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Everything posted by bmw.maniac

  1. The 'N' next to the RUC and COF means N/A I think.
  2. The costs and fuss of getting anything complied over there make it extremely prohibitive. Forget it if it isn't a classic.
  3. Would be one of the well-optioned (SE Spec) last of the e30s. Maybe a run-out model, being such a young e30? It's my first that I've seen NZ New and with an OBC. With all those options it would have been an absolute friggen fortune new!
  4. bmw.maniac

    e30 4.45 lock diff

    And how illegal are these?
  5. Dad has a facelift 2002 NZ New 530i that I drive regulary. Yes, I agree they are no slug off the mark - I think I used the wrong word in my post. Should be as fast as a 535i, with a lot higher fuel consumption. I used 'as slow' to make poster 1 realise that the 535i isn't going to be a rocket like the 540i, matching up to the 530i instead.
  6. 540i definately. 535i's are supposed to have the highest fuel consumption of the e39s, plus being as slow as a 530i
  7. Really? I though wood in e39s was real veenner (sp) on plastic mounts
  8. Thanks Glenn, I thought it would just be something about the new belt. I found out this morning that my warrant expires tomorrow, so I might just get the garage to do it then.
  9. '88 318i E30 My Power Steering belt has been slipping slightly ever since I got my cambelt changed but has now gotten significantly bad. Everytime I try to turn my wheels in a carpark or when putting them in full lock, I get a horrible, embarrassing screeching noise. Is it easy to adjust the tension on the belt? Cheers
  10. My younger brother, a brochure deliverer, got a lengthy letter from the distribution company outlining the delivery of election brochures. Aparantly they are exempt as being called 'advertising material' and can therefore be placed in No Circulars, No Junk Mail, No Advertising etc labelled letterboxes. However, they can NOT be delivered to boxes stating "Posted Mail Only" or "NZ Post Only" etc, for some reason. I thought it was quite a funny letter, i'll scan it and post it up tomorrow if he still has it.
  11. Oh, so to you to be "working" you must be in paid employment? Being a mother doesn't count then? What about the elderly, are they bulgers too?
  12. $110,000 house. See my post on the previous page.
  13. Yet another generalisation. I'll bet most of the genuine people on the DPB would work harder than you.
  14. Everything was perfectly legal. A nice loophole, and "aggressive accounting." She couldn't touch any of it.
  15. I guess i'll go into more detail. Bought house for $110,000 for an elderly lady for under valuation of $140,000. The house was a complete mess, but luckily sound. She saved up a small amount each week and was able to afford things like paint and got furniture from the salvation army shop. She repainted the complete outside of the house by herself, and when the kids left and she moved into work she was able to save up and re-do the interior and build a deck. She worked on the yard and transformed it from an overgrown jungle to a nice, clean maintained garden. House prices have shot up on the Peninsula, you'd be lucky to find one for under $400,000 and this house is in a nice position on the Thames Coast. Honestly, what kind of idiot would work those sort of hours. Obviously you have no idea of raising kids, its more than dropping them off to school each morning. Meals, washing, cleaning, maintaining the house (in this case where you can't afford it), carting kids to sports etc. How could you do all this, for 3 kids, on top of working a 30 hour week, all for a very little financial gain? I can see why she stayed on the benefit.
  16. Oh, and her eldest son is now at medical school, her daughter is training to be a teacher and her youngest son an accountant. I would think these occupations would make a healthy contribution to society. Boy, her family has sure ripped New Zealand off and robbed the tax-payers!!
  17. I agree there are some people that abuse the benefit system but you are being narrow-minded saying people are "robbing you" by being on the benefit. My mum has a close friend who was on the DPB for a few years. Her and her husband had a good life, with flash cars, a nice house with all the toys. The husband found another woman, left the wife and his kids and ran off with her. The ended up seperating and and she got $60,000 - half the total equity in their flash house - almost everything was mortgaged. The husband had an incredibly well-paying job, and also had an incredible accountant who was able to hide all his income in a trust, so legally he earned something like $15,000, and as child-support is based on the man's income, she got a whole $72 per month child support. She was lucky and bought a house in late 2001, just before property values sky-rocketed. She scraped through on her benefit, brought up her 3 children with basic manners and respect, and stayed on the benefit until her children had left home - as said above, if she had worked part-time, her benefit would have been reduced dramatically. She got a job as a clerk in an accounting firm, and paid off her house, which is now worth $400,000. The DPB is there to help people like this. Yes, there are some people (especially on the sickness benefit) who definately should not be on there, to which I look down on - they are abusing the system and ruining it for others who truely depend on it. Mothers should not have to work 30 hours a week. Their job is to raise children, bring them up to be respectful citizens, and run the household, not be the absent working parent who isn't home until 5pm. But of course (and especially in John Key's eyes), being a mother is not a worthwhile job. You are expected to work. My own mother got pulled up the other day by a cop, and got a ticket for speeding. When asked what her occupation was, my mum replied "A Mother," and the cop scribbled U/E on the ticket - unemployed. Boy, did she rip into this young guy!
  18. Labour, well for my parents anyway. I laugh at people that see National as the great solution to everything. During this economic climate, I think the last thing we need is to elect a money-shuffler to run the country. Tax-Cuts anyone? What would be better is pouring more money into healthcare and education - opening up ACC has to be the worst possible idea so far. Insurance companies run like a business, and will employ doctors to critically analyse the injured and sick to make sure they don't get paid out. And yes, I have met John Key, and I think he's an arrogant pick. Don't even get me started on Acts policies. Privatising schools and prisons? What could be more stupid?
  19. My channel has a rust spot in it, is there any way to remove it without removing the whole sunroof? The person who fixed my sunroof reckoned you would have to take the headlining out.
  20. bmw.maniac

    Trim black

    Autoglym Bumper Care and Bumper Black rocks ass. For tyres I just use Turtle Wax Wet 'n Black.
  21. $6 for a Lucky Dip, but you don't get Power Ball. $11 for the cheapest Powerball one.
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