on the track.I'd have the Alpina 5 any day. Cheers Grant
  21. try trade me, when looking for facelift ones, there were often pre-facelift ones on there, and for good prices too. Otherwise try the usual BMW wreckers. Cheers Grant
  22. pre facelift or facelift?? If it is facelift, good luck, I took ages to find some replacements after smashing one, and even so second hand they were expensive. From memory they are about $240 each + GST from the dealer. Cheers
  23. Who cares, my point is, this topic has been done over and over again, and it gets a bit tiresome after a while.Cheers
  24. Big deal, there are plenty of people on here with M badges on non-M cars. I can't see a difference. Cheers Grant
  25. Grant

    Wgtn E30 325i

    Fair enough, each to their own.If practiality wasn't an issue at all (i.e for a total toy/play car) I'd prefer a coupe as well. Unfortunately practicality is often an issue. Cheers Grant
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