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Everything posted by NZ BMW

  1. Well it happens with every other product out there why not cars?
  2. That's actually a bit misleading - they're semi-merged in that they both own shares in each other and they share the same CEO. It's kinda funny given that their CEO is Brazilian and runs both a French and Japanese car firm(s).
  3. lol is that your first time in the US? - that is like that for everything, clothes, electronics, shoes, furniture, food etc
  4. 25 - WTF is this Vettel thing?!
  5. I actually think the long term price of cars has more to do with access to credit in the countries we import from. Less new cars bought in Japan and Singapore means less supply. The other factor is that dealers have to accept lower margins because people can't afford higher prices. Probably see less people wanting to purchase cars full stop. I take public transport to work, despite having parking. I actually don't need a car in Auckland. I live close to everything I need and only use the car for going away in the weekends. Lots of us who live in or around the CBD are living the same way. Doubt you will see much happen outside of this one spike. My 2c anyway.
  6. There is a reason that this is the world's first audio heater....
  7. I've been having this issue too - even with the power turned off I hate sticking a pair of pliers into the socket to grab the old one out.... I don't know why but our apartment chews through bulbs like nothing I've seen, energy savers and regular bulbs.
  8. 1990's Mercedes SL? Just putting it out there - more of a GT car but you can put the roof down and it comes in a 5L V8 if you want it. Post facelifts can be had for that kind of money. 3.2L's http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/...n-507402078.htm http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/...n-506972551.htm 5L's http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/...n-350272223.htm http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/...n-506478886.htm http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/...n-496112085.htm http://www.trademe.co.nz/motors/used-cars/...n-495212975.htm
  9. Do the brakes cool as well with these on?
  10. I've been told that sometimes these products can cause any varnish or sludge inside the engine to be dislodged and can then become stuck or lodged in various places. Perhaps this is what's happened here.
  11. I've just bought one off Brent - oh well, guess we will see. If it goes missing again I may go the Ebay/Trademe route. This went missing from inside the carpark at my apartment building (unless I didn't notice it earlier) which does not make me that confident in not having to purchase a replacement.
  12. From what I can tell they're fairly easy to remove. Ideally, if it was your own car you'd use a trim removal tool or cover the screwdriver with a bit of cloth. In my case they didn't, for obvious reasons. I now haw some scratches but mainly under the badge so they are not noticeable and they are not to the metal. I don't think you can make them any looser without running the risk of them coming off at highway speeds.
  13. Thanks guys, looks like I will be going the OEM route. So it can just get stolen again!
  14. Hi team, Some sorry individual stole my bonnet badge last night. I have not priced one at the dealer but is there a difference between the dealer ones and the cheap ones on Trademe? I don't want to replace with something that will fade and look like crap in six months. Any advice? Thanks guys.
  15. Fantastic colour for a small sporty sedan/coupe!
  16. Just want to revive this thread again. Anyone have advice on Toyo Proxes 4 tyres? They appear to have the 97 load rating which I need and are well regarded online for grip. Noise seems to be iffy...
  17. I had a S Class out of Singapore - it was fine, having been in NZ a number of years which may have made a difference. I had zero electrical issues. They are however a costly car to maintain correctly but IMO no worse than my current E39. My only concern is that this is the first model year of this 7 series. Generally the first year(s) are not as reliable as the face-lifts.
  18. Very cool, is that your number plate? Very kiwi, I love it.
  19. NZ BMW

    "My Family"

    Sounds like most peoples' school/uni summer jobs...
  20. Meh, keeping the badges and silly lights to one side I think it looks okay. I actually like the two-tone interior. It looks to be in good condition and if the seller can be believed, well maintained. I don't see anyone who has replied to this thread driving a really special (desirable) car. Whatever...
  21. NZ BMW


    You mean Grammar?
  22. Weird seats to have in a 5 series motorsport - they look like the ones you'd find in a highly spec'd 7 Series.
  23. NZ BMW


  24. NZ BMW

    "My Family"

    I actually do - I also think the level of ACC levy in the registration fee is outrageous for a system which should be covered by private insurance. I also think having to have a WOF is a bit of a joke, there are plenty of states in the US which don't have that requirement. I would prefer that you had to operate a vehicle that was in a "fit state" or something similar and let the police issue fines and fix orders for any issues they find in inspections. I guess it's just a matter of where the line ends but for me compulsory insurance is the same as saying we're going to nationalise all the fast food outlets and only allow people a certain allocated amount of bad for you food because we know that would cut the incidence of heart disease and diabetes, which would be good for our society. I don't think there is anyone who would say that if we as a nation improved our diet we wold be healthier. We could also implement compulsory exercise sessions for the entire population each morning in public spaces. Or we could limit the speed of cars electronically because no one needs a car that goes more than 100km/h. I obviously draw the line further back on where personal responsibility begins and I know those are kind of extreme examples, but I value the ability to make right or wrong choices and the responsibility to live by them.
  25. NZ BMW


    I don't really see the point, but I don't begrudge anyone who has them, within reason.
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