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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/09/24 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    I so wish I could buy this https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/motors/cars/bmw/other/listing/5006551772
  2. 2 points
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big fan of E60's and given a straight choice I'll take the E39 any day of the week, but at that price point... I know it's a silly comparison but the reason I mention an E60 (and not an F10 that are also available at around the $40k mark) is that there's a much wider choice of V8's out there, both older and modern, whilst an NA V10 is much more of a unique proposition and likely one of the last mass-market ones ever made. If I had to spend $60k on a super sedan I'd take the best E60 out there at $40k and have $20k left over in a maintenance fund, or hell... throw it at a manual conversion before I spend it all on a lazily presented E39.
  3. 2 points
    To be the downer I bet this will go to a dealer who will half ass restore it purely for profit. Would have been better to pick who you want it to go to.
  4. 1 point
    1x available, no outer tie rods. Available for pickup in Auckland after 16th Nov. Pm me if you’re keen.
  5. 1 point
    Interesting take from someone in the supercar scene. I absolutely despise much of the new tech in current vehicles. Distracting, gimmicky and already out of date.
  6. 1 point
    Hi All: Newbie here, just got a 2013 F11 523D Japan Import car, today just use bimmercode to change to NZ radio, thanks for this forum to keep all useful message.
  7. 1 point
    Agreed the car has not been presented properly. Even the photos are a shambles versus the ones taken of the Lemans blue example in Christchurch. However, agreed, don’t think you can compare the selling price versus E60. Having owned a E39 M5 for 6 1/2 years, they are not that expensive to run versus an E60 M5 that comes unstuck. Lot less E39 M5’s too!
  8. 1 point
    I agree completely. These are completely different beasts/buyers. Especially because you can't get an E60 with a manual transmission. The rules it out right there, and it's not nearly as good looking as the E39.
  9. 1 point
    Real sick of dealers making zero effort and trying to make maximum profit. Particularly the "high end" dealers like that one, there is no excuse. Also, id pay a premium for an E39 M5 over an E60... they arent even in the same league.
  10. 1 point
    I guess that comes down to who before you, owned it longer than the required threshold and transferred the entitlement. if no one has, its probably still with the owner that got the plates 20 years ago. I bet there are a lot of cars out there with plates that arent owned by the owner of the car, since anything thats been made "euro" etc but still govt issue digits is technically now a personalised plate and cars get sold with those regularly.
  11. 1 point
    Just hope there is no rust - that would make compliance fun, not lol And hope this gets saved regardless of investment v roi rational 😎
  12. 1 point
    It's automatic, so no.🤣
  13. 1 point
    Started on fixing the broken frame this afternoon. Stitched it back together and added a reinforcement piece. Happy with how it all came together considering the little welding experience I have.
  14. 1 point
    My 2cents...2 things concern me about the listing. The owner somehow 'forgot' it has a sunroof? Sketchy. Also, 'shrek' cam? I guess he means Schrick, again, not what you'd call a detail oriented owner.
  15. 1 point
    Thanks for the help and suggestions in the previous posts. Based on comments made above I did a little more research into driveshaft vibration problems - specifically looking for info where people had an original BMW driveshaft reconditioned with new UJ's. I found 3 separate instances (one here) where people had issues with driveshaft vibration immediately after new UJ's were fitted - even if done by a good machine shop and properly balanced something was different causing a vibration. So, I ordered a second hand driveshaft from SD and fitted it today. All vibration is gone. With the previous fix of the rear gearbox mount fixing the shudder and a genuine unmodified BMW driveshaft I finally have no more problems. So the few warnings you see on various forums about it being very difficult to get a reconditioned BMW driveshaft to be successful appear to be very accurate - I've given it 5 goes at 3 different shops with 3 different types of UJ's and none of them have worked. The irony of all this is I only reconditioned the first driveshaft because it was way cheaper than buying a brand-new one from BMW spare parts. After 12 years of owning the car the spare part price has dropped significantly and a brand-new driveshaft now only costs about 20% more than a recon...If only I'd checked this before trying another recon a few weeks ago...
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