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mzhu031 last won the day on February 11 2020

mzhu031 had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

38 Excellent

1 Follower

About mzhu031

  • Rank
    2nd Gear

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  • Car
    e87 130i manual
  • Car 2
    nc2 MX-5
  • Car 3
    Gf8 sti version 1
  • Race Car
    Nissan Lucino

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  1. Great looking thing ( not the 650), although the pricing is a little high, particularly with the 15 percent fee. I saw one advertised for 12000aud.... Similar ks
  2. Haha figured out the stitching, actually surprisingly easy to fix your self unlike the E36 ones
  3. Wanting to get a set of these to replace my bad ones.... All 4 really. Alternatively, any ideas on if they can be glued back easily? I had the same issues with both my e36s!! Based in Auckland
  4. mzhu031

    135i big brakes

    SORRY guys, brakes are sold as of tonight.
  5. mzhu031

    135i big brakes

    Are the hubs not a direct swap into a E90? Weird
  6. mzhu031

    135i big brakes

    Could also sell the car to go with it! Trying to trim down belongings, don't have time to play with everything!
  7. mzhu031

    135i big brakes

    Been hoarding these, wanted to put them on my 130 but always have too much other stuff to do! I'm sick of dragging them from house to house. 6 pot fronts and 2 pot rears from a 135i. Need the pistons rebuilt ( apparently the stock factory ones are useless). Comes with new matching discs, lines and near new pads. Fits under 18 inch rims. 500 bucks take the lot, must pick up from greenlane.
  8. Are they very different to a e90 in terms of design architecture and reliability?
  9. inside job?? Its a shame, I went to school next door. They always use to have a few interesting things....
  10. Cleaning the garage out and found these! Covers for the front foot well speakers and a battery tray. I think the speaker covers are off my old M3 and the battery cover from an old sedan. Its a small miracle that the covers are fully intact and none of the clips are broken. Free for collection from Greenlane, especially if you bring the car it's going in!
  11. Accord euro wagon, the older ones are better if you were thinking of putting an exhaust on (newer ones the manifold is intergrated). Cant beat a K24 for reliability either... https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/honda/accord/listing/3771558344 There are some white ones too with a bit more ks
  12. Michael grant motors! I remember their yard from when I was at high school.... I can't imagine they are still in business
  13. Ah yes, pretty sure you took it off for a while then put it back on recently Vince? What Ru looking at next
  14. I'll tell my parents to look out for it in palmy! 🤣 Maybe the new owner will turn up here
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