twisted 45 Report post Posted January 8, 2014 Ben this long for me. Would never go back. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qube 3570 Report post Posted September 6, 2014 Seeing it in monetary terms makes it really worthwhile. The money we throw away smoking.. ahh still havent managed to kick the habit. Good on u though! Keep it up Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
B.M.W Ltd 951 Report post Posted September 6, 2014 Sorry to drag this back up (see what I did there?) but I'd thought I'd check how everyone is still going? I've been smoke free for 5 weeks now and going strong (using Champix). Smoked for 20 years, glad it's behind me. When you get further down the track it'll be behind you. Five weeks isn't long enough to get it behind you, especially when using a substitute like champix. Good luck though... it's not easy. Nearly 4 years for me now Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pjay 8 Report post Posted September 6, 2014 Haven't seen this thread for 3+ years, hope the cold turkey's going well Glenn. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
B.M.W Ltd 951 Report post Posted September 6, 2014 Haven't seen this thread for 3+ years, hope the cold turkey's going well Glenn. All good thank you Peter 4 years on the 20th Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JaseNZ 53 Report post Posted September 7, 2014 its been 2 1/2 years for me and I still get cravings every now and then , they don't last long but I still get them. One of the hardest things I have ever done in my life was to give up, I was blessed that the missus gave up at the same time as me so we supported each other. We both did the champix and I have to admit they were bloddy fantastic. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twisted 45 Report post Posted September 7, 2014 I went a year and a half before starting again in January. This sh*t is insidious and will do it's next to get you if you let your guard down. 4 weeks smoke free now, cold turkey this time and finding it ok. Been a bit of a prick lately but ya get that Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
handgrenade 189 Report post Posted January 30, 2015 I want to too. Life circumstances say otherwise . good work to all of you ! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hybrid 1045 Report post Posted January 30, 2015 Ive noticed end of last year and this year its actually now pretty much anti-social to smoke ... Was at a concert recently and the smokers took themselves far away from the crowd. to light up. Most people I think know they only have a few years left of it .. I personally think the government should just fast track the banning of it because we as a nation are ready socially to accept the ban. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kingkarl 136 Report post Posted January 30, 2015 Almost every smoker I know has quit (or attempted to) as a new years resolution. I wonder how smoking rates have changed among the poor, if at all. You have to feel for those families who are skimping on the necessities because mum and dad are spending shitloads on durries. Just an unfortunate consequence of the policy I guess. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Arma 134 Report post Posted January 30, 2015 Great job guys. I quit smoking about 6 years ago, after smoking for about 6 years at the time. I occasionally have a social shisha with friends if we go out, but have not touched a cigarette since 2009 and have no desire to again. :-) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HSB 282 Report post Posted January 30, 2015 I personally think the government should just fast track the banning of it because we as a nation are ready socially to accept the ban. this. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_ethrty-Andy_ 2142 Report post Posted January 31, 2015 i have no problem with smokers provided that i don't need to breath it, or sight the butts on the sidewalk, etc etc. Like anything from my point of view, as long as it doesn't affect me, go right ahead. My best friend smokes, that is a bit annoying when you are at the pub just the two of you, a bit awkward waiting for your mate to come back every 10 minutes, but in bigger groups sweet as. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
handgrenade 189 Report post Posted January 31, 2015 Culturally its something that some cultures don't find offensive or anything at all. But it is a $ pit and not good for you .. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JaseNZ 53 Report post Posted January 31, 2015 Its now been 3 years for me, I used to be a two 50gms a week smoker. Still get the odd craving which is crazy when you think about it. Was the best thing in my life I have ever done (apart from my kids) giving up. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kiwi535 538 Report post Posted January 31, 2015 i am so glad i never started! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BMTHUG 1080 Report post Posted February 1, 2015 I quit smoking at the beginning of last year after smoking since I was 14. Lol it was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I haven't touched a cigarette since and have no desire to. Going cold turkey is the best way to do it. All of this cutting down and then completely phasing it out did not work for me but everyone is different. I don't mind smokers but to each their own. I chose to quit for gym reasons. Cardio vascular fitness was lacking and I definitely felt the difference after quitting. I support anyone who tries to quit. Big thumbs up 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pldubs 308 Report post Posted February 2, 2015 GL Glenn, I know how hard it was for my grandparents when they gave up. But I'm giving up coke... 4L a day isn't so good for you after a while Id almost be sure enough to bet that you have a half empty 30pack in your room! ya bloody scumbag! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qube 3570 Report post Posted August 22, 2015 a bit of a thread dig but i thought id just share my story. i started smoking when i was around 15 years old. curiosity led to habit and bad influences kept it going and now over 10 years of it i think ive finally had enough. kind of unrelated but i had a mini schnauzer 4 years ago and due to unfortunate circumstances i was unable to take care of him and gave him to my friend who has taken wonderful care of him. recently he and another lovely girl made beautiful little puppies and i finally made the decision to adopt one. i am so looking forward to it and being in a position to look after, care for and love a dog. i thought what better opportunity than to have my boy's little girl. anyway, this led me to think about my own life and smoking in particular. i know it sounds a bit silly but i know i dont want to be a smoker infront of the little pup and i knew i would always quit before i had my own child, and thought why not quit now. so i will be getting the dog home tomorrow (hopefully) and will start my long and painful journey of kicking the habit. im a 'pack every 2 days' smoker for the last how many years and i know it will be tough but its obviously worth it in the long run for my health, those around me and also on my wallet. I am planning to make a separate account to transfer the money i would otherwise spend on cigarettes and put it towards funding my dog's toys, vet costs, etc etc lol. anyways, i thought id post up here because i know there are a few people on this forum who have also previously been smokers and i would greatly appreciate any kind of input, good or bad. and also i wanted to make it relatively public so i also can give myself the reassurance that i do want to see this through. (no offence to smokers in any way whatsoever btw haha) my plan is cold turkey. no alternatives or anything in mind so far but any suggestions are welcome thanks again all kyu 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mynbmr 225 Report post Posted August 22, 2015 Have been seeing an hart specialist for the last 12 years, 2and a half year ago one side was only working 56%, and he told me to stop smoking, I did not stop. a 30 packet every 2days. 6 Months ago it was down to 44%, if it go's down to 40% the LTSA will take my commercial licence away. I went cold turkey, stopped drinking no more sugar drinks no fatty foods, medication for the rest of my live and i lost 15kg. went back yesterday for check up and I am back up to 50%. The wife stop smoking today keep fingers cross. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
M3AN 4017 Report post Posted August 22, 2015 (edited) Congratulations on your decision Kyu, it's a good one however daunting the road ahead seems. I've not had a cigarette for just over a year now (387 days) and I couldn't be happier, I know I'll never have another one. I smoked for about 25 years and couldn't imagine life without it but now I can't believe how simple life is as a non-smoker. I used to smoke about 15 a day, more on the weekends and I've saved $6,982 since I stopped. I used Champix which is a fully subsidised prescription wonder-drug (talk to your doctor). It gave me mild nausea for 8 weeks but on the balance it was worth it. I also used an app called "QuitNow!" and upgraded to the Pro version for a few bucks... this is how I know how many days! It also has some other neet capabilities. It's well worth the effort bud; socially, financially, psychologically and physically. Power to you! Edited August 22, 2015 by M3AN Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_ethrty-Andy_ 2142 Report post Posted August 23, 2015 i like that quit smoking buy a dog strategy. i can see how that would help wierdly enough, every time he comes over for some attention you know it "wouldnt be possible" if you were still a smoker 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
qube 3570 Report post Posted August 23, 2015 i figured taking the dog out for walks/runs would help a lot too. haha Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JaseNZ 53 Report post Posted August 23, 2015 a bit of a thread dig but i thought id just share my story. i started smoking when i was around 15 years old. curiosity led to habit and bad influences kept it going and now over 10 years of it i think ive finally had enough. Well done on you its not an easy thing to do. I am 3 1/2 years smoke free and was the best thing I have ever done (apart from having children and buying a bmw). Myself and the missus did Champix and found it to be fantastic stuff. Get yourself an app for your phone perhaps , we did and shows how we are going. Example below. Drop back into this thread if you want to keep us updated and or vent or want some advice Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ahmedsinc 414 Report post Posted August 24, 2015 From 50/day to fagless for 8 months. Result! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites