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Glenn's "Cold Turkey" shoot out

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What did you do with all your spare time Glenn? I imagine it takes about two minutes per ciggie? 2x50 per day...

Say about 10-11 hours a week?

Edited by The Diesel Guy

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Guest Ari Gold
  The Diesel Guy said:

What did you do with all your spare time Glenn? I imagine it takes about two minutes per ciggie? 2x50 per day...

Say about 10-11 hours a week?

A Peter Stuyvesant Classic takes 6 mins on average, Marlboro brands slightly faster, as their tobacco burns faster.

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Good to hear Glenn. I must come say hi, haven't done so for ages. I want to talk with whoever does your twitter - hes a muppy!

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Hey Glenn,

I've been following this thread since the beginning.

Good on you for giving up and it looks like you've been inspirational for a few others along the way.

Good on ya!


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Well... it was exactly a year to the day this morning about 3.00-4.00 am a year ago I had my last smoke. Can't say it's been a good year.... but it has been a year.

If I did inspire others to give up along the way... I really hope they were able to do it with less pain than I've had to endure in the last 12 months.

I'm now a legal non smoker.. saved all my wasted money and all my insurances will drop now

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Congrats Glen! you have done very well!

  *Glenn* said:

Well... it was exactly a year to the day this morning about 3.00-4.00 am a year ago I had my last smoke. Can't say it's been a good year.... but it has been a year.

If I did inspire others to give up along the way... I really hope they were able to do it with less pain than I've had to endure in the last 12 months.

I'm now a legal non smoker.. saved all my wasted money and all my insurances will drop now

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another BMW in the shed from the saved money then? :P

Well done though mate! I have never had a single one and dont plan to start (mind you money saved goes on booze...), but it goes to show it can be done, even after smoking for all these years!

Top effort

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  *Glenn* said:

I really hope they were able to do it with less pain than I've had to endure in the last 12 months.

Feels good aye ... the only down side to it is I cant stand when other smoke .. it really make me want to vomit. So much more sensitive to it than before I started smoking.

Time for you stick that money youre saving into a racecar :)

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  hybrid said:

Feels good aye ... the only down side to it is I cant stand when other smoke .. it really make me want to vomit. So much more sensitive to it than before I started smoking.

Time for you stick that money youre saving into a racecar :)

Cant stand it either, and I've never smoked apart from trying it a few times while at the occasional party (made me spew last time I had a puff). Immediately regretted it in the morning, makes your mouth taste horrible.

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  Paul E36 said:

and be cautious with the Patches - some people OD on those big time, rip them off if you start seeing in 3D !

You dont see in 3D all the time ??? i certainly do !

Congrats on the non-smoker status Glenn :D

Edited by Jay^

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WOW!!!! I have been away for a long long time! You must be feeling really good now! Think of the extra years you have put on your life time now... retirement will be bliss 10k a year extra in your pocket, that's one kick arse holiday!!

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How are you still going with yours Glenn, I am at the 5 month mark now and still get the urge every couple of days to spark up. Some days are worse depending on stress at work and I have gone from 70kg to 81kg and believe me thats a lot for somebody whos never been over 70kg in 42 years.

Pretty proud of myself to get to this stage I don't think I could have made it if both myself and my partner gave up togeather. No real extra money floating around but it gets used up is other area's.

We both did not have any side effects from using the champix that we had read about or people had mentioned and I think taking them really did help for that first 3 months. I went from 2 x 50 gram pouches (was a roll your own man) to nothing in a week. Smoked hard out for 30 years.

Its by no means easy and a very hard addiction to overcome, I think I am over the worst of it now and actually enojoy not being a non smoker now. :D

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Good work Jason. I haven't had a smoke since the 20th September 2010 :D

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  *Glenn* said:

Good work Jason. I haven't had a smoke since the 20th September 2010 :D

Holy crap, has it been that long. I tip my hat to you ( & M-Spec).

I've been smoking for 30 years now and would love to give up BUT i don't have the will power, hopefully one day soon tho'.

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Thanks John... try again... be strong... it's all about getting rid of the arshole running your life for you. You'd be surprised what else he's running for you as well. Give it another go

Edited by *Glenn*

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  bellicose said:

I've been smoking for 30 years now and would love to give up BUT i don't have the will power, hopefully one day soon tho'.

Its the wont power you need.

Quit 2.20pm 8th Dec last year. Heart attack!

Still hang out for a smoke every now and again but the thought of extra cash in the pocket helps.

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  1rotty said:

Ashkan-tell him to try hypno-wkd 4 me

How are you going Mark ?.... I hope your still off them :D

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Yes he is.

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Cold turkey and will power .. still the best way. Just gotta really remember that after a few years youll laugh at yourself.

Good stuff guys for staying quit .. It is hard but will power wins.

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A bit of a milestone today... 2 years now at 3.00 am this morning. I probably can say I'm a cured smoker, but I know now I'll never smoke again and I'm not one of those who will turn on smokers. They say X smokers can get real anti towards those who can't or don't want to quit.

Ha ha... just kidding... I still smoke... I always have


Bacon that is

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  dubman said:

Well Done Glenn, i bet the bacon tastes better than before


Thanks Will

I was hoping I could inspire others here as well... I hope I have

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Great milestone Glen. Congrats.

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