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Everything posted by 5amchris

  1. How did this get to 16 pages without me reading a post?! Um, but yea good luck finding a nice E36 now days for a good price.
  2. http://www.g-power.de/1228.html?&L=1
  3. textastrophe.com Its been over the web in the last couple days but if you didnt see it, Its worth the read Haha
  4. 17K already, TBH I didn't even see it getting that. Can't see a use for one in my life or any of my family members life's. Isn't a large market now that Smartphones are everywhere and that GoPro's are like the iPhone of cell phones (Gotta have the best/Most popular)
  5. Isnt this a members car? EDIT: http://bimmersport.co.nz/topic/45376-fs-1996-328i-coupe-manual/ Build log http://bimmersport.co.nz/topic/43960-matts-e36/#entry480942
  6. No joke, Not even a movie but Webbers last F1 race today made me wanna cry.
  7. This is Yongxi's old car. Would be a sweet car is anyone was looking for 100KG's of bog.
  8. PS3 / PC GamerTag: Knob Gobla Games: PS3 - GT5 GT6 GTA V PC - BF3 CSS and like every Racing game
  9. Sex on wheels if its stolen you should check my driveway.
  10. I always thought he owned Monster and DC Shoes, Seems Monster is just a great sponser and DC shoes he created and sold a few years ago for 160M and they still work together.
  11. Dislike, The first 2-3 were good but this just seems boring. But it does look like it was one run (no other skid marks)
  12. 5amchris

    Ken Box

  13. 5amchris

    Ken Box

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKOaF7esBFY&t=104 Thought this was pretty cool.
  14. Pretty sure they were going to do a second run but the price was like 2x it was last time so didnt go anywhere.
  15. 5amchris

    My new hobby?

    Wow that looks pretty sweet!
  16. If anyone isn't watching I would say click that link and enjoy the last 15 laps, This is going to be a good race.
  17. Tried to look around for a stream for you but couldn't find anything sorry.
  18. Its a public forum Btw he can read it if he wanted to. And crunchy is the mastermind behind some crazy builds. Age is experience.
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