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Everything posted by hotwire

  1. Like the logic, will be great to see a Touring on the track. I had a scruffy one that I thought very seriously of making my race car before building my current one. Not really sure why I didn't in hindsight
  2. Yep, or that ^^^^^^^ Sorry don't know of anyone down your way but probably any decent radio repairer can do. I use Max because they know those units well. Easy enough to courier it to them
  3. Steam clean/degrease the engine first then it's easy to see the culprit
  4. CD changers are common to play up. Usually can be fixed OK I use Max Electronics in Auckland. These changers are an Alpine unit & they are completely familiar with them
  5. Good on ya Jonno, now the interupted sleep begins - if you don't ignore of course
  6. Unloader relay is activated - a changeover relay that earths at starter. From memory C101 is engine harness plug - right? -Relay control wire goes through this plug so with incomplete wiring in plug - there in probably lies the problem:-
  7. Need to teach the dog to get on the same page too
  8. Dunno on the "flawed" bit but I did have an issue with road noise (tyre) level - My only real complaint though & probably down to inadequate sound deadening. Can't compare drive with E30 M3 as I haven't driven one but would doubt being 10x better & doubt the M3 would leave it for dead (certainly not the turbo car I drove) a few years back. Ideal world - I would have one of each
  9. Yep, individually lockable front & rear diffs - try that on tarmack & the car tried to screw itself up. Great though as as long as one wheel had traction the car could climb its way out of trouble
  10. Absolutely stunning cars - have always loved them since seeing in the rally days & hearing the 5 cyl at full noise down the back straight of Puke at a night stage - nothing surpasses! Got the bug from those & bought their bridesmaid a few years later - Quattro Coupe but not turbo so no box guards etc. Still an absolutely awsome car to drive though & still the 5 cyl growl - subtle when driven sedately but growled when pushed. Still miss it today:- At the time of looking, I drove a Turbo version car that had been worked too, unbelievable car but was a bit "used" so settled on this non turbo - bit cheaper too:-
  11. Nup, Youvé done it the best way (at ign switch) - just use a dedicated in line fuse in your new wire. Using demister circuit would no doubt be sharing with other circuits too on the same fuse (haven't checked), a short in one of those circuits & blowing a fuse causes car to stop due to no power to ECU - not good!
  12. Martyn, To my knowledge all ex Jap Beemers have shitty IR. Don't know specific range of RF but is sure as hell way better than IR
  13. Yep, cant remember ign wire colour but as long as the green is true ign (live while cranking) then go for it. Put a dedicated inline fuse in your circuit too.
  14. hotwire

    Car Accident

    Law as I remember: If turning - give way to all traffic not turning In all other situations - give way to traffic turning or approaching from your right.
  15. Video moule - in boot on drivers side behind lining bulge on seat back Radio module same bulge on passenger side As Mark (Rotty) said - band expanders in these cars are crap! PM me for any advice
  16. Not sure if it is dealer only. Im thinking using the seat memory controls - along with seats, this setting also controls mirrors & climate control -maybe ac too - not sure as I haven't checked. Try resetting this with the ac button switched off Otherwise - dealer only
  17. Bled many M20s, & many times. Some straight forward, some a bitch. I find best way 2/3 fill, bleed screw open, heater open & bring up to temp (thermostat open) Top up, leaving bleed open until water out then shut.
  18. Will probably be programmed in key memory settings (think A/C is included) Turn off A/C & reset memory position switch (seats etc) for that key
  19. Stand corrected - thought they were slightly in the body itself Agree on the E39
  20. Yuk!! Rear too short - maybe start with a Touring & flat rear window
  21. Some cars have Torx for box (apart from 19mm bolts), some have standard bolts right round bell housing -except inspection plate
  22. Strange problem & you seem to have covered bases of options. Can confirm though - starters definitely the same & interchange - auto/manual & early (big) & later (small - reduction)
  23. Ditto - Bruce have a good one. All going well will catch you at Puke
  24. 67 RS - about the only Chev I can say I have ever liked:-
  25. With respect - take it to an auto sparky. There have been suggestions made here but sounds as though you are stabbing in the dark on this. Probably a 5 min diagnosis for someone who knows & with the car on hand
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