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Everything posted by gjm

  1. Received a small package of service spares for m chainsaw. Sent from China in February. Arrived last week.
  2. gjm

    Quick rant thread.

    $49 for a WoF in town. And I can take a look under the car at the same time.
  3. Certifiers and certification have a different viewpoint to the rest of us, and using OEM parts is no guarantee of acceptance. Replacing an E30 autobox with a manual one, using all parts from an otherwise identical car, still requires a cert. Yet you can R&R anything and provided it goes back as it was originally, it's not an issue.
  4. I think that's your certifier being a touch strong. The auto to manual swap does require cert (pedal box) but all else being equal, the prop doesn't need hoops. Bizarrely you can dismantle and rebuild the entire brake system and no-one will bat an eyelid.
  5. I do believe I have a set of 6 COPs bagged up in the container here...
  6. I've quoted (elsewhere) 1375 based on memory of BMW advertising blurb from <gulp> 25 years ago. ?
  7. I've had a quick look around, but haven't found anything to suit your car. Laurent Motors in France do a wide range of turbos for BMWs, but nothing for the 4-cylinder N4x engines. It might be worth contacting them, though?
  8. Hi Nicolas, The N42 is far from an ideal engine for this sort of attention. I'm sure you've heard of the N42 issues. First thing to do is ensure the timing chain and all associated parts are renewed. Not just appear in good condition. Then a cold air intake, exhaust replacement, and chip tuning could see you get to 160hp. It's still a N42 though, and fundamentally designed for economy, not performance. Mosselman used to do a turbo kit for it, but I don't know of a supercharger - there may be a Rotrex kit somewhere. To be honest, you'd probably do better to fit a 3.0 from the E46 330, or similar.
  9. Apologies - not actually a question about a BMW, but one which could easily apply. Car will not 'proceed'. Select D, 1, 2, 3, and there's no forward motion. There is a sound of auto gearbox components doing something, but no movement. No bad noises, either. Did seem to almost move in 1st. Select R, and it'll go backwards, no problem. Previous owner advises that this happened over a period of time, gradually losing the higher gears. Also admits that gearbox had been leaking fluid. A garage advised the very non-technical PO that a replacement gearbox is required. I plan to drain whatever fluid is in the box, remove the sump and filter, and inspect for debris. If it's clean - no particulate - I'll replace the filter and sump and correctly fill with ATF, and see what happens. There is no indication the garage did this before their diagnosis to the PO. If there is matter in the sump, I suspect either a rebuild (s/h box quoted at $1200-1600 ? ) or a replacement gearbox will be needed. Any other thoughts?
  10. Bought another Mercedes.
  11. Sounds like a system that worked. Better sort that.
  12. gjm


    Hammerite cleans beautifully... So long as you use Hammerite-specific thinners. Likely to be patches. I hope it's only patches... It's preventative work to stop or at least slow rust ahead of getting paint sorted properly.
  13. gjm


    Auto PS don't list it on their website (but that needn't mean anything.) PPC do list it - https://www.permanentpaintedcoatings.co.nz/shop/product/240865/Bill-Hirsch-Miracle-Paint-Rust-Killer/ Supposed to be good stuff - I've not used it. I'll find a way to acquire some and give it a go.
  14. gjm


    Anyone got a great deal on POR15 (or a similar product)? Got some work ahead of me...
  15. gjm

    Steering wheel cover

    Black is fine. May see if I can find a decent s/h gearknob.
  16. gjm

    Steering wheel cover

    That does look good. I'll check out their site. I wonder if they do anything for gearknobs, too...?
  17. gjm

    Steering wheel cover

    Falling apart. Worn, split, crumbling. The finished surface has gone and the sublayer just comes away when touched. Steering wheels are one of very few areas where covering it up can work!
  18. As our cars get older, so the finish on the steering wheel starts to wear. Not too bad at first, but it soon gets tot he point you want to wear gloves, or you end up with filthy hands as the surface is transferred to your skin. Has anyone tried something like this: https://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=2670462738 ? I did one a long time ago on a Land Rover, and I'll take the descriptions claim of '1 hour' with a pinch of salt!
  19. gjm

    Shed Suggestions

    A lot depends on the style you'd like, and if you want a clear floor or if supporting posts are acceptable. Budget plays a part, too. Custom Kit sheds are beautiful and stylish, but often $many. Your TotalSpan, WideSpan, etc supplier's are pretty competitive but industrial in appearance. For a 300m clear floor look at farm sheds. And... Will you want the floor put down as a part of the deal?
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