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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/13 in Posts

  1. 2 points
  2. 1 point
    Very nice car ... Not to sure about the auto and modded m62tu though.. Think I would personally prefer a s62 manual version like the earlier model.
  3. 1 point
    Bronson. Can you please stop digging up old threads. Send a message direct to the person if the last post is older than 2 months. These are from April.
  4. 1 point
    More to the point - who the hell is paying $35k for a one owner used bollock?
  5. 1 point
    For tax purposes I gifted mine to a trust years ago.
  6. 1 point
    Have you asked your better half yet?
  7. 1 point
    He's only selling one for a Nissan. He'd sell two for an F10 M5. EDIT: He doesn't look like he needs them any more.
  8. 1 point
    Make long stretches of road, i.e Canterbury plains e.t.c 110-120kph and remove the retarded 90kph for light trailers - yes there's more cars on the road than when the 100kph limit was introduced but cars are far more safer now than they used to be, it would take a Failcon 500 12 football pitches to stop from 30kph. I got busted for 111kph on an empty road a few weeks back, straight slight downhill (have not been done for speeding in over 10 years) - had my radar detector on and in the distance the bastard flicked on his signal and I was done, he had his lights on way before we had even seen him, have noticed this in the past where you'd be right up to them also and they flick it on setting the radar detector off! I don't condone speeding (60kph plus) in 50kph areas around kids & schools as I see this more dangerous than heading down a straight piece of road doing 110-120
  9. 1 point
    Really? It's automatic.
  10. 1 point
    If you don't speed - don't drink & then drive - don't text while driving - don't drive with mind altering drugs in your system - buy a car that has ESC, more airbags than Dolly Parton's implants & crash tests well - travel on the open road as a line up of sheep behind the weakest dumbest slowest link, we won't have a road toll. There will be no deaths on our roads. I just dunno whats wrong with you people out there but the message is OBVIOUSLY not getting through..............are you a little bit thick or something?? Right, ok, fine, be like that then - the next brain-fart I have will be painting some Highway Patrol cars a different colour...maybe that'll learn ya's a bit better.................... :rolleyes:
  11. 1 point
    I think the 4k/h thing works to a certain extent... purely because people actually THINK about driving, instead of sitting in a car waggling the wheel and levers. I can't believe how many drivers clearly have NO CLUE what's going on around them, or even where their own car is placed on the road. I have Dash cams, for those who aren't capable of staying over their side of the centre line, and are complete 'tards. They'll either end up with a police complaint filed (had a guy done once already for almost taking my whole family out "testing" his new car, didn't even have the camera then) or on you tube . I've got some spare cheapy chinese cameras, with an actual working memory card (Apacer) 8GB for $45 posted if anyone wants one. If you buy one somewhere, DON'T use the cheap-arse chinese memory cards that come with them - they usually aren't reliable. I'm prolly gonna fit one front and back of each car.
  12. 1 point
    I can't wait to see all the off duty police officers overtaking trucks in the passing lane @ 104 km/h while travelling to their family holiday destinations.
  13. 1 point
    You'll also need to learn 5 more different languages, and all the special Auckland road laws ie: Mercedes with flashing L/H indicators means they are turning right. A red light means you can still proceed for another 30 seconds. It'll take a while to get used to though.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    I dial up the cruise control ... sit on 80kph behind someone and a respectful distance for 20ks then get my chance to over take, pull out adjust to 104kph as per GPS then spend all my time over taking 1 car and jip everyone behind me because the the road train i'm following all speed up to 100 on their speedos which is still about 95 in real k/sI cant go any faster. Sound familiar ? Pretty much eaiser to get in line like everyone else and arrive 5 minutes later at the destination.
  16. 1 point
    What a wonderful term 'wombling' is. May I suggest the use of 'bimbling' for drivers travelling at limit -20% on single carriageways, and 'wombling' for those drivers who come up a slip road, cut across traffic to the middle lane of a three-lane highway, then stay there regardless of speed of other vehicles, before carving back across a packed inside lane to the wrong exit? OK, so much of NZ doesn't have three-lane roads, but I'm sure you recognise the type.
  17. 1 point
    If you want to drive fast do it on the track, where there are no cars coming in the other direction and safety measures for your protection. A controlled environment takes a lot of the variable factors out of the equation and allows you to go as fast as you want (or can) without risks to others.. or your licence. The countries that are increasing speed limits probably have proper motorway systems, not NZs idea of rutted cart tracks called State Highways which are dangerous in their own right. I agree that the focus on speed is a bit one-eyed, the number of downright poor drivers and vehicles on the road should be taken out before such stringent speed measures. Maybe a bit more emphasis on driver education rather than punishment - explain to people what a "stopping distance" is meant to be, I can't get over how many nose-to-tail accident there are! Unfortunately this news will just mean more people wombling along straight open roads at 80-90km/h as they are worried about getting pinged for 104, does nothing for safety as pretty soon there is a long tail of frustrated drivers trying to overtake with some desperate manoevers.
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