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Sick Puppy

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Everything posted by Sick Puppy

  1. Yeah, I've been doing the same as I'm pretty sure I'll be doing the same soon! Hope the replacement goes well!
  2. What he said- Malcolm/Mac4, you've checked it out, you've seen the same pillar & body damage I have- I'm sure you'd have seen the rust on the A pillar/ mirror mounts/ sunroof too... now, I can either try and repair all the rust you can see for the $3k or so you mention (and that doesn't include the rust you can't), or I can strip the chassis and freshen up the running gear as I remove it to place into a second one- no welding/ chop shopped vin numbers/ LVV required. What would I rather spend $3k+ on? Getting numbers to match for a soon to be classic car that by that point's been structurally repaired at least twice, or on another manual shell, with a suspension rebuild, new brakes etc.? Be honest, which would you rather drive? I must confess I am curious as to what you mean re: critical chassis dimensions though. I also must confess that I love your offer of $1k now, considering you bid up to $1560 in the original auction, indicating you were prepared to pay that much at the time, but not now? Fact is either I remove the bolt on bits to use myself a la Sick Puppy's new project, or I have other plans for the car that don't involve TM, but do involve me not losing any money (at all).
  3. Brenthartge535 (brent) and BMW weapon aka topkat (Marty) for used (there are others but I cant remember them lol), Hell BM for new; either way you may need the brake cylinders too...
  4. And so it begins, since I'm both stubborn and stupid enough to give it a crack, I'm going to see about a transplant. If anyone needs me, I'll be lining up ducks...
  5. No thanks, I know I'll get more than that on Trademe- thanks for your 'offer' anyway
  6. Cheers Rxsumo, I'll give them a call. Ironically enough, it was seeing your E34 for sale a few years ago that set my heart on getting one. They are great cars, I really hope I can get this one back on the road- or at least the go faster bits anyway! lol
  7. Alrighty then, the body is definitely stuffed, which leaves me with either transplant or back on trademe- anyone want some 535 motorsport parts? lol I'll link up the worst of the pics tomorrow, if only to show that E34's really can rust like a mofo... I reckon it's not worth salvaging. The problem I've got with doing a transplant, is that the magic words of space, budget, tools and know how are things I don't have enough of yet! While I realise I have to be realistic about my chances, I really don't want to give up on this yet... Has anyone done a total running gear swap over before? How long would it take to transfer the LSD/ trasmission/ engine/ wiring loom/ suspension as well as the interior from this car into another shell? What was the process used? e.g. which bits first, etc? I've had verbal quotes of $3-4k from a few of the BMW mechanics in town, I take it this is realistic? Would a wiring loom from one 5 series fit straight into another? (e.g. 535 into a another 6 cyl. like 525 or 535) I remember that touring models have different looms to sedans, and somehow I doubt I could getaway with just swapping the ECU... Any suggestions for looking for a 5 series shell (or one with broken engine) in the Wellington area? I'm figuring the wreckers yards, any other places? Thanks in advance for the advice everyone!
  8. Now that is a nice car [drools]...
  9. Thanks Blakamin, appreciated! Unfortunately it is, erm, not good. I'm not going to even attempt repairing the body, as there is rust from front to back, and there is probably more to come. I went for this as I've wanted a 535 for some time, I love a project (within reason!), and it went perfectly with my need for something safe to transport a family around. Pity as it's a HD12...I'm thinking right now it will be a donor car- the running gear looks alright, as does the interior (bar the door cards- poked) and the electrics work too. Looking at getting a shell and doing a transplant.
  10. I know you do- you're on my PM lists for parts, once I see the car. Thanks for the transporter no. BTW, the car is black!
  11. Hi everyone, I've done something that is either a brilliant move or very, very stupid. I won an auction for a 535 sport with the intention of repairing it and putting it back on the road. This is going to be my first Beemer, I’ve always wanted a 535, and some advice would be good right about now please. I'm off tomorrow to check out how smart/ dumb I've been, and will have the ViN No and some pics. Immediate issues are: *It has been deregistered; *It failed a warrant of fitness on a broken headlight aligner and holed exhaust; *It has rust in the front panel, passenger C pillar and passenger side rear wheel arch, amongst other places. Don’t know how major this is, although E34’s don’t tend to have rust problems [crosses fingers]; *It hasn't moved any significant distance in about a year; *Oh, and did I mention I bought it without checking it over? I figured for $1500... Right now, I know I definitely need: Transporter- since it's deregistered, it will need to be transported from Kapiti to Wellie to get recomplianced & re-WoF'd. Are there any good transporters in the Wellie area? I've checked this thread, any other recommendations? http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....showtopic=13239 Compliance check- It's dereg'ed, so needs to be re-vinned. I spoke to the mechanic I use (Brendons of Wellington), and he says he always gets headaches from both the AA and VTNZ. Does anyone have any experience with one or both of these outfits? Any recommendations of one over the other? Mechanic- Brendons have put me right re: revinning etc, and so long as I source the parts, it shouldn't be a problem. I'll need: *Check of car in general- engine, transmission/ LSD, brakes, steering & suspension, rust; *full service- replacement of all filters and fluids, possibly radiator hoses too, checking over bushes/ brakes/ steering and suspension as well as required WoF/ compliance repairs; I’ll have a better idea once I check it out tomorrow. Anything major about E34’s I should look for right now? Parts- PM's will be on their way to the usual suspects! Panelbeater- Replacement of front panel/ grille holder, check rust in other areas; Any good panel beaters in the Wellie area? I’ve checked: http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index.php?showtopic=4670 http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....showtopic=11202 http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....showtopic=20391 I’ve been using the search function, but things change, places open and close, get better or worse, hence my asking about these points again. Also, I’m a bit of a planner (much to my wife’s annoyance), and want to get the logistics sorted out before I jump in. Any assistance Bimmersporters can provide me would be much appreciated- thank you!
  12. So do I, so you can imagine my surprise when she let me buy a doer-upper tonight! I'm still pinching myself...
  13. Cheers for that, will bear this in mind since I'm soon going to be in the market for an E30 Sedan/ Touring...!
  14. Yes, but earlier in this thread someone (I forget who) said that they had to get holes drilled to fit... I just figured $50 for an hours work of someone at an engineering firm drilling to fit. Edit:[i/]Here we go:
  15. Yes, but then your insurance premiums go up, and for E30s, the cost of repairs comes perilously close to write off point... or, for the aforementioned link (http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-215669072.htm), you could pay $21, get it installed for another $50 and not worry about it. Plus the fact that Insurance companies can be a PITA to deal with...
  16. lol, here are those pictures- These auctions finish 10pm tomorrow!
  17. Sold both for $16 Hi everyone, we've moved to a smaller flat, so some stuff has to go! For sale at the mo is a three seater couch and a table, both at $1 reserve. Couch Well, it's blue, seats three, and well, that's it really! It does have a tear in the foam underneath it, but otherwise it's in okay condition. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Loung...n-202204449.htm Table It is wood with a laminated top, and pretty sturdy. The board underneath on one side has been cut away so that you can sit underneath it (only took me a year to figure this out lol). The legs need a bit of a sand and some TLC in general, but if I had the space I'd keep it. Since I don't, it's gotta go! http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Loung...n-202200669.htm Pictures to come soon. Cheers everyone!
  18. I was going... and then I wasn't Oh well, I need to save money anyway!
  19. Sick Puppy


    There was a guy in the states who was puting a RB26DETT into an E30, but his build stalled a long time back... it was going to cost an awful lot of dough, and a lot cutting- the firewall, etc... http://www.lotustalk.com/forums/f152/1986-bmw-326rb-32022/
  20. I wish- mine was $15 a week, and the only thing it covered was the loan. ASB wouldn't budge, so I changed.
  21. PSIS are pretty good, pretty competitive rates and unlike ASB they don't require loan insurance- means your entire loan payment goes towards the loan
  22. do a search man, there was a guy on here only a few months ago who did the repair himself- good luck!
  23. you could give Andrew Hollywood Motors in Corunna Bay (06-835 4539)- he specialises in BMW's, and I used to go to him with my car- they're a good outfit.
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