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Everything posted by handgrenade

  1. Maybe its more frustration factor and also our cars like to go faster. But I fully agree with you
  2. Nice post ! Well documented. Personally not a fan of t clamps but they are the easiest. Proper solder and heat shrink is best but a lot more work .. Especially if working inside the car !
  3. I have a spare clutch delay delete valve if you're keen. Bought one from the USA only to find I already had one installed along with a braided clutch hose
  4. Thought those nice straight dual carriage ways between akl and Hamilton with centre dividers could do with a higher speed limit...
  5. You can purchase a paint that does that. For your headlights (transparent of course)as tampering with your plates is illegal.Lasers are mainly targeted at plates but headlights are the next go to. Laser gets spammed and results are averaged over x bounced signals to determine Doppler shift so you may have some time to slow down but the speed of the pulses are so fast that you're probably screwed anyway lol
  6. Manukau today .. Some frontal cosmetic damage
  7. I've seen continental cars or likewise dealerships sell new RS Audi's etc with laser jammers hardwired installed lol
  8. There is a fun mod to swap our parking sensors for a 905nm frequency and have it on a trigger circuit .. I don't condone this action though. And if you were to use a jammer only use it in a crowd of cars.
  9. Going by the list of fines that a police offer can give out .. They list operating a device that "interferes" with speed measuring equipment. So I take that as an active system. Detectors are passive ..
  10. But as we all know when speaking to an individual it could be misinformation
  11. It's a grey area. Owning one is legal. Operating one is not.. Never had a cop fine me or comment on it and they have seen it! Oh and careful with those running more that one detector. They are supposed to be passive but they do emit some signal. There are radar detector detectors haha. Mainly used in the states and UK where owning a detector is illegal
  12. My understanding and I could be wrong is that cops riding solo keep the ka detectors running as they can't drive and use it at the same time ? Also I've got a nice little hardwire setup on my x50 which makes it hard to see I have a detector. It's mounted off my rear view mirror and hardwired. Right under my dash cam and on a separate circuit with a switch .. No dangly wires or suction cups which are a dead giveaway to cops or thieves
  13. handgrenade

    330i sport.

    Sigh if I could get rid of two cars and pick this up I would as a daily
  14. K band is used by speed cameras the van ones but they have a very narrow beam and low power and usually point towards things that don't bounce the signal well like concrete barriers. You're lucky if you pick up a van camera k band signal. Otherwise you'll be constantly bothered by normal k band use with automatic doors etc so most people turn it off. Those cams are 22deg offset from the road and very hard to pick up. The only good thing is no demerits if you can afford the ticket fine. Police car radar works on KA band and is a very strong signal. Any decent detector should see it from over 1km away depending on line of sight and the terrain. Rarely used as automatic door openers .. Think maybe the frequency even might be restricted by local authorities. Laser at 905nm is definitely restricted but also high powered so you should see that coming. If you're not in a group of cars when laser alert comes on you're most likely out of luck. If you're worried about laser there are illegal options but will let Google help you with that. PS. I do not condone speeding. Any comments are for info only.
  15. handgrenade

    330i sport.

    Glws.awesome price
  16. Haha thought so too. Many clutch pedal purists here. I am one of them. Then again haven't had much wheel time behind a SMG or DCT to get used to it and comment properly.
  17. Not too bad for the v8! How's the m3? I get a pretty constant 10.2L per 100km from my 3.2L
  18. LEDs can handle PWM pulse with modulation fine. Which is what is used for the dimming of interior lights. No flicker just a gradual fade. If you observe closely enough you may be able to notice the step dim changes but you have to look pretty close.
  19. Nice. Have some slotted front rotors if you're interested. They are here in the country .. Check my for sale thread Sometimes aftermarket rotors can set the car off as being high perf. Plus the slotted ones do provide better braking performance
  20. Culturally its something that some cultures don't find offensive or anything at all. But it is a $ pit and not good for you ..
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