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Sick Puppy

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Everything posted by Sick Puppy

  1. Check Jaycar- they had a Ctek charger lookalike on special a few weeks back, otherwise you can get one off of eBay for about $100NZ... just sayin'
  2. It's like a whole bunch of people who registered their cars as hearses a few years back- the LTSA cottoned onto it and were less than impressed- the 'F' word was used a fair bit...
  3. Oh, I know believe me- I have other priorities at the moment, and a wife that would kill me! lol Cheers though, it's all going onto a list that I'll be whittling away at over the next year in relation to my coming project.
  4. Nice one! Good luck with getting them... now if someone can find me a set of throwing stars/ turbines... ooh, and a unicorn's horn lol
  5. Oh man, I wasn't a fan of Mtech 1 kits until tonight! The white one at the beginning is AWESOME! But yeah, give me a 325 coupe/ sedan/ touring and I'll be happy, Mtech1 or 2! Did I mention I love E30's? (and Yet I have an E34 awaiting reshelling and restoration... [sigh] lol)
  6. Cheers- will get them to replace it and cross their fingers
  7. Bump- forgotten about this! lol So, can anyone tell me where the indicator relay is so my friends can check it please? Ooh, and how do they test it? [sigh] I'm such a n00b lol Also, is there anything else they should consider? Cheers!
  8. No, doesn't need to meet import standards- LTSA have compliance standards to make sure it's safe to be on the road, and apparently the compliance crews are pretty strict. I take it it's been a year since the registration's lapsed? Do a search for Compliancing- there's more about it on this site.
  9. I haven't- I'm in Wellie while my friend & her car are in Hawke's Bay. Where would the relay be located please- is there more than one? From the searches I did in the BS website, do you mean what Hotwire describes in this thread as a 'flasher unit'? http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....showtopic=18114 I've looked through my E34 Bentley Manual and I can't see one for my car either other than a hazard flasher relay. Thanks guys, keep the advice coming!
  10. It's all of them- and thanks for putting me right, as I for some reason thought it was just the front one (no idea why lol). That pretty much precludes the bulb theory I guess... any ideas?
  11. HI everyone, A friend of mine has a 1994 BMW E36 318i. It has recently developed a problem in that the front left indicator works when the car has first started, but then ceases working once the car is warm. Makes turning left problematic, especially when you have a police car behind you! lol She purchased a BMW E36 indicator/ wiper arm as she figured the old one was broken (her toddler has been found playing with the car controls- not while she was driving! lol); this replacement however did not resolve the problem. Right, I’m figuring either dud bulbs/fuses, loose connections or a broken relay/flasher unit somewhere. I've done a search of this site, and to eliminate a few of the obvious causes, requested that she: 1. Check the indicator bulbs and make sure the contacts at the back aren’t too worn, and then swap them round, just to make sure it isn’t the bulbs. If these show any signs of wear, replace both of them; 2. (Assuming it isn’t the bulbs), check the fuses- unlikely given it’s one side, but worth checking anyway. Swap one around with the one that does the indicators/ lights, and if any problems, replace. 3. Start the car, but just leave stationary and let it warm up. Once it has done so, check the indicators again- is the left one still buggered? Just in case it’s a vibration/ loose connection; 4. erm… [goes off to look for the E34 maintenance manual I’ve just realised I’ve got] Anyhoo, has anyone come across this before, alternatively does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks everyone!
  12. lol I got this on Friday, and my friend got a similar but different one... and this one had more still! It's like the ultimate pass it on message...
  13. Beam-er sport- TBH I was kinda surprised when I first found this forum that it was spelt 'Bimmersport'...
  14. Nah, what Glenn says- where head bolts are concerned, use new ones - period.
  15. Bugger! Sorry man, I'm out this time- when I said saving up for it in the other thread, it's 'cos I have a little one on the way , so projects on hold at the mo. Having said that, project kicks off again in March, so I'll definitely be in the running then!
  16. My 2c... To keep the peace, prepare for war- make a list of the things they've tried to do in a work diary. While you've been requested to attend a meeting off-site, who is it with? Your manager may not want to discuss it any further, but you have a right to know who you'll be meeting with and what about exactly- I recommend you request a bit more detail about this meeting (assuming you haven't already). A friend of mine had an employment dispute in her first week as a manager (deputy manager wanted her job and wasn't happy about not getting it), and pretty much half the head office flew down to 'sort' it- not a nice time for her. While I'd like to think your meeting will be amicable and reasonable, it only takes one arsey manager, backed up by a flash lawyer and a area manager with no idea about the law to ruin your day... just sayin'. Try not to stress, keep your head about you, and have a read over your contract and relevant legislation before the meeting and you should be fine. You seem pretty reasonable about this, and so long as you convey that during the meeting, they should be able to use some common sense (hopefully! lol)- but don't let it become a battle of wills or an argument. If you think it will be one of 'those' meetings, I'd suggest taking in a tape/digital recorder and request it be recorded- they could say no, but the fact you asked would normally make people sit up and mind their P's and Q's a bit more (don't forget to provide them with a copy if they do though). Regardless of whether you use a recorder or not, take notes. However, if you're really bricking it or think the knives are out, you could consider taking legal representatives with you, although that's overkill at the mo IMO. Try not to dwell on this- they're being w@nkers and your feeling like crap is pretty much how they want you to feel. Good luck!
  17. Alternatively you could just call the Police... or maybe having just seen Lie to Me I'm reading too much into this
  18. Don't suppose there's anything on the horizon for E34 M30B35 engine?
  19. She should consider herself lucky... I remember a story from years ago in the UK- kid in Germany was being a speed freak, so his dad had the Golf GTI crushed...
  20. Wish I was in Auckland, he'd have a reshell job before he knew it lol
  21. Sorry man, it's been a long day, but I cannot see from this who you ordered from? Cheers
  22. it's a firefox problem- pretty much removed all of my cookies when it upgraded to 3.5, and seems to be a widespread problem. This helped for me- basically have to find a cookies file and delete it: http://support.mozilla.com/tiki-view_forum...mentStyle_plain Need this to find profile: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_folder_-..._profile_folder It might work...
  23. For general word processing and basic internet usage, a netbook should be fine- a few things to bear in mind however: 1. It's smaller than a laptop. Okay, so what? Well, have you tried typing on one? If you will be spending a fiar amount of time typing on a small keyboard, it could be a PITA. Just a thought... 2. Not all Eee-PC's came with Linux.
  24. +1, especially with the throwing star wheels/ M-parallels and clear/white indicators and rear lights.
  25. Nice wheels there! Now if I could find a set of those for my E34 (or even a set of throwing stars...!)...[starts saving]
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