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Gran Turismo 5

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I purchased an RX7 and also a Mercedes 190 E Evolution 3, got it up to 456hp but man is that thing so harsh around corners, i have to rely on other people next to me so i dont go off track :P

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So anyone wanna swap their PS3 and GT5 Game for an Xbox 360, forza and xbox steering wheel =)


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love the new track with the jump and big overhead loop - Dunno what it's called.

Yup that rules! Awesome awesome track

Cape loop periphery or somethink. Its the shizzle.

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Anyone sussed out to change power and torque units over to KW's and NM's ?

Edited by BreakMyWindow

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Dumb question for those who have it already...

Is it worth buying a wheel (cost justification and extra enjoyment) as compared to just the controller?

If a wheel is the go, which is the one to get?


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I feel sorry for people playing this through there TV speakers.

You are missing out.

The DTS HD mix is amazing.

As for the wheel.

Its a must, I dont think i would enjoy the game without it.

Just get a driving force GT

Edited by fuzyfrog

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My account is TTEETT.

Full on weekend starting with U2 tonight means I won’t get much more gaming in.. there is always Sunday afternoon. Keen for some battles.

Finished licenses B & A, mostly silvers, could get gold’s but if I don’t get gold second attempt I give up and move on and sold all the crap prize cars bar the Cart.

Stopped playing and fitted new drop links to my mates E36.

Got a Megane RS and did weight reduction and a poddy and it went like f**k, gained like 20hp with a pod filter, what a joke!

Did all races I could do in my Megane, modded it a bit more but went to far and its already way to fast for any event..but it was standard, typical easy as hell GT.

Got to level 10 and unlocked the next tear of races but realised they were bulshit so went to the driving challenges and did some carting and NASCAR, carting was awesome, way to easy though, the NASCAR was quite difficult, will go back to that.

Sent my B-Spec dude round on the Sunday cup.

Had an online race with some Englishmen.

Crashed out.

I still think need for speed shift is a better game, far more realistic and challenging…. Just a shame it doesn’t have the polished graphics and content like Gran Turismo

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Anyone sussed out to change power and torque units over to KW's and NM's ?

Go to the main menu, not home, and go past gt tv arcade mode etc and go options, click on that its the 4th setting on the right, after display or whatever the third one is.

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Hit up Santa Jack. He's coming soon you know! ;)

Is it worth buying a wheel (cost justification and extra enjoyment) as compared to just the controller?


I want a decent wheel setup for it, but can't justify spending all that $ this close to xmas.

Controller is good but this is def designed for a wheel.

I feel sorry for people playing this through there TV speakers.

You are missing out.

Uh huh definitely, but how about that standard GT jazz music :rolleyes:

Anyone else played it in 3D yet?

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Dumb question for those who have it already...

Is it worth buying a wheel (cost justification and extra enjoyment) as compared to just the controller?

If a wheel is the go, which is the one to get?


Definitely get a wheel if you can afford it. I've always been d-pad man with every game I've ever played. But this is the first game where it just doesn't cut it. It's not accurate or quick enough to correct oversteer (which the game finally has) and throttle modulation needs to be far more accurate in this over GT4 but with a wheel I think it'd be a piece of piss. When I can afford to I'll definitely get a wheel

I feel sorry for people playing this through there TV speakers.

You are missing out.

The DTS HD mix is amazing.

As for the wheel.

Its a must, I dont think i would enjoy the game without it.

Just get a driving force GT

Full on weekend starting with U2 tonight means I won’t get much more gaming in.. there is always Sunday afternoon. Keen for some battles.

Finished licenses B & A, mostly silvers, could get gold’s but if I don’t get gold second attempt I give up and move on and sold all the crap prize cars bar the Cart.

I still think need for speed shift is a better game, far more realistic and challenging…. Just a shame it doesn’t have the polished graphics and content like Gran Turismo

+1 for U2... Kind of want to stay home and play GT5 haha.

Go for the golds - you get prizes for completing licences in all golds and you actually learn quite a bit by doing so. Will make you really good at a lot of the tracks.

Having read the reviews, it's unanimous that GT5 is the most realistic racing game yet - in terms of driving dynamics. And obviously graphically it's superior to everything else. Maybe need for speed is better in terms of game play - I dunno, never played it.

Nascar is indeed quite difficult - took me a good half hour to get gold on the multi car drafting. The top gear kombi race is unbelievably gay.

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Cant wait, picking my copy up tonight.. But I wana know is there a BMW e30 M3 in the game???


Negative, only the 06 M3s etc, i think there should be because they do have a Mercedes 190E Evolution which is equvilant to an E30 M3

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Ouch $549!!! times that by three and you could have yourself an e30! Anyone know if JB Hi Fi or the warehouse stock any racing wheels and pedals?

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I dont' know what the default setup is but I do hope you controller users have it set up so the throttle/brake is R2/L2 rather than X/Square. Make shift up/down Triangle/Square. X look behind, circle the funbrake. Reverse on the Dpad. Protip! The triggers are perfection if you can't get a wheel

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I dont' know what the default setup is but I do hope you controller users have it set up so the throttle/brake is R2/L2 rather than X/Square. Make shift up/down Triangle/Square. X look behind, circle the funbrake. Reverse on the Dpad. Protip! The triggers are perfection if you can't get a wheel

Wow thats difficult, mines R2 and L2 to accelerate/brake, then L1 and R1 to shift up and down, square is change view and triangle is handbrake.

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Two fingers on the shoulder buttons feels so unnatural and unstable

Edited by Incary

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Two fingers on the shoulder buttons feels so unnatural and unstable

yeah i agree, prefer the xbox controller for racing games!

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I"m going to shell out $600 for 320GB PS3 + GT5 + Red Ded Redemption tomorrow arvo. Will I regret it?

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I"m going to shell out $600 for 320GB PS3 + GT5 + Red Ded Redemption tomorrow arvo. Will I regret it?

Haha mate I am doing the same thing for the same games. When I get bored they will be up for $1 reserve.

But I had a go in Harvey Norman today. And I really hate the PS3 controller. So might have to get a wheel too.

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I"m going to shell out $600 for 320GB PS3 + GT5 + Red Ded Redemption tomorrow arvo. Will I regret it?

+1, going to EB games tonite...someone please say its worth it :D

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