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Everything posted by CamB

  1. CamB

    Mysterious Pump?

    Its there on the realoem pics - part of the emissions control system. Dodgy system to dilute the air so it gets a better emissions result.
  2. Definitely keen for pics - engine bay and car
  3. CamB

    "Rangi Mods"

    I think a little rangi has its place in many cars. Not so much as a substitute for "doing it right" - more for "doing it at all". My best mate fixed the slop in the gear shift in his Pug 205 with a few strategic zip ties. Believe it or not it works reasonably well and has lasted quite a while. I tend to forget the rangi stuff I do - quite a bit on the race car - usually I fix it later when its not urgent.
  4. CamB

    "Rangi Mods"

    If you did what I think you did, don't try it with a Honda.
  5. I see. Makes sense then - hadn't thought about low availability of tyre sizes.
  6. Que? Surely its the tyre width and its diameter that matters.
  7. CamB

    My 1971 2002 Build

    Does the dishwasher do a good job? What "detergent" do you use? I've suddenly remembered by parents have one sitting in their garage that works fine, but they're too chicken to use as it leaked and ruined their floor. A leak in my garage is no big deal...
  8. Try what Glenn says first but if it doesn't work I can have a hunt in the garage and see what I've got. I won't have time to do it 'till the w/end, I don't think. If you do need it, you can have what I've got since I have no idea if they work (have never had that engine running).
  9. Here's the other one. Love the brakes but not the wheels... but look how little clearance there is on the wheels: http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-279244607.htm
  10. That engine really is amazingly clean, even by anal car owner standards. I really can't get excited by cabs - the black one with the big brakes that's on Trade Me gets me going more (although I'd prefer smaller wheels ... which no doubt wouldn't fit over the brakes). I suspect I'm in the minority on that one
  11. S14, S38, S50/S54 or since you've already BTDT (for V8ing) S62. So many options, so difficult to guess what.
  12. Motion to revoke Man Card proposed - do I have any seconders? I'd already seen it and signed it. I think attendance is improved by it being in the city and as noted above, its been there for a very long time.
  13. Take the steering wheel off and have a look - should be some sort of little arm. Supposedly the major tip for 5 stud is to make sure you pay up for a set of the later E36 M3 lower arms so the castor is right.
  14. I keep seeing "S52" - its the US-only upmarket E36 M3 Evo engine ----> what you mean is S50B32.
  15. While I think of it, make sure whatever hubs/brake setup you get is compatible with your choice of BBSs (eg RS aren't especially brake friendly).
  16. You strike me as a supercharged S50 kinda guy. That's my guess - dunno why.
  17. My pioneering spirit is a little weak today! Speaking as someone's who's only researched and hasn't tried yet. There's plenty of information floating around the web about DIY tuning, its just really hard to sort out the good from the bad. The one common factor I've seen is that its hard to get ignition timing right without a dyno (ie tuning to MBT like crunchy's talking about). MBT makes sense to me as a theory.
  18. For the record I wouldn't try on an M50 - in my case the engine has to come out again anyway (for the "proper" engine), so the one going in is solely there so first startup with an untuned computer isn't with a newly rebuilt engine (including new cam, which will need running in).
  19. And the point is that you should never just trust someone else's fuel and ignition maps (point number 1), and that it should be tuned by someone who knows what they're doing (point number 2). It is possible that "someone who knows what they're doing" is an amateur, so point number 3 is simply that if you want to know for certain, get it done / tidied up / checked by a pro. I'm going to have a go at getting my turbo M10 to run, but only because the engine that's gone into it cost $80. I don't expect to do a good job but if I can get it started and idling ok that will (hopefully) assist the tuning process.
  20. There's some on trademe - no idea if they're any good but I do know people who use demister bars on race cars. Search "demister"... Apparently you can get "proper" ones in the UK (I have no idea if available here). http://www.xlraceparts.com/bmw-e30-heated-...creen-347-p.asp
  21. In identifying low bitrate MP3s or just generally (which of course they do)?
  22. I agree, and since you've already got 2 pumps its a simple job.
  23. Sadly, I can't hear the difference (and I sure as hell can't hear it in a car). I go at 192kb variable bit rate (I think): http://www.noiseaddicts.com/2009/03/mp3-so...y-test-128-320/ I effectively guessed (wrong) - they sounded the same to me.
  24. CamB

    Peugeot 205 GTi MI16

    I linked to the WOF Vehicle Inspection Requirements Manual. It's not my fault the dude doesn't read it.
  25. CamB

    Peugeot 205 GTi MI16

    That is sooooo 2003!!!
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