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DEI hire

She’s only the second woman to crash a NZnavy ship this year


Out of the Four women commanding our Navy ships, two have crashed, and one has been stood down.
Looking forward to what the fourth has to offer.

the only way this story could get anymore embarrassing is if the Hercules being sent to Samoa to bring the crew back, breaks down

Edited by kwhelan
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4 hours ago, kwhelan said:

the only way this story could get anymore embarrassing is if the Hercules being sent to Samoa to bring the crew back, breaks down

Hopefully they'll send the new one...

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On 10/7/2024 at 8:48 AM, kwhelan said:

the only way this story could get anymore embarrassing is if the Hercules being sent to Samoa to bring the crew back, breaks down


23 hours ago, jom said:

Hopefully they'll send the new one...




Oh dear

Edited by Neil McCauley
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On 10/7/2024 at 8:48 AM, kwhelan said:

the only way this story could get anymore embarrassing is if the Hercules being sent to Samoa to bring the crew back, breaks down


6 hours ago, Neil McCauley said:

Close enough?


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theses something fishy with the numbers of people on board too, alot of private people," samoans" appear to have been onboard for some reason, not that we will ever know  as it will all be covered up and the inquiry will be whitewashed. Its looking like another Rena now with turtles dieing and oil slicks  so is going to get very expensive and be ongoing it would appear.

But what really rips my nightie is all they can keep saying , its not that bad because no one died,

so we paid 69m for a boat that was valued at 16m apparently, spent 40m to make it navy compatible, replacement cost is probably now 150m

150m would have paid for how many cancer treatments, operations etc, yes its going to costs lives FFS.

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What’s the TAB odds on Army completing the trifecta of stuff ups?

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Ha love all the conspiracy theories.  Reading all the comments on Reddit has been such a good laugh.
Women bad!!  Would we have been better off with the ex Chief of Navy whos nickname is Crash?  I wonder why they called him that?

Also all the Aussies laughing.....  They clearly have forgotten when their Aircraft carrier ran over a frigate in peace time killing over 80 sailors.

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Sadlly NZ forgets the world is watching on, bearing witness to the vocal - seeming majority - hanging sh*t off of the captain, whose only "crimes" are:

  • Adopting our country - and the NZDF - as her own
  • Bringing her family here
  • Bringing her skills to our little island nation, and the NZDF.  (Command of military vessels does not come in a lottery or a cereal box!)
  • Being female and a captain.

who cares if she prefers to dine at the Y.  As if that's really a 'thing' in 202x?!  We have laws that support same-sex marriage; we're supposed to be a broad-thinking and welcoming country.

One can be pretty confident that if one of our few Captains has put their ship aground, it was most likely the safest option available.  Whatever the circumstance, the captain made the decision to abandon ship.  It's not something taken in haste, nor a gut feeling spur-of-the-moment thing - they run through many inputs, and arrive at a command decision based on all of the data available.  All aboard were safely evacuated to shore, with minimal injury and no loss of life.  Bravo.  

The NZ Navy Court of inquiry will bring out the detail, and we may be priveliged to learn some of it.  Sadly that's no barrier to our keyboard warriors chiming in.  What's noteworthy is that most of them have never been in command of anything more than a scooter or a car.  They put on display the sexist and narrow world-view that's rarely far from the surface in good old godzone.  To all our unthinking punters - thanks for the expert help in marketing our country to potential immigrants or tourists.  "You bloody losers"**.

Our Captain derserves nothing less than the respect, support, and confidence of her adopted countrymen, without prejudice - whatever the outcome of the inquiry.


** - note:  that's not targetted at anyone on our forum, unless you happen to self-qualify into that group.

Edited by Olaf
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On 10/7/2024 at 5:28 PM, Neil McCauley said:

Good thing he saved the vape pods!


Is that what he's clutching?  I've never seen these things, genuine question...

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On 10/7/2024 at 1:09 PM, jom said:

Hopefully they'll send the new one...

I think it was NZ7011 from memory.  So yes, one of the new C130-J.

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Agreed. Coming up with theories and blaming the captain or anyone else before a proper investigation has been completed is foolish.

One crew member or action will not be to blame for such an event, it will be a string of things all lining up on the day. Look up the Swiss cheese model.

This article is worth reading from someone who actually knows what they’re talking about:



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Yeah agreed, its not as though the captain twirls the big wooden wheel anymore. 

Will be a whole string of fups... Actually feel sorry for her, she doesnt appear to be a DEI hire at all, gets all the stress of being in charge of a big boat and the extra stress of "dont f&ck it up" stress because of being female and having the perceived DEI hire angle. 

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oh lighten up, most of it is just dry humour, you have to laugh or you would go mad at the lunacy of it all

and no there's certainly been no mention of there being a concerted effort to fill positions based on gender not skill by the various forces inc police, //sarc

Look at Boeing ffs, DEI is working well there

no one will be at fault or be punished, they never are, its never anyone s fault, sh*t just happens, luckily we have endless money to just fix all these slight bumps in the matrix, NZ taxpayers have unlimited funds and we just need to give a few more hugs,

your correct its not likely she was at the helm at the time and if our local mayor can oversee a coverup of a poisoned townswater well (Havelock North) where people died and then get promoted to an govt mp then she will have no issues whatsoever and will probably be back at work by xmas.

Our Captain?  so we had a say in who was hired, promoted, Funnily I doubt you will say that about our Trump, if he wins for example

god help anyone for having the temerity to wonder what the heck they were doing on a reef in high winds in the dark, how dare anyone be suspicious that there wasn't a massive human error here somewhere.

the rescue sounds horrific, first boat landed at 1am after abandoning at 8pm and the last made shore at 7am 12hrs later?, some of the locals were real heroes and risked everything swimming in the dark in massive seas to rescue boats

Edited by kwhelan
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Dry humour on this forum; completely shredding on other channels.  The rest of the world are "WTF?  These Kiwis are positively stoneage rednecks, hey George have you seen this?"

Irrespective of who's at the helm, the captain is responsible for the ship and crew.  The helmsman, officer of the watch, etc would need to call the captain and apprise them of a 'situation'.  The call to abandon would be made by the Captain.

They may release some of the findings of the court of inquiry.  Until then everything else is on the continuum of informed speculation (professional sea captains) to entirely spectulative (pretty much everyone else), with news media somewhere in the middle.  

Opinions.... like assholes everyone has them.  The difference is, we don't run down the street giving a free shot to anyone who'll look 😉

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On 10/11/2024 at 7:52 PM, mark247 said:

Agreed. Coming up with theories and blaming the captain or anyone else before a proper investigation has been completed is foolish.

One crew member or action will not be to blame for such an event, it will be a string of things all lining up on the day. Look up the Swiss cheese model.

This article is worth reading from someone who actually knows what they’re talking about:



thank you for posting that, I'd read it previously; struck me as very reasonable.

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