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will last won the day on August 27 2017

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169 Excellent


About will

  • Rank
    4th Gear
  • Birthday October 17

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    Wild West Waglan
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  1. will

    e30 bits

    Tech II boot spoiler, good condition, $190.
  2. will

    e30 bits

    Have a complete tech1 kit, also have another but minus boot spoiler. Pic of complete kit below, want $1200 for it ono. Have the front indicators for the bumper too. Note that the rear bit is for the angled exhaust tips, not straight. I do have a straight one but is just the plastic bit, no bumper.
  3. will

    e30 bits

    Have a Zender side pod kit for 2door, was taken off a convertible I bought a long time ago, forgot I had it. anyone interested?
  4. will

    e30 bits

    Ok, definitely no spare diff cover, only complete 3.64 188 open diff. Checked driveshafts off the car, both feel good, boots intact, not leaking at all. $150 for the pair. Have others in my container too.
  5. will

    e30 bits

    Nothing sorry
  6. will

    e30 bits

    Found several, just want to check if the inside bore is good. If ok, $30.
  7. will

    e30 bits

    Ok, was mistaken, dont have bumper, only the lower spoiler bit. forgot it was in 2 bits unlike the rear which is all in 1... pics of damage below. Rear bumper/lower valance bit has top edge missing, was told by plastic repair shop it could be replaced. Let me know if still interested
  8. will

    e30 bits

    No carpet, will have a master cylinder. Will look for one.
  9. will

    e30 bits

    Got a couple of tech2 boot spoilers somewhere and also a front and rear bumper but both of these need plastic repair. Will dig them out over the weekend and take pics of them.
  10. will

    e30 bits

    yes to axles, dont think I have a loose diff cover only complete diff but will check what I have.
  11. will

    e30 bits

    Have a now very rusty pre-fl e30 which I am stripping. It had a complete M325i running gear out of a VERY rusty M325i I bought, put into it by me probably 12yrs ago. All of the running gear except the LSD is available. This is for the complete G260 5speed manual box [later aluminium shifter design], pedal cluster, hydraulics, propshaft, flywheel, clutch, crossmember and so on. Essentially everything needed to do a full manual conversion. Want $1200 for the complete kit. It is still in the car so will need time to get it out [if it ever stops raining...] Motor in this body still runs, doors, fenders, boot, bonnet look ok [will have a better look to check for rust], suspension, battery in boot tray/cable etc etc.... ask and I will check, put up pic and price. I also have a LOT of other e30 bits, both for 2 and 4door models. Ask and I can see if I have and put up a pic/price for anything wanted.
  12. Absolutely mint examples [fully restored] in the UK are fetching that sort of price and more.
  13. will

    E30 M42 Swap

    Black and white plugs are for A/C leave them unconnected unless you have A/C. EWS is simple to wire in so dont worry if it does have it.
  14. I have a getrag 260 still in a very rusty M325i which is sitting in the middle of what has become a very swampy paddock, but it will depend on how urgently you need it as I cant get to removing it right now. PM me if at all interested. I am rural west of Hamilton though. Will
  15. will


    NZ new, out towards Raglan.
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