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Sick Puppy

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Everything posted by Sick Puppy

  1. lol at the idea of being able to get a good condition 325 for about $1500... if only it were true for NZ!
  2. Ah! Cheers for that!
  3. Darn it, the links aren't working!
  4. Sick Puppy

    e34 540

    That is an awesome looking car!! Good luck with the sale- I just love these in white (though I still want the 535 manuals on trademe at the mo)
  5. Hang on, here's another one: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C....htm?key=826144 Less K's and a better price too... man, I wish I had some $ right now! I mean, two at once?! What are the odds!
  6. ROFL these are awesome- best kitty pics I've seen! Keep 'em coming!
  7. Ha, I thought I recognised this car- he pipped me to it! lol Looks like a good job on the repair, but still too much- a white one went last year for $9k and it had done only 110km... even after the bushes work, still $2-3k too much...
  8. Would be funnier if he got all shitty and decided to hold you to the deal! Hell, I'd chip in just to grab the poor thing and put it back to stock! (truth be told I could do with the experience) lol We could post the project pics on Bimmersport and everything!
  9. [clicks on link] [Checks pictures] [refuses to believe his eyes, scrolls through them again] [can't talk- speechless]
  10. I would say $2k since it's Auto... manual would get more... good cars, go for ever, assuming you keep the oil changes up! www.toyspeed.org.nz might give you a better idea though...
  11. Yeah, I remember there was something about this on Fair Go a few years back- guy purchased an E36 from a dealer with aftermarket speakers in, it fails Wof, dealer not interested... didn't realise that it was all BMW sedans though, so will bear that in mind for my next purchase (which I'm pretty sure will be a Beemer ) Cheers Glenn!
  12. Sick Puppy


    Nice one!For the love of God, STICKY! lol
  13. Yup, original wheels before they bought out the Shurikens everyone knows and loves... ironically enough they apparently duct more air to the brakes than the shurikens do...
  14. Dammit, photobucket bandwidth exceeded!
  15. About the only mod I would keep would be the front spoiler (after repairing it)- wheels too jappa, side skirts don't seem to go with the front lip, the rear lights just look wrong- makes it look like a toymitonda from the 80s, and as for the exhaust... Don't get me wrong, I like Jappas- I drive a Curren, with a kit and mags, but Bimmers have a look of their own that just doesn't fit that template... Dunno, must be getting old and cranky I guess! Having said that, the car itself is a looker, can't see any dents and it looks tidy... I can't say I like the speakers sticking out behind the back seat, but hey, if it works, and knowing the state of my speakers I can't say much! lol
  16. I'm seriously thinking this should be a sticky, posts like this come up every few months, and I know I posted in a few of them! lol
  17. To the OP, thanks heaps for doing this- I was meaning to do this when I had more cash and was able to actually afford one, but this gives me some reading to do and stuff to look forward to in the meantime! Of course, I was going to originally ask about the chances of taking a stock 535 and add the M-sport goodies to it, but I figure it's just too bloody difficult, and besides, I would rather have an original! Now if I can just get the tools first, all will be right with the world...
  18. [holds up hand] Please sir, what is the difference between an M325i and a 325i with all the options? lol Seriously, I am curious so will probably search at some point, but if someone would be so kind, bullet points will suffice!By the way, the mags in the third picture on bottom left took first place easily for me- the M3's were overdone in my opinion, but the third one (it's in NZ isn't it?) just looks awesome... makes me want a 325!
  19. Looks great- put it on my watchlist over the weekend as I well, like looking at it Be nice if it was a four door though... [continues saving up for a M535/535iS]
  20. Nice one man, that's an awesome looking car! Wishing I had $12k for the gold AC Schnitzer 7 series on Trademe at the mo... oh well!
  21. [looks at wiring] In the words of Gangster Number One: "You have got to be f***ing joking!" Damn, I wouldn't even know where to start...
  22. Sick Puppy


    I must have seen this in the Toyspeed forum, but damn, still enjoy seeing those cars!
  23. I like the White one, but $80k?! Jeez...
  24. Well, since you don't want it... [checks pockets. realises he has no cash] Seriously, that is a tidy looking car- I always did like those Sapphire Cosworths...
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