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Everything posted by bumpstop325

  1. Ask where they get thier keys cut. then take it their to get a spare one. Or ring up key cutters and ask them if they do BMW keys. Just make sure they work before you drive off. There's no use in getting a key cut if it doesnot work.
  2. i dont like these guys. they charge way to much. i asked for a price for a window power switch they said $30. i said, will go buy a new one for that price from bmw, without member discount. Mosen's are much easier to deal with and dont me around and have a fair price.
  3. bumpstop325

    My 335i

    depends on how much your willing to do it yourself and how much the engine, gearbox and ecu+loom costs you. i know you can buy m30 engine mounts for about 300euro a pair I didnot do the conversion myself. It was built 2 year before i got my hands on this car.
  4. bumpstop325

    My 335i

    the headers the engine
  5. bumpstop325

    S42 badassness

    For shore!!! Zip tie's are my best friend aswell.Those engines are tits. Is the front of these cars built as a space frame sort of style?
  6. bumpstop325

    hay all

    Is the car that one that a chick from subway the square use to own? or the white one with the 318i badge on the back?
  7. even when the idle air vlave has been disconnected it still runs. but surely having that stuck open, wont cause it to rev that high,
  8. Problem: engine idle's at 5,000rpm as soon as you turn on the key and it will just maintain that engine speed untill you turn it off. Tried: disconnected the AFM, TPS, the battery and the idle air bypass. Still the engine manages to run at 4,000rpm. The throttle cables are in there normal RESTING position throughout that starting and running of the engine. There is no tension on the crusie control cable. The TB is in the closed position. The AFM flab is not bindind and is moving freely. Was at first thinking it was the TPS stuck at a position that would relate to full throttle, so i disconnected it and it still ran. There dosnt seen to be any/little black smoke from unburnt fuel. I have consulted the bently manual but to no help.
  9. So true. Im so glad the bombays are there and to return were i belong.(southsyde 4 life y0)
  10. Fill up using 95 not 98. I cant justify the exemely over priced 98. If i had the choice i would use avgas for that price.
  11. what about the e30 headlights? anybody on hear cleaned the inside of theirs? What product did you use?
  12. bumpstop325

    2.7 Bits...again

    you could get away with the cert providing that everything still remains factory. just dont tell anyone its a 2.7 block. it only has the 320 head on it so it can only be a threetweenty. m2o 6cly bmw block's bolt straight in providing its a m2o reg esire
  13. I have one pair of abs rear trailing arms for sale. there are no bushes on the trailing arms aswell as, no disc's. the disc's are are worn, could be regrind, but i dont think they are worth it. they are out of the car. aswell they are the ABS trailing arms. how do i know? well there is one sencor on each trailing arm before the hub. this is out of my old black 325i. handbrake shoes are in reasonable condition. offers. PM me.
  14. bumpstop325

    e30 Limo

    3 things that make this car cool. 1# rear drum brakes 2# forgeting to paint the inside of the rear door 3# super powerful m10b18 1 thing that makes the car the best esire its a non face lift. in saying that, i would buy two.
  15. bumpstop325

    My 1990 320

    nice ride dude. wannabe m3 wing???. liking it.
  16. I use fleetwash for my wheels. and for taking off old wax.
  17. just a slop box. got some feelers out for a 5sp. I got offered a 4sp but i didnt want to waste my time. my car came in at 375nm on the dyno. Do i need to say more? Keeping OT. My engine is electric fan aswel. There has been 2 added thermosistors on either side of the thermostat to control the operation.
  18. yes,you are right. I have used a pit mostly for all my box changes. It will save you alot of time and hassel
  19. I think the kit is awesome. the wank factor of having alittle bmw bag for all your goodies is great. It stays in my boot. So when i need a wash. All i need is a bucket and a hose. The wax also compliments(sp) the auto shampoo. Water beed goodness!!1
  20. Personally, removing theengine fan is a good idea. 1, it's makes the engine bay look nicer. 2, less moving things to go wrong. If the thermo couple is stuffed, effort should be foused on making the electric fan take its place. But other wise untill this happens. unless your like me and find working on your esire rather enjoyable and find it a good way to spend all your spare money on it. then yes. Do it.
  21. i dont think they would use the one's that you can buy from the local homoco.I'm now using Bose Turbo's in the front. They are ok but i havent had a wheel alignment since i have put them in. Which im looking forward to because the toe has gone slightly out. I'm running kings low's aswell. I find this the prefect ride height for my street/highway application. If i could get a hold of some B+G super lows them i would install them. But i have other item's that are higher in the buying order.
  22. If you get this. make sure you get the piece of metal that hold the end of the selector assem to the car itself. its a piece of sheet metal bent on right angles with a single bolt. it holds the end of the selector assem. so it does not flop around. good luck. i would help you but i dont live in aux
  23. I only painted it cause i was pulling the whole subframe apart anyway. So much work involved in just doing that.I dont think i will do something like that for along time yet. Replace all bushes with purple powerflex goodness. Stoped by to have a yarn to Dan. I got his thumbs up! and he is the e36 style king.
  24. motor plus header pic's
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