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Everything posted by westy

  1. Red wine. House must be empty, otherwise it only lasts 10 mins.
  2. westy

    Quick Questions

    Only if you use non stock parts and/or have the driveshaft lengthened.
  3. westy

    E30 M54B30 OBD1

    I'll be watching this. Is that dash flocked?? Looks really good.
  4. It's a forum man, thats what we do.
  5. Nice simple frame. Should be good 'n' strong.
  6. Thats the clause I was thinking of when I said talk to your certifier. Pretty sure a 2002 qualifies.
  7. NZ new so I doubt there'll be any problem with the trans.
  8. Have you spoken to a certifier yet??? Mark Stokes has been recommended to me by a couple of people. 0274522276. I think, if you can convince them that ya car wasn't fitted, with or designed for, a cat, then you might be all good.
  9. You have to pay for a code in Aus?? That sux
  10. Well thats usually how it works...
  11. Pinto. But seriously... keen to see the action.
  12. westy

    New Job

    Do they know you made a meal of that diff rebuild? Jokes, congrates fella.
  13. Is it any wonder proper experts dont hang around on forums.
  14. Funny you should say that....
  15. westy

    NZ New E34 540is.

    Hell of a car. Good luck.
  16. westy

    HB Martyn

    HB big fella ha.
  17. HB fella. Hows that welding coming??
  18. And the Clipsal race 2 was badass. 280000 people through the gates in a weekend. Unpopular??
  19. Good move. Coming along nicely
  20. RS740. Could you get any more similar??
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