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beemwr last won the day on June 3 2024

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Community Reputation

46 Excellent


About beemwr

  • Rank
    2nd Gear

Previous Fields

  • Name
    David Penfold
  • Location
  • Car
    '90 e30 318is
  • Mods List
  • Car 2
    1971 '02 Road & Track
  • Car 3
    1991 BMW e30 M3
  • Race Car
    1986 BMW e30 32

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  • Interests
    Collection has: 1-1991 e30 M3 RHD2- e30 318is;3- e30 1989 318ia ;4- e28 1987 525e; 5- e30 '86 3L R&T; 6- 2006 Reno RS 225; 7- Triton D/C

    1968 Triumph Daytona T100 and 1954 M40 Manx Norton.

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  1. Just to update: asw_Ltd Motueka ph+64272931491 Provided on $85 dollars delivered to workshop.
  2. hi, yes ive got a e46  pedal. available  now, £15 and post from uk,  

     i can find this out,  tmrw,

     iv got paypal and send item recorded, thanks,

  3. Thanks that is important, it's the 'fly by wire,' so it will be the cable one, i'd better edit that. A trick for young players & older ones who already know the don't know everything.
  4. Thanks for responding, yeah see what turns up. Last piece of the puzzle.really. Don't want to end up be like that loss of a nail from the shoe of a horse that lost the war for the ancient Grecians.
  5. Hunting for an e46 Accelorator Pedal to finish a wee job. I need the cable one , for fly by wire fitting.
  6. Don't forget to clean those wee pipes across the top of ur tank. If there's even a little in ur tank upstairs needs to be either replaced or cleaned thoroughly too. Just my tuppence worth. Cheers.
  7. I have m42 & m44 engines available & Pelican parts are usually 40% less than BMW dealerships ex Germany, Also pays to use BMW Europe electolite too, not Austraian stuff. Thank you for your input, appreciated.
  8. Seems then it is possible. Depends how much trial & error going from straight forward with say m44 & later m42 with serpentine belt pulleys & other m 42 bits & pieces. Thanks to contributors & welcome any new entries to confirm or deny,
  9. Opinion & science need to conclude similar results & save time searching exstensively. But not being very computer able l need to follow others who ae more able than me,
  10. Yeah, If l was clever enough, to have an AI search engine, it would probably get the ideal set-up from m42/44 & other sites devoid of opinion but have the science sorted & save time & money would be the way to go. If it was just a need for performance buying the latest & best performance engine . I'm a period plus sort. Your dad's a wise man, in my opinion, & has science to back his choice, dynoes vary, but l had my e30 M3 match similar m44 setup total output. m44 better low down torque.
  11. Yeah, don't like to be the one to re-invent the wheel. Haven't found any who have done the m44 block m42 head lots of opinions alone doesn't prove it does work though.
  12. Does anyone know about it being possible or is it impossible?
  13. Does cam chain mate up as standard fit, if using m44 with rest of m42 piecces?
  14. I think the m44, while cast metal crank, doesn't need to be revved beyond 7600 rpm
  15. Yeah, the s42 on dyno could rev to 10,000rpm scary listening at' that, peak torque 7800rpm. With standard m44 on carbs 7200 rpm had rev limiter at 7600. On different dyno. Low down torque best to have.
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