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Everything posted by antil33t

  1. My car came with one, I put a stock airbox back on. They're too noisy hahah.
  2. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...em=320534881776 We've probably all seen this car, but now it's for sale!
  3. I'd love it. Nothing beats the thrill of driving an old(er) car. Maybe a little overpriced... but maybe not that unresonable?
  4. Well techincally if they said "don't use our car" they can have him done for car theft and still get insurance. 100 bucks says that's what my parents would do if I took their car without permission.
  5. That looks really nice! your car is such an awesome colour!
  6. I certianly hope so. I'm not saying benefits are bad in any way, I'm on an IB. But I have some family members that are MORE THAN CAPIBLE of working, but just sit on the dole all day and get pissed all the time. Now that GST is going up, booze and smokes are getting more expensive, and the dole probably won't go up all that much, they might just reconsider their lifestyle eh? Though, sort of screws over all beneficaries, even if they are on them for a legitimate purpose. Mine cost $7,000 a week on average >.< Sorry taxpayers.
  7. Nah, it's not warped in any way, it's just there's resin cloging where the plastic should line up. Would go on an errand tomorrow, but have first aid course all day D: I'll see what I can do over the weekend. This is helping me get motivation to work on the actual car hahah.
  8. I like how it's not going to work in the favour of people on the dole. extra GST = more money spent, since they don't get taxed really they don't really benefit from the savings.
  9. This thread is over a year old... but that guys new username is "e30ftw"
  10. Sweet as, I did get a quote ages ago to have the crack fixed, was like 70 bucks just to weld it though. I may aswell clean up all this resin before taking it back... Thinners seems to work slowly, anything else that might work?
  11. Has anyone had experience reparing this type of thing before? It's some form of plastic, and not fibreglass.... Someone already had a go at fixing it, but the resin didn't stick. Any advice? I haven't had it on the car in so long I may aswell get some proper advice before paying someone else <.<
  12. Could happen to anyone really... Poor family that'll learn em though.
  13. Sweeeet, Your car is lookin' good! Hope it goes well for you. Just take it slowly and don't drink too many beers Otherwise it'll be angle-pina.
  14. Happy Birthday man!
  15. Sounds like a fair deal to me tbh. Do it Andy.
  16. I'm just ruling them out aye... I didn't loctight them or torque them. (noob mistakes)
  17. E30 Torque Convertor bolt torque settings? I think mine are what is causing the rattle on engine shut down. Anyone know what they should be torqued to? Can't find it in my manuals... they also need to be loc-tited too I think?
  18. Ultimate First Bimmer Welcome man.
  19. Media Coder. http://www.mediacoderhq.com/
  20. Right at the end makes them all look like slackers Awesome video though, Wish it had subtitles though
  21. Awesome. Happy birthday Matt.
  22. One day.... When I fix my car. Hah.
  23. If I had the cash I'd be all over it. Trade you a magna Wagon? Nah good luck man!
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