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Everything posted by hotwire

  1. Not a problem Glenn - as long as you don't machine below minimum thickness
  2. Nuts & more! More like suicide attempt. If he repeats - it's only a matter of time before it ends in tears
  3. Not sure, pity an E30 one doesn't fit cos I have a couple of good ones Maybe check with Ray (Hell BM) not sure if he has an E46 wrecking? Alternatively Mosen Euro in Hamilton are good to deal with
  4. Yes, Ex Jap & relates to spec level. Not dependent on being facelift/non
  5. If all that element (or most) is gone then it is a waste of time trying to repair it. As I said above - this glue is ONLY intended for minor damage, eg - a cut or nick in the element. You will never be able to replicate the resistance of the original element by creating a long line of repair glue. Only option in this case - replace the screen - make sure you get a good one. You can test one out of a vehicle with the method I mentioned - apply 12v across the element (either polarity) & test each element as I described
  6. As said - look closely for probably a cut through the element/s. You can buy from the likes of Repco an element repair liquid - a metallic based glue. This is only suitable for fixing minor damage - likely in your case. An easy test is: with a test light, check (carefully - not to damage) each element starting at supply end & working along the element. A working element will show a diminishing voltage as you move along, a broken element will show full voltage (open circuit) until you reach the break, after which - no light.
  7. Well written Glenn, totally agree with all these comments
  8. Probably one for Jochen to answer as he has had experience with Mk 1 video modules whereas I haven't. The only reverse camera I have had experience with fitting is in the X5 with the third generation 16:9 video module. The Mk1 may well be different in this regard - Possibly not wired for reverse camera as shown the pin out info you obviously have. If this proves the problem - I have a second generation VM if you require.
  9. Hi, You need a mirror image camera although I haven't actually sourced a camera separately. I have only done a retrofit camera to an X5 (same system) but it was the genuine BMW kit that I fitted. I know Jochen has fitted a universal camera to an E39, not sure where he sourced the camera though.
  10. Agree with Jochen & has been discussed here before: Law on front FOG lights being illegal in good weather is an ass - they are a permenently dipped light casting a low flat beam & when set properly & checked at WOF - they cause NO dazzle/glare to oncoming drivers & could easily qualify as a good aid for being seen by others. Check them on a beamsetter - no more glare than dip beam. Muppets that fit uncontrolled beams & not connected to high beam control (in effect driving lights) into spoilers for the "look" are the ones causing problems & if all WOF inspectors were astute enough to police these then we wouldn't have a problem. However rear fogs in clear weather are a pain in the arse - hard to distinquish from brake lights & amazing the amount of people driving with them on & completely oblivious to this & not even aware that the car has them.
  11. Agree with you although point 2 has been clarified. In regards to Fair go article -Who the hell do they (Council) think they are in overturning a tyre company's interpretation of the state of the tyre - surely they are aware of legal requiremets & anyway - wouldn't it be in their interest to supply a new tyre if they could justify? And as said - what the hell does a parking warden know of requirements? I find it amusing though at the naiveity of the woman in that article - "My car has a WOF" Does she not realise that tyres wear out & that because they may be at 1.5mm (I think) & comply for WOF inspection, that if thats the case - within near future & well before next WOF - new tyres will be required to maintain a road legal car - It is up to the driver to maintain a road legal car at all times. What if a bulb blows a day after issue of WOF? - Does she wait until next WOF inspection? Not the first time I have come across this attitude either
  12. Firstly - Cant recommend a place to go if we don't know where you reside. Secondly - has this fault been confirmed or is it a guess? Quite likely the problem but other variables too. Thirdly - Yes this will work BUT the air bag circuits are a safety device in which the manufacturers have spent zillions of $$ in R&D & they should NOT be altered from initial design. FIX IT PROPERLY is my recommendation
  13. Stahlwille 17mm works a treat on these. As Graham says - the cheaper the spanner the chunkier they are to compensate for weaker build.
  14. Other half said the E39 went down to - .5 this morning. In for lower tomorrow here too!
  15. As Glenn has said - check / have checked the fuel pressure/flow. This will confirm pump/lines/pressure regulator are all ok If starting OK from cold then unlikely to be fuel draining back. If it was then - a delay may be expected. Fuel delivery is atleast 2.5 litres per min at about 33psi so lines/rail refill quickly anyway. Being that the problem is when warm & if it is infact a fuel problem & pump OK then more likely leaking injectors
  16. Just a correction here; Nearly all new radios - Yellow = 12v permanent. Red = 12v switched.
  17. Is now & I'm the first to start the list obviously
  18. Make sure ALL brake light bulbs are going & that they are also the correct wattage - 21w
  19. Still E36 compact for me. Not meaning to offend anyone or Glenn
  20. Brilliant Mark - be watching with interest
  21. Agreed. I also have no certain view either way BUT from documentation of the subject there would seem to be an accelerating demise of the northern ice cap area (for one) & in reality our rapid growth in industrialisation (in climate changing terms) is very recent history - last 100 yrs or so. It is realitively unknown (to me anyway) how quickly previous climate change phases took place in comparison. I suggest it would therefore be remiss for us to ignore what our impact in this may be having on current change phenonimin. We may well be playing with fire to ignore. No greeny here but totally in support of pro environment practices. We only get one chance here - if we choose to ignore & then get proven wrong in years to come....
  22. Well done, great looking car. Every time I see one makes me want one more!
  23. hotwire

    De Reg'd

    Love the description of the process, particually the last three lines - can relate to that!
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