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Everything posted by M5V8

  1. M5V8

    decatting the M5

    cheers julian. you didn't have post cat 02 sensors tho? can anyone comment on the OBC err side? will it just throw low level codes or is there a possibility of engine check light. I wont bother if there's a chance of issues.
  2. forgive if we have covered this before... i'm thinking about decat - in the M5. Just remove and replace with straight pipes. I'm okay with the rest of the system, rear cans have already been replaced. Leaving the sensors in so not to produce any OBC errors I have spaced out the post cat 02's before I go ahead... any pro's / con's I haven't considered? Seems plenty have done this before with good power / sound improvements.
  3. OMGshaker run. Man that was a epic NZ road racing flick. anyone got a copy?
  4. i recently saw FF6 at the cinema. The theater cracked up laughing with some of the 'action'
  5. says it all.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronin_(film) While he was aware of the many innovations in digital special effects since then, he elected to film all these sequences live, to obtain the maximum level of authenticity. To further this, many of the high-speed shots have the actual actors in the cars. Skipp Sudduth did nearly all of his own driving, while other cars were right hand drive models with stunt drivers driving - crashes were handled by a stuntman. To lend additional authenticity, the sound recordist re-recorded many of the vehicles in the chases to ensure that during the editing, the right sounds were dubbed in for each vehicle
  6. very nice. I like the BBS, manual, black & 2.8 combo should go well. welcome.
  7. I do appreciate everyone's input. And I did use some of your feedback in my responses to the company owner so I am very grateful to all those whom piped up here. Interesting it sparked such a passionate conversation.
  8. thanks for the very kind offer dave, but a few hundred dollars to make this go away at this point is worth the reduction in stress.
  9. keep inmind if you have to paint them white, something sticking that far out it's only a matter of time before its scratched and looks like sh*t.
  10. oh I will be! he said it's done, it's still not in my account but since it's a credit card refund I know it can take a couple of days so I'll be patient. If it's not there by, say early next week I'd say he's def not lived up to his end.
  11. woooah. I've never done a full inspection 2 as I choose to do alot of the work myself to ensure I get the best parts but i'd say more $1000 than $2k. inspection 1 cost me $400 last time if I remember. Anyone done one recently that can confirm?
  12. thanks team We have come at an agreement to share the cost of the repair. I now await a refund. Whilst I'm obviously not thrilled with the outcome, I don't relish the thought of heading to court nor is that outcome assured. Bird in the hand and all. Of course if the refund doesn't happen I have no choice.
  13. I didn't sign anything it was booked over the phone.
  14. no i didn't admit anything. I said it i didn't believe we did anything wrong but it would be easier to sort it this way than through the court.
  15. oh I've already started with the trip adviser reviews because we actively use that site. which is where I should have looked before renting, there's alot of people with similar experiences from the island along with calls for fair go to intervene. if I spent 2mins searching i would have found the "stay away from waiheke rentals" pages. i'm kicking myself now. should have gone with an organised tour.
  16. cheers.... yeah I guess us country folk are alittle more trusting. I won't be renting from anyone other than recognised firms in future whom use modern cars. Sh1t thing is this was a present from the wife. We have had a stressful year with alot of cr*p happening and she just wanted to get away. Well if he refuses then I'm all in.
  17. well i'm not unreasonable. But i also dont believe we did anything wrong. The wife reckons the crack was there when we got it. I certainly saw it first thing sat morning. I can't really say. The owner has stated that there's a special way to stow the hood which prevents this cracking. He just didn't tell us at the time. Leading me to wonder if this is bull. He's certainly trying to cover his tracks now. Personally. I think this hasn't been an issue for him before so he never mentioned anything. I also think he hasn't rented the car at this time of the year recently which from what I have read makes the window more brittle. It was pretty cold but we hired a convertible for a reason. I think the age of the roof and the cold temp caused it to crack during normal operation. I bet it was probably fine during summer when it was last hired. He's got an offer. Lets see how reasonable he will be. $700 for a new hood....the car seriously wasn't worth $700. It was well trashed and smelt like wee.
  18. ok so i've emailed him back and offered to pay for half the actual repair cost. Not the inflated $400 his stated as the cost to "remove & replace"
  19. sorry I think that's abit wrong and not really funny. Seriously whom bothered to take the time to register these.
  20. interesting.... I've requested a dispute form from the bank, but i'm pretty sure they only reverse if the other party can't prove it was a legitimate purchase. ie- they never did business with them. This is different. I did hire the car. why? it was the only convertible left as the BMW had been hired. I like convertibles. It was nice cruising around the wineries with the top down.
  21. he's charged my debit card so already took the money before he called me. And no there wasn't a walkaround. I guess I'm the naive sucker there. I was flying up from wtgn friday night so we were on the last ferry as my flight was delayed in wtgn. It was pitch black when we arrived. They just left the car in the carpark. Keys under the matt. The whole car is pretty f**ked to be honest. But the brakes worked and didn't kill us. When he rang me he said the damage was from not folding the roof down correctly. Yet he didn't advise us of any special conditions around this. Then yesterday I noticed he's updated his website with them. Which makes me think he's a shifty b*stard. I have a printout of the website before the change.
  22. So last weekend I rented a mx5 on Waiheke island. We picked the car up late, in the dark as our ferry was the last to the island. Had a lovely weekend and dropped the car back on our way home. So I get a nasty phone call from the rental company owner come monday saying I didn't fold the top down properly and the window is cracked. Now this is a 24 year old mx5. I noticed a crack in the window first thing sat morning, basically in the daylight. We folded down the roof like any normal person would. He's now claiming there's a special way to do it, which he didn't bother to tell us. And has charged me $700 to buy a whole new roof. Looking at tripadvisor I'm seeing alot of complaints like this about errant charges for damage from operators. besides taking him to court to dispute the charge what else can i do?
  23. nice. how much did that set you back?
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