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Don't you hate...

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The people that come up to you, you have never met them before and they wank on about their awesome cars which are way phater ( <_< ) than yours.

Or they have cousins/brothers/sisters/ dads' mate's brother's cousin's wife's daughter who have a wicked build in their shed.

I have SO many people that have told me about their 11 second VR4's that they are building etc.

Some of the better ones I will write.

A while ago me and a mate were driving around in his widebody S4 RX7, drove into a gas station in Silverdale and some rough as old TX3 laser with shopping list on the doors etc rolled up and some bogan child yelled out " get a rota". No words can describe how much of a retard he was.

Today, some prepubescant (sp) f**k came into work and said "bro you have all them beeeeemers aye". Having never met this douche before I said nah, must be someone else. He then wanked on to me for about 10 minutes about his corrolla that he was building. He was in the nuts and bolts section so I asked him what he wanted the bolts for. He said for his new exhaust that he had got custom made. Anyway, he told me that he had a 4AGE turbo motor with brand new pistons,turbo and rocker cover <<wtf. I acted as if I knew nothing and played along. Anyways, I asked him if he knew what size the thread was on his "custom exhaust" and so we went to his pimp car and what I saw next was probably the biggest baddest corrolla around. It was a 90's style, brick looking thing. Spray painted matt black, spray painted tail lights- he had used shapes as stencils on differnt lenses to give a pimp effect. And it had 2 racing stripes painted in flat white going down the centre of the car. I just ran into the office and stopped talking to him.

Have soooo many more but I'm sure everyone gets the jist.

Anyone else got any good ones?

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4agtes are bad bro. 20v turbo's rock, or even 16v ze's with the scharger ripped out and turbo slapped in (If thats what he was referring to)

Know what you mean though. My lil sisters friends love my car and are becoming quite the little 15yo car hoes already. asking me whenever they see me about evos, wrx's, gaylines- which is the best, what the psssh thing is etc etc. Its quite frustrating. I'm glad my sister is into cars as much as me, but I pray to god she doesn't become a car hoe.

Young underage car hoes frustrate me. Turn 16 already!

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Would you rate your sister?


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One of the tools in my Year 12 physics class kept trying to tell me how he drove to Rotorua and back in 40 minutes. We worked it out and he would have had to of averaged about 180km/h in his front wheel drive MX lancer haha.

Eventually he turbo'd it and got snapped doing 175km/h in a 50 racing some other douchebag. I was happy.

Another time he told me how he got his dad's HSV sideways at 250km/h on this really sketchy country road haha.

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Would you rate your sister?


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One of the tools in my Year 12 physics class kept trying to tell me how he drove to Rotorua and back in 40 minutes. We worked it out and he would have had to of averaged about 180km/h in his front wheel drive MX lancer haha.

Eventually he turbo'd it and got snapped doing 175km/h in a 50 racing some other douchebag. I was happy.

Another time he told me how he got his dad's HSV sideways at 250km/h on this really sketchy country road haha.

Had heapsa douche bags like that at school.

One even told me he went up the Oteha valley on ramp sideways in the dry and got pulled over. The cop then let him off for being a mean drifter.

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Had heapsa douche bags like that at school.

One even told me he went up the Oteha valley on ramp sideways in the dry and got pulled over. The cop then let him off for being a mean drifter.


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ahhhhahaha why do they do it to themselves

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Had heapsa douche bags like that at school.

One even told me he went up the Oteha valley on ramp sideways in the dry and got pulled over. The cop then let him off for being a mean drifter.

hahahahahaha, what an idiot.

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Lol, totally know the school stories.

One tool said he did Helensville to Town in 15 minutes flat, with nothing but his Mazda Familia and dads radar. We were 15 at the time, and smart enough to calculate speed. He got laughed at a lot

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Maybe it is an Auckland thing, but the one I hate is someone w*nking on about how a mate of theirs "just paid cash for a new [RS4]/[911]/[Range Rover]". Well, good on them... But if they paid cash, why has the car popped up at a Turners Repo auction? :huh:

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The people that come up to you, you have never met them before and they wank on about their awesome cars which are way phater ( <_< ) than yours.

A while ago me and a mate were driving around in his widebody S4 RX7,

Irony? :P

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Guest FrantiC

I HATE people that rave on about their "mates" cars..

Or homos leaving out of EIT where i study, waiting outside the car park the mechanic boys leave around 2pm/3pm and they all h00n out in their hondas etc. One guy ALWAYS looks at me when he's leaving and when he drives out in his honda wagon sacked on chromes he revs it slowly... then you can hear him floor it... vrrrrrrr DRRRRRR DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA *chirp* DAAAAAAAAAAA

He must think he is the man? Honestly....

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I HATE people that rave on about their "mates" cars..

Or homos leaving out of EIT where i study, waiting outside the car park the mechanic boys leave around 2pm/3pm and they all h00n out in their hondas etc. One guy ALWAYS looks at me when he's leaving and when he drives out in his honda wagon sacked on chromes he revs it slowly... then you can hear him floor it... vrrrrrrr DRRRRRR DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA *chirp* DAAAAAAAAAAA

He must think he is the man? Honestly....

My work mate has this Vtec Prelude with this ugly as bodykit, loud exhaust, lowered, only performance mods being a poddy, extractors and a chip, goes on about beating WRX's, Evo's, Skylines etc, he thinks my BMW's are a joke and that theres no way my 325i would have any chance of keeping up etc, this guys 31 years old too lol

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Irony? :P

Haha I did that intentionally :ph34r: Good spotting :unsure:

Also had a guy tell me about his dad's friend's sister's cousin's nephew's grandpa's daughter's Mrs that was building a GSR that was good for 10 second passes.

The first thing I asked him was what type of suspension he had. He said oh D2 coilovers an sh*t like that. I stopped listening then.

These are all completly random people that come into my work and tell me these things after I have to do the mandatory "how's your day been" etc. I don't really care what your doing, just say "good thanks" and be done with it!

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We run a ford that does 7.2s..... Mind you, that's true.

I've known plenty of people that thrive on wankdom. Mainly Honda owners, but, I have one favorite....A chap I know always strokes on about his wonderful Chrysler Avenger wagon...hes putting a 600hp 4agte in it....hmmmm dork


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I never have this problem. In fact I have never had this.

Must be like the road rage incidents. Maybe I'm just lucky



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I have to deal with people like this on a daily basis as well. I really don't have time to waste on some of these oxygen stealers. However I do like meeting up with them at the lights :P Especially when their cars got their mates or GF's in it. Some of the cars around here have tailpipes with larger cubic capacity than their engines.

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I bet in your industry you must hear a huge amount of bullshit.

I don't know how you could keep a straight face.



I have to deal with people like this on a daily basis as well. I really don't have time to waste on some of these oxygen stealers. However I do like meeting up with them at the lights :P Especially when their cars got their mates or GF's in it. Some of the cars around here have tailpipes with larger cubic capacity than their engines.

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However I do like meeting up with them at the lights :P Especially when their cars got their mates or GF's in it.

I would love to see this!!!!

Good on you Glenn!

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What I really hate is the amount of times i've jumped out of my subie, and some tool comes up to me and goes, "ohhhh bro, do you race that in the hutt??, my uncles brothers son has a mean as wrx, it smokes everything, but its impounded now blah blah"

No m***erf**ker. I'm the guy calling the cops.

My mate had a boyfriend that had a bone stock primera, and he was constantly going on about how he was going to turbo it, coilover it, etc, etc. Munter cant even hold down a job, nor can he even turn a spanner properly. The tool over torqued a nut when 'installing' his 'mean as' $50 trademe strut brace and snapped the stud. When i pointed out to him why it snapped, he was all like ohhh nah!


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my son is gonna ride choppers when he is older :rolleyes:


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I was in Rapid Radio in Dunedin in the bad old days when they did more than just car audio helping a mate choose some sound gear for his FXGT (there's another 4AGE for this thread). This guy comes in with his g/f. Turns out the guy is deaf, but the g/f wants his car to go psssh, so he wants to buy a blow-off valve. One problem - it was NA. :D

They're everywhere, you can't escape them.

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