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Glenn's "Cold Turkey" shoot out

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theres never a right time to start. nor is there a wrong time. just gotta do it!

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Keep it up dude, 10 days is a huge milestone, well done! :D

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5 Years today as of 3.00 am this morning. I was saving my 10,000 th post to mark this as a milestone to my journey and now being a non smoker.

I hope others that have tried or are trying to do the same can achieve their goal.... if you haven't... just keep trying..... it is achievable

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Hey glenn, going well. When i first started i thought i woud have a few sneaky ones but i havent so far and as each day passes it seems less and less likely that i would try to sneak one in. I had a couple of dreams that i was smoking though and felt pretty guilty about it haha. Watched some movies where smoking looked real cool (Lol) and made me feel like having a puff. I always used to smoke while driving and im still getting used to it but its just so much easier just not doing it. Its really quite amazing.. i check back on the app from time to time and can see the % going up and the $ being saved. Im pretty sure i under estimated the numbers and i reckon ive saved way more than that but thats not important.

Feel much better and not coughing so much like before. Sleeping better too i think?

Btw congrats glenn on your milestone


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Well done Kyu... and never have a sneaky one, it's a slippery slope!

Edit: at 28+ days you're already well past the hardest stage!

Edited by M3AN
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i think so too dave! the real temptation starts if i decide to go out for drinks..

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i think so too dave! the real temptation starts if i decide to go out for drinks..

That was the easiest part for me. I could deal with it and just sit back and think... you silly bastard... to this day I still tolerate smoking & smokers as I don't think it's right to dictate my choices upon others... but I will offer help and advise if they wish to listen

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... to this day I still tolerate smoking & smokers as I don't think it's right to dictate my choices upon others... but I will offer help and advise if they wish to listen

Same, even though I now realise how bad it really smells to a non-smoker!

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how bad it really smells to a non-smoker!

Not wrong on that one. Pity someone at work didn't realize that...

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got in a lift with a guy yesterday that reeked, if that was me i would be embarrased, or maybe he doesnt know.

i guess he doesnt realise why his career has stagnated, his managers will be too embarassd to bring a meeting. the cigs probably costing much more than what he pays over the counter

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He doesn't know (or rather he does know, he just doesn't know how much). I used to be him.

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Would highly suggest not watching season one of true detective if you are trying to quit. I have cut back a heap on how much I smoke now, a pack will last me close to a fortnight , but holy hell I binge watched three episodes in a row and all I wanted to do at the end of it was chain smoke a pack!

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its actually pretty crazy stuff how much tv dramas movies etc can influence people so easily, i myself included.

young kids could easily think its cool and give it a go...

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Congratulations Glenn, quite the milestone.

For others kicking the habit, go hard, keep at it. Having to apologise for being a reformed smoker is generally acceptable to your friends and family, and far preferable to your best 'Puffing Billy' impressions!

Interesting perspective provided in Hollywood movies "The Insider" (nicotine delivery system, get you hooked) and "Thank you for smoking" (plenty on the product-placement aspect).

I saw an interesting (print media) campaign at the movies yesterday; at least they're trying to target youngsters, as I'm sure those actively trying to quit will appreciate. It was in the form of a wanted ad: effectively "wanted: risk taker for controlling relationship, spend your money, health, and shorten your life" as though cigarettes were advertising for someone to prey upon.

Keep up the hard work, it will reward you!

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Still going well. I reckon I saved way more than what the app says but its becoming irrelevant.

I used to check back on the app a lot but now not so much. Still crave a ciggy now and then but always tell myself no. Becoming easier and easier to deal with so far!



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The anniversary of giving up smoking for "LIFE" comes around again in 7 days time. Did I help anyone else give up ? I hope I did. If your a smoker, will you please read this thread. If you have had similar experiences that you would like to add to help others, please share so others can understand. Please contribute here maybe there will be others our experiences may help. It's not easy, but sharing and talking about it shore helps.

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4 1/2 years smoke free for me and the missus now, oddly enough I still have the odd dream where I am having a smoke and enjoying it. Wake up though and its pheww thank god it was just a dream.

We have not got any extra money in the bank to show for it but we do have a new TV and kitchen and many other things we would not have had if we had not given up smoking.

I was a 50 grams a week smoker for about 30 years so if I managed to give up so can you, its so worth it in so many ways, mainly so I get to see my kids and grand kids longer.

Food tastes better and things smell better. 

Just do it.you won't regret it.

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776 days smoke free for me (I have an app for that!) and lovin' it. So, just over two years.

I've saved about $13,975 (at the old price of ~$20 per pack) which is a real bonus. I love every minute of being smoke free and have no desire or temptation to ever smoke again. I feel guilty if I wake up having dreamed about smoking but also relieved that is was only a dream. :lol:

Food tastes better, beer tastes better! And nowadays with the level of social isolation expected of smokers it's great that I don't have to leave a social setting just to go and have a cigarette.

Can't believe it took me over 20 years to decide to kick the damn habit. There's noting at all good about smoking but i couldn't see that (through the smoke) when I was a smoker. I can assure people that you don't need cigarettes to cure boredom, do something with your hands or relieve stress - they're just excuses to avoid the effort of quitting.

Edited by M3AN
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Anniversary time shortly :) 


I hope the journey may help others

Edited by B.M.W Ltd
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Yup 5 weeks in. Still early days but there's always a reason in my head not to have one as 20 years is a pretty decent smoking career.

To keep 'busy' i finally finished an old kitset model I had stored away.




Edited by BreakMyWindow
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