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Everything posted by HSB

  1. wouldn't it depend the way you stacked them....
  2. thats unhelpful. it was a genuine question...
  3. HSB


    Post it!
  4. what did I miss ....what time did you loose and why to make you ponder such a thing?
  5. HSB


    so many phrases in this made me laugh out loud at my computer hahaha but no good. [flash=]
  6. HSB


    my mates car got nicked last night while we were out from downtown Wellington and found 2km away this morning on Oriental Parade....nothing stolen but all her child's stuff was torn up inside (change bag, nappies, xmas presents, blankets etc). honestly what goes through some peoples head...
  7. HSB


    i hate you aaahahah
  8. HSB


    that raises an interesting point - while a "big stick" (bahaha) could likely be construed as a weapon should you have a socket wrench under your seat its unlikely it could be proven that it hadn't "slipped under there" from the back seat unless, ofcouse, you write about it on a forum
  9. HSB


    lies. part 8 of the Order's schedule
  10. HSB


    low lifes live every where - not one country doesn't have crime haha car jacking is section 234 - Crimes Act 1961 http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1961/0043/latest/DLM330250.html?search=sw_096be8ed80fbce21_robbery_25_se&p=1 and possesion of mace is also illegal, section 8 - Arms Order 1984 http://www.legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/1984/0122/latest/whole.html
  11. i so interpreted that as sarcastic
  12. HSB


    wow and wow. has it happened to anyone else on here?
  13. HSB


    if this is a yarn to get out of mssing a dealine then the man's got commitment http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11390262 in all seriousness though, what mongrels
  14. saw E DIRTY station wagon today just as i was mid plasti-dip rage leaving home to go out to porirua in the hopes of weather change out there...haha nupp
  15. OP YOU LIVE IN WELLINGTON>NO EL RECOMMENDAY but seriously if you have a nice UN-WINDY place to do it and can be bothered with all the fiddling. i did my window chrome today, am going to just buy a $50 matte grill off e-bay and save my life due to all the stress those caused me today lmao
  16. had an aneurysm trying to plasti-dip my window chrome in the sh*t hole Wellington wind. honestly. screw everyone else that has normal weather / a garage to do it in. the rage was strong today. here is the result: off to go calm down now. thanks very much to everyone that gave me advice along the way:)
  17. HSB


    dem pre-marinated bbq pork ribs.......wow
  18. HSB


    HAHAHA ...well Nosh only sells chicken sizes 11 through 22, but it is imperative i eat size 24 meat only
  19. HSB

    Caught on camera...

    nice find i always enjoy putting a face to the name:
  20. some many major bahah moments come to mind
  21. HSB

    Caught on camera...

    new story: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11386436 "Then Mr Ellis restricted its [the video] availability after Park 'n Fly director Mohammed Amil said he was considering legal options." wow.
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