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Sick Puppy

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Everything posted by Sick Puppy

  1. Sick Puppy

    I want to weep!

    I hope that JPS doesn't mean it was the same kind of sixer that some guy is wanting about $50k for on Tardme at the mo... what a waste, and what a mess of the interior! Still, rip out the engine and exhaust, give it a bit of a tidy up... could look pretty good in the right hands...
  2. Sick Puppy

    Wellington 7s

    Tickets I wanted: 5 Tickets I got: 0 Pants. Tickets I want: 5... category B
  3. One would wonder if it was possible to just make an offer on some of those cars, especially if they are just sitting there rotting... it's not like he'd care about resale price now, would he?
  4. Your Beemer in your signature looks great!

  5. Having never been involved with rental properties, is it worth having a look at their current setup, and why they are moving? Tidy and ordered setup being better than a mess for the first part, and things like accessibility/ expansion for the second? Just another way of checking what they're like I guess, as well as talking with them... bear in mind also that a struck off company doesn't necessarily mean much, bar that it's ceased trading- there are a whole heap of reasons why a company gets struck off, some being legit, others dodgy... just sayin'.
  6. So just wondering, but how did it go?
  7. Just seen the movie tonight- omfg, what can I say- IT WAS AWESOME!!! I have waited for years to see this, and it was worth it!!!
  8. Hey everyone, thanks heaps for the replies! Another long post I’m afraid, but then I’ve been shopping and reading... Bravo, thanks for the list of stuff to get- certainly makes my writing a list much easier (and by easier, I mean I’m using yours! Lol). I went to Waitemata Hydraulics in Auckland (was up there for a volleyball tournie) and they reckoned their tool rep had seen a study/ experiment result showing that the King Tony stuff failed only a few hundred RPM under Koken in some test or other (whatever that meant), with Powerbuilt faaar behind, so the King Tony stuff looks really good value for money. I am inclined to go for the King Tony stuff at the mo, but Koken feels that bit better- worth the $100+ more though? I must admit I’ve only seen limited ranges of the Teng and Facom gear, but here aren’t that many retailers around selling it, and they don’t have that much in the way of sets... Powerbuilt stuff looks alright, but first impressions count- The King Tony ratchets felt and sounded good, the Koken ratchets felt better, but in comparison the Powerbuilt one felt and sounded tinny, and the selector lever was really loose, which didn't reassure me about it lasting- generally when stuff like that moves around, it isn't designed to stay long in this world! lol I guess I’ll stick with King Tony and Koken stuff, though I must say I’m happy with that, and I do like the KT stuff. Westy, thanks for the heads up re: the Wairau shop, will give it a crack and se what they have! Ideal world, I would like to get everything I need at once with storage to match, but then I would also have Stahwille... it's not an ideal world, so I'll make do. (of course, if I could locate Stahwile gear second hand... ). I want something that will last within the boundaries of what I can afford and frequency of use, so I’ll have a hunt around the Koken and King Tony websites and see what they have- pity their webistes like all asian sites suck! Man, if I could website design and speak Japanese/ Chinese I would make a bomb! The King Tony set I quoted in my last post looks good, (the ‘Racing’ box is allegedly made by/ for a German tool company beginning with S... ) but I can’t see myself using the Imperial stuff... anyone managed to get a full metric set from King Tony?, Also, it has offset wrenches- anybody find these useful? Finally, has anyone looked at importing stuff? I’m figuring it’s not a go because of freight, but worth asking... again, thanks everyone for your help!
  9. First things first, always reject the first offer the insurance company present to you- like any transaction, that is their opening bid. My late uncle was an insurance broker, that's what he said, I always stuck by it (not that I've ever had to claim lol). Secondly, what condition was your car actually in? Do you have receipts or photos to suggest that the car is in an average or even better than average condition? e.g. mild aftermarket tuning, regular servicing, parts etc. You turn around the insurance company, say thanks but no thanks, look at the condition my car was in [presents bindle of evidence substantiating your position], I think my car was worth $2xxx... depends on how much you want to keep your car I guess!
  10. Fair enough! I think I have pretty much made the decisions I need to make re: brands etc, just a few loose ends to tie up... be positng my stuff tnoight! Cheers for the quick response Ollie!
  11. And while we're at it, what happened to the printable view? I click on options to get at it, and nothing happens! (Yeah, I wanted to print off the tool stuff- bedtime reading! lol Yeah, I need to get out more...)
  12. Yeah, but I've having to do this every frickin' time! Grrr!
  13. Sorry to resusitate a year-old thread, but I'm asking for advice- sorry, there is a fair bit of reading to do here! Basically I want to purchase tools to work on car, basic engine work, interior trim etc, doing more as experience and knowledge improve. The essentials I need now are combination ring/open ended spanners, socket set, screwdrivers, pliers, etc. Yeah there is more (axle stands etc) but again, I’ll build on these later. These will be used on a Toyota and a BMW (when I get one), so I need metric only (I’ll get cheaper stuff for imperial later- will hardly use it, but pays to have it around) Figure I will start with 3/8â€, then purchase 1/4†and 1/2†socket sets further down the line… I’m from the UK and ya never know, I might end up back there, so whatever I buy must be sold over there too for upgrade/warranty purposes. And yeah, must have a lifetime warranty! Where to look? Amongst many others (kiwibiker, visor down, a few others in the UK, etc.), I checked these threads: http://forums.toyspeed.org.nz/viewtopic.php?t=44416 http://forums.toyspeed.org.nz/viewtopic.php?t=46518 http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....p;mode=threaded And I came up with five makes: I eliminated these three- yup, reasons sound fussy, but it’s a fair amount of cash I’ll be laying out, and I’ll be looking at and using them for a while! (And yeah, I would love Stahwille, but waaaay outta my budget! ):Facom- didn’t like the ratchet (funny/ flimsy feeling selector dial, fibre reinforced?!) Powerbuilt- ratchets felt crap compared to Koken & King Tony; Teng- don’t like finish- don’t care about shiny, but still feels funny! Which leaves me with pretty much the two I started with: King Tony- unsure as to whether these guys operate in UK, though definitely in Ireland- I can live with that; Koken- (Sockets & Screwdrivers only? No spanners, pliers, tool boxes?) Of course, if anyone knows of any other tool makes, let me know- I may have thought of them, I may not, but any ideas will be good! Questions/advice Does anyone have any knowledge or experience with these makes? King Tony is being sold by a number of the shops I've visited, and Koken is one of the middle to higher makes recommended by a few here, but if I really know what I was talking about I wouldn’t be asking you guys now, would I? Should I gradually build up my collection by buying stuff separately, e.g. socket set, spanner set, screwdriver set, etc. (more expensive in the long run than purchasing a tool chest for instance) or buy a tool chest a la:http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...5595734.htm?p=6 Risk is that I end up with stuff I never use? I know they contradict each other, another reason I’m asking around! Any good places to go to for these? Tried a few places in Wellie and Waitemata Hydraulics in Auckland, but open to suggestions… Has anyone purchased from overseas? Exchange rate is fantastic right now... As I said, any help in this is much appreciated- thanks!
  14. And it can be yours for just... $28,000! [checks his pockets, finds them empty] Oh well... so, anyone got a White manual E34 535 with an M-Spec kit instead?
  15. Blimey, this guy is venomous! But then I'm from the UK, and I do miss my family & friends... but the more I thought about it, while I thought it was a bit OTT, I couldn't fault what he was saying, and there's a whole heap of people thinking along the same lines. Now if that undercurrent could get off their arses and doing something about it...
  16. x2- was okay this morning, I copied the links to check further at home, and the replies are all listed now- damn annoying! I think someone somewhere mentioned this before...
  17. Gonna seem like a dumb question, but can't you get angel eye lights for the E30? I thought I had seem them in BMW mags from the UK... I know you can get them for the E34...
  18. Hey there, go onto the PC world forum, check out the posts by Speedy Gonzales and Pancake- there are two programs you can download to determine exactly what the infection is- the programs will firstly run a report of your boot up screen, te second will get rid of it. After that, make sure you installed decent firewall, antivirus/ spyware/ malware- stuff like Zonealarm/ AVG/ Winpatrol/ Spyware guard, spybot etc etc. Update them at least once a week.
  19. Nah, after second 28 day reminder it is going to court straight away- I paid the fine ($30!) Six days late, and got a letter about two days later saying tough, it had aready been referred to court, with additional $30 court costs.I was in the process of moving house and forgot. Sue me. (oh wait, they did! ) Courts didn't care, and lost my letter asking to have it remitted. Fcuking useless.
  20. yeah dennis, how do tints make it harder to break in? i'm intrigued.From what I remember of having my alarm installed, when glass is broken, the sound it makes is at a particular sound frequency; the glass sensor is designed to pick up sounds making this frequency. Windows with tints that are smashed have a different sound frequency, and the frequency made is different to the one the sensor is designed to pick up. Result? It doesn't go off... bugger... certainly made me think twice about tints, but I need to get the $ together and discuss it with the tinter (whoever it will be...) The sound is more muffled since the fragments are kept together (and quieter, which is why burgulars tape a window up before braking it- you can tell I'm a London boy, can't ya? lol).
  21. IMO: Euro styled lights looks like Lexus knockoffs. and the stop lights are too small; Smoked ones look awful- will make the car look like a backyard rangi job; Crystal FTW- look standard but are different enough to be noticed as different to the rest of the crowd, and give the car a nice crisp look. If I ever get my E34, this look is what I'll be going for... just my opinion mind!
  22. Erm, out of interest, cars from which cities should be avoided?
  23. Pants, that will make my job a bit harder... I imagine it will be difficult to fit these kinds of parts to a Toyota... will go with the coloured bulbs or bulb covers... thanks guys! PS And damn those Beemers on your post look cool nz320i!
  24. Hi everyone, I'm looking at changing the dashboard lighting on my Toyota Curren to orange, the same as Beemers. Is this colour effected by an orange bulb, a normal bulb with an orange colour or orange backing on the dials? Your help on this would be much appreciated- thanks! PS what the hell does mean?
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