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Everything posted by gjm

  1. I contacted the sender of my item. They've resent, but that one now appears stuck at an airport too. And an order from Germany is having exactly the same issue. If shipments from overseas are being held at departure points, why aren't NZ Post advising of this?
  2. Can the $30 a week be offset against tax?
  3. gjm

    M20 Headers

    I think Milan ( @E... , I think) is considering a group buy for the BTBs.
  4. Miss M was more 'in debt' to the IRD than that, but the bill was waived. Looks like they have adopted a 'less than $xx will cost more than we get' policy.
  5. My thought too - looked a bit... not exactly flimsy, but not as robust as I'd like to see. Aye. Adds an inch or so to the jack pad height. Possibly not a problem for many cars, but anything low(ish) is going to require a different approach. Drive up on to blocks first, perhaps? I have pieces of 25-40mm thick wood, 300mm square, that I use. I do like the idea of being able to use the jacking point for the stand.
  6. Certainly gets around one of the questions I often find myself asking when I work on a car that's new to me. Finding a sensible place for jacking, and a sensible place for a stand. Claimed to be safer than 'normal' stands. And the RS3 version is good for 3 tons, and larger jacks.
  7. gjm

    Quick Questions

    2003 X5. Colleague at work is looking for new tyres. She has runflat rims and tyres and present, and has been advised she *must* use runflat tyres. Not because 'ordinary' tyres won't be suitable - they'll fit and work perfectly well - but because in the even of a puncture, the pressure sensors could be damaged if 'ordinary' - not runflat - tyres are fitted. I thought the sensors were sufficiently out of the way for that not to be an issue? Of course, I don't own or drive an X5...
  8. gjm

    Quick rant thread.

    Why do I find the ridiculous E30 prices so frustrating? So much of it is ream stereotyped "I know what I've got" type stuff, too. Yes - prices are rising. But $9k for a car with no WoF? (We're not talking M-anything or even all that uncommon.) $4k+++ for a car with significant issues - an automatic that can't be relied on to find reverse. Similar for cars described as having "a little rust" - yeah, right. Nah. Must be silly season.
  9. gjm

    Quick rant thread.

    I can go 'coil plugs - suit Pagani V12' ? It seems the gullibility of buyers cannot be overestimated.
  10. gjm

    Quick rant thread.

    More e30 tax. A M20 '885' cylinder head - incomplete - $700? Seems like 5 minutes ago you'd pay that for an entire, running, car! (Note for readers - I'm not after one. )
  11. Talk to - email - BTB. www.btbexhausts.co.uk
  12. M60B40 twin-turbo, 360rwhp. (And Mercedes badged lettering!) Built by ProBoost in Finland.
  13. gjm

    Quick Questions

    Not yet. It's dark and there's no undercover, let alone inside, space I can use.
  14. gjm

    Quick Questions

    Completely agree. It's a guide - nothing more. Load testing typically requires being able to start the vehicle. That's not happening, without charging the battery (again). Which I can do, of course. When fully charged, it seems it'll do a couple of starts. The third one is a bit of a no-go... But when the car starts, it starts easily. I measured a 5V difference between running (charging) voltage, and that displayed when unsuccessfully trying to start the car. Even when it won't start, there's enough charge to show good headlights and full beam. This suggests to me that voltage is present, but power is not.
  15. gjm

    Quick Questions

    Hooked up for a jump start - started first turn of the engine. Drove home - 20km or so - without any problems. Got home, engine continued to run without issue, suggesting alternator is OK. Left running, found multimeter. 13.8-13.9V across the battery terminals (engine running). Would have liked to see 14.2, but this is still reasonable. Turn engine off - 12.2V on battery. Tried starting - no go. Just solenoid ticking, and shown battery voltage dropped to well under 9V. Condition glass on the battery still shows a beautiful green, so yes - sounds (to me) like a dropped cell. I'll find a nice Bosch S5 for it, tomorrow.
  16. gjm

    Quick Questions

    Mrs Ms car - E30, 325. Battery went flat over Covid but as the car wasn't used, I didn't worry especially. Charged it, sight glass was green, suggesting it's OK. Drove it to work this morning - no problem. Came out this evening and it may have been a little slower turning over. Stopped to buy bread on the way home, came out and... Very reluctant to turn over before ticking the solenoid. Will not start. Lights seem OK. Bright. Dim a little when turning the ignition key. Going to get a jump start, but is the problem a duff battery (unknown age but good make) or has the alternator called time?
  17. I got a tax refund.
  18. Defenders are like E30s. Most are over-priced. They sell, because the kool-aid has got to people.
  19. Expensive. (Controversial, I know.) An auto sedan would need to be mint for that price, and this one is far from it.
  20. gjm

    6 cars a year

    It'll probably be a rolling 12 months. Otherwise person X would say "I may have sold 24 vehicles this year, but I'm not selling any for the next 3 years."
  21. Didn't sell. Vendor is waiting until travel is easier.
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