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Everything posted by M5V8

  1. M5V8

    Benz E63 AMG

    Swap them between your cars? they are plug & play
  2. M5V8

    Benz E63 AMG

    only ever regularly used 98 as do most owners (hopefully). I have run on 95 when i was stuck in the middle of nowhere. the car just felt alittle lethargic but nothing else. No gull down here, but wouldn't use as it's the ethanol in the fuel that degrades the fuel system. My head unit / stereo all works fine. PM me if I can assist in anyway. Also have installed DICE & hardwired my V1. Easy DIY. My shortshift is alittle stiff when cold but it's fine when upto temp. (BTW - there is same colour "M5" in wtgn, but it's a fake - 525i with M5 running gear from a wreaked car. It was getting some work done at the shop I used for my racecar so I had a nosy.............cracks in the sump had been glued up and had started leaking)
  3. M5V8

    Benz E63 AMG

    RESULT!! congrats man. i hope you get many years of fun out of her.
  4. whatever the thoughts. This is an awesome bit of kit for an unbelievable price. Anyone serious would be crazy to let the auction run it's course. Guaranteed to sell. Someone's getting al bargin. Get in there. And that colour is both rare & looks awesome IMO
  5. I dunno it seems too good at that price....
  6. M5V8


  7. http://www.stuff.co.nz/motoring/videos/917...-car-in-protest
  8. i run the AXXIS on my M5. similar if not better than OEM performance without the dust. wont run anything else now.
  9. at least you recognised the scam before becoming a victim. unfortunately we see cases where they sent the $. Even some where when presented with the evidence they still refused to believe us and wanted to contact the scammer again. note: we are seeing this more and more from Asia. So don't think these only come from Nigeria!
  10. I see these all the time in my line of work. very common scam. All they are after is the $ for the shipping. Either the $ is stolen from someone else or the paypal email is a fraud too. You are either left out of pocket for the shipping fee in expectation of the full amount or get left holding the bag if they actually do transfer the $ as it's stolen. I got physically sent a bank cheque for a trademe listing a few years back. It was 'sent' from the same bank I work for. Idiots.
  11. three bmw's. first green, then blue, now black. I'm a contradiction, but still rate up there. what bollocks. written by a bunch of tree hugging 70km/hr driving KIA owners know doubt. God I hate them. Just get the F out of my way.
  12. Me too!!! I had a greyish silver one. NZ model. Went like a cut cat back in the day. Only crashed it once into the back of a 4x4. Except I had like 4 sets of rally spotlights strapped to the front of mine. I lost $2k's worth of spotlights in that accident!!
  13. of course there's always this classic one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPBrxnOi9BE
  14. I'm more than happy to fly the e39 flag and take punters for a run in mine. I've been privileged to have driven and been driven in alot of very whiz bang cars and I still rate the e39 M5 up there. Simplicity aligned with excellent dynamics provides a reassuring ride. This is a car that you can run too hot into a corner and with some mid corner adjustments come out the other side like you didn't just f**k everything up with a misjudgement. Visceral, engaging, manual. I've owned two now. I really can't think of what I'd replace it with.
  15. if memory serves this sat on trademe for years awhile back. dropping price all along the way. for the exact reasons above. maybe gold to someone. but to most i'd say they ruined what probably was a nice M3
  16. i'd be happy to line up for a comparison anytime Julian. Looser buys beers.
  17. I think there are a few e39 M5 owners like me out there. The car for fills our needs. I don't like the E60 at all. I can't afford a F10. yet. So I'm happy to potter around. The e39 M5 gets great gas milage, still looks good and It's fast enough.
  18. also type of milage. Although harder to prove. I'd rather a 100k car that spent most of those 100k's on the open road than a 40k car that's clocked up those km in a city. there's alot more cold starts in the 40k car.
  19. welcome! always good to have another Wtgn member.
  20. CLOSED roads. with permission. my a$$... cool watch.
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