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Everything posted by Tristan

  1. I've seen these intakes around that boast performance increases like 10-14lbs torque and 10+ horsepower etc. Are these figures reliable and if I'm to get one what should I be buying?
  2. Got plans for it? Looks good though.
  3. Hi! Car looks mean, love the wheels. More pics
  4. Spotted somebodys E30, I can never remember the plate.. Parked up in Parnell down that dead-end road. Was looking at an apartment down the end.
  5. Saw it parked outside TMC lookin' lonely waiting for parts
  6. I drive everywhere with my front plate (back doesn't fit) - Black with raw text, Euro logo.
  7. That is their Taranaki branch although I'm sure if you wanted them Jono would be able to get them.
  8. Change intake? Headers? Exhaust? Plenty of guru's on here who I'm sure will chip in.
  9. Saw BYF100 again on Ponsonby Rd. today. Looked sharp as always.
  10. Welcome. Nice car with low mileage. Another couple of good mods would be clear front and back lights and also black front grilles Enjoy your stay.
  11. Naa, a mate wants one for her car so I thought I'd post an ad here to see if anyone had one.
  12. Just by chance does anybody have any Golf armrests for between the front seats?
  13. Nice towels. Oh and the cars nice too
  14. I had the pixel death as well, could barely read my mileage. One of the conditions of purchase on my car was that the importer would sort it and it was a real quick job. Think it was in the $3-400 mark but cant be sure.
  15. Tristan

    Matts e30 Touring

    That... Is.. Legit.
  16. Welcome! The car looks great! I drive an e39 2001 530msport as well. Awesome cars and there are quite a few e39 owners here so you'll never be short of help! Enjoy ur stay
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