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Everything posted by shaneg

  1. I think it'll go alright, and the people that will but this are the same people that buy a3's and other euro hatches. BMW is aiming to be the biggest car maker in Europe, germany's GDP was up 3.5%, all based on their exporting (cars) Gone is the day of the high premium luxury BMW, they've dropped to just a premium brand, but that has to happen to survive the economy crap.. They used to be ahead of the game and also their performance was aswell, now almost every car comes with leather seat options and multi function steering wheels. Even if this wee car comes with only a 1.8 or 2L it'll still sell, I'm sure this will have a big push with diesel engines too.
  2. shaneg


    Gutted.. I just got a lousy Dj Hero on xbox 360.
  3. ha, yeah the 10 min one.. but even in general, i think people that have to deal with a large amount of traffic i.e auckland motorway wont get pissed if you need to change 2-3 lanes, i just found that dunners drivers would speed up rather than give up a spot for you to go through.. what about lambo drivers that park in 3 spaces parallel at straight-in parks? saw one outside video ezy on quay street, my mate started saying what a wanker to the store manager, and i chipped in that its only the girls version.. as it was a gallardo, we all laughed, didnt realise the guy behind us in the line was driving it.. he looked like a knob in his early 20's.
  4. I think the worst are people that pull out in front of you at the last second from a street running horizontal, causing you to hit the brakes from stopping, either (a) t-boning them or ( running up their ass, only for them to turn off again at the next block. w@nkers! oh or people that drive about 85 kmh then at passing lanes as you go to overtake them speed up so you cant pass?? wtf Also being from dunedin i think people down there are really bad at being courteous... every time i go back, driving on portsmouth drive or the one way going north or south when it gets busy trying to change lanes is a mission, people almost get annoyed that you want to change lanes and wont let you.. maybe because traffic is a rarity haha
  5. shaneg

    1980 M1

    Saw one a few weeks ago, my flatmates dad has one in his car collection. He got given it by the Quandt family. Also has a nice array of most 80-90 bmw's, all brand new. Drool +1000 I'll remember to charge my camera first next time!
  6. wasnt making a comparison.. just some random useless info as i was just chatting to my flatmates about it, one works for hyundai and the other is bmw nz managing directors son.. who works there also.
  7. That's a few in 8 months.. BMW nz only sold 150 since the start of this year.. Hyundai sold 146 cars at field-days last weekend.. That Hyundai genesis is on it's way here this year also.
  8. Was working as a private chef in queenstown the last three summers.. Have a contract with a couple from chicago who i work for every year, 4 months jan till end of april. Anyone heard of Mccormick farm machinery? think it got renamed Case International later on. Anyway the lady i work for her great grandfather invented the first reaper machine.. and her grandma is a rockefeller.. pretty good job, awesome money and they are a cool couple and only work about 4-5 hours a day.. Worked for Larry Page the google co-founder while they were in queenstown for a few months. Hugh Jackman while they filmed wolverine. And now i am working at a cafe in kingsland 2 days a week while studying a diploma in systems tech and also also a few vendor certs on the way, MCP MCSA CCNA RHCT and one day CISSP As i want to get into information security and maybe risk assesment.
  9. I think it might not be a joke... Here is the thread from bimmerforums bimmerforums.com
  10. second and third place
  11. So was on the bimmerforums in the 7's area, and came across a pic of the top 3 best paint jobs and this was the winner.... has a nz flag on the window?
  12. Bootlip spoiler on an e34 a different type
  13. shaneg

    What went wrong

    and now for something distracting
  14. shaneg

    What went wrong

    this one already has been!
  15. shaneg

    Mint E34

    if only it had a m60b40 in there... nice looking though.
  16. shaneg

    New 8 Series ?

    Just heard that this probably wont be going into production... They are going to be concentrating on smaller cars instead, bigger market etc.
  17. shaneg


    Have you got wep or wpa protection?? Wep is very easy to crack... only takes about 1-2mins to get past. Someone might be helping themselves to your 10gig.. But that aside i use 10 gig very easily, online gaming and what not.
  18. Red M5 with black flames on it at midas on quay st with a number plate NANDOS Thank god its not real... it had "peri peri power" on the plate too was parked next to a cefiro with "Nissan rulz Bathurst" on the back window
  19. shaneg

    Free parking

    Yeah i think its a recent thing... The maori land thing is just what i heard... some confusion to who actually owns it? might have something to do with the "supercity" transition? i dont know, ill let yo know when i finally get ticketed $14 for half an hour is ok, the parks near foodtown in front of the scene apts tow after half an hour over! the towies wonder around and check the tickes, wait exactly half an hour and take your car!
  20. could also be the shitty metal (stone chip) roads.. i wasnt going fast at all, prob 20-30 kmh, combined with big(and heavy) car-rwd-cornering
  21. shaneg

    Free parking

    so verdict is........... i got no ticket.. :-)
  22. shaneg

    Free parking

    I used to work at the northern steamship late last year... so it was my all day carpark. yeah apparently its up in debate to who actually owns it.. hence no one is paid to check i guess?
  23. Area 51, on cleveland rd parnell, while looking for a park outside my house. Nice looking e39!!
  24. shaneg

    Free parking

    Yeah i always touch electric fences.. well sheep ones anyway.. on the back of the hand of course. I had a nosey around a few cars last night and they were playing the same game as me, i know of atleast 3 people who park their cars there 5 days a week for the last 3 weeks, and they still have their cars. Its on "maori owned land" so the council/whoever used to run it dont anymore.. ill let you know how i go.. its here clickity click anyway if anyone wants to have a shot.. oh and here is free too, but lots of people know so its hard to get one, had a chat to a ticket dude also, he just said as long as you have a wof and reg its free. They are building a new... building so the streets closed.
  25. yip.. i thik its called tangihua st? was turning towards parnell/st heliers way way on the lane closest to shell when i lost the rear end, think all those trucks must spill a bit of diesel on those roads or petrol gets washed off from shell. best thing is not to panic.. when the roads arent busy but wet, i try and step it out on purpose, helps knowing what to do when it happens for real, gives good car control and feel for how much you can push before it slips.. love the e32 for drifting!!!
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