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Everything posted by shadowninja

  1. Cunning way to avoid being wheel clamped?
  2. I have a friend who owns a classic 2002... it spends on average 2 days on the road for each 3-months off the road getting repairs. IMHO, stay away.
  3. shadowninja

    Forked BMW

    Possibly old... but still good.
  4. Nah I disagree with that. For example I dislike pretty much the entire Country-Western thing, with the exceptions being country-blues. Its just a matter of personal taste.Oh and U2 are not a "top 40" band ... unless you are talking in terms of succesful years. They're like the Rolling Stones, still rockin decades on whereas an 'artist' like Kayne will be gone in 5 years, another fad gone. There are two major Katrina scandals: 1. Lack of early intervention in both aid & evacuation 2. Serious depletion of funding for the upkeep of the levies & draining of surrounding swampland that would have substantially reduced the effects of the storm. So yes there is a great deal that could have been done about Katrina! (but blaming it all on bush is just plain dumb)
  5. I'm not big on rap & hip hop, it just seems bizzare to have that kind of backup band to lead U2. Would have been better to put a kiwi band on stage. I missed out on the Friday 17th concert, but got A-reserve tickets to Saturday 18th. The fools who queued up for 2 days... it took me 20 minutes refreshing the website to get tickets from the comfort of my office.
  6. They are putting Kanye West as the backup to U2?? What gives... putting a rapper up next to U2 Anyone else going?
  7. kiwi535, thats what I did with both of my last cars. The only question you have to ask yourself sometimes is "Why is this car for sale with only 1 owner & 7,000km on the clock" Nobody wants a 6 month old lemon!
  8. Yeah but Jazz then you would be driving the SAME CAR for 20-30 years. How boring is that??? Edit: Case of good buying. Bought a 2000 model Nissan 200SX (S15, 2.0T) $31,500 in 2001 (brand new version was $45K) Traded it for $27K after 2 years & 40,000km later. (and no I didn't get burned on the purchase vehicle either).
  9. I was just wondering what Martyyn was doing up there...
  10. My gawd we are one big bunch of skinny white guys (no offence Dave)
  11. How bout this one I found in Oz. It was frickin huge!
  12. That bites man, hope the insurance pulls through for you. That looks like Jville-Churton Park?
  13. My gawd does that woman need a reality check or what??? [PS I want that 5 minutes of my life back]
  14. shadowninja

    gus is FUH RAZE

    Not quite the stig... :pimp:
  15. I was pleasantly surprised by the 1-er too. Apparently the 116, 118 & 120 share the same engine, its just different ECU settings for the valvetronic that changes the power output.
  16. shadowninja


    We have it for conference calling, though only really works for 3. Connecting over the web is free vs actually calling other phones.
  17. E46, better than the E90 too IMHO. Hey, when swapping tyres today the local dealer gave me a new 118i as a loan car, anyone else driven one?
  18. Glad to hear he's ok. Yeah the insurance company won't be very keen to cover him for another performance car after doing that, especially in a single vehicle accident.
  19. I don't notice it quite so much until I test-drive other cars. EG- when I was test driving the new Golf GTi people were letting me in left right & centre, giving way to me even when they didn't have to. I never get that in my bimmer.
  20. Rent "Supersize Me" on DVD. Will change the way you look at Mackers forever. :puke:
  21. Imagine the sound of 25 M5's tearing it up. Like F1 but sexier.
  22. shadowninja

    Bunny Suicides

    Yeah I've flicked through the 2 books at Whitcoulls, funny but not worth spending that kinda money on.
  23. What do you mean by "work"?? Isn't working to pay for your mistakes a good thing?
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