Ended up removing the transmission myself which wasn't too bad. The corroded starter dowel holding on for dear life and transmission dust over bolt i forgot to undo were the only issues, but my mate brute force sorted those bastards out. The replacement ZF went in very easy and even easier to bolt up with all the extra space in the tunnel.
Given we are RHD, i routed the required clutch signal wire (using a ex transmission wire) and reverse light wires through the clutch line hole, made sense to me as its less wire to run and they need connect to the clutch module and instrument cluster respectively. Reverse light wiring runs runs under the heat shielding prior to going in the hole. Also made my own brake switch-clutch module adapter out of old plugs and wires from the donor car to keep it tidy, even got some Tessa tape.
Swapped a pin from the EGS to DME for clutch signal then used PA soft to recode DME and IKE for manual and realigned the EWS. Car started and ran with no issues. Will follow up with NCS at some point to change the checksum to manual to complete that side of it.
Few more hours finishing off then i should be driving tomorrow begin breaking in the clutch.