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Boost Junky

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Everything posted by Boost Junky

  1. I always have and still do say Beam-er sport spose its just what has stuck with me and like how some of you have mentioned its how its said when refering to your bmw as a beamer.
  2. Wait till you feel it pull Jase! I would post the other footage up here but nahhh better not... not that theres anything wrong with it
  3. Its actually quite handy guys i have some of blairs front seats in my car atm and they are coupe ones, managed to get a pallet in the back of the bimmer last week! You never know Shady they might just come in handy! Keep your coupe seats in there bro
  4. Hahahha that is badass Henry... and downhill bro! Balls of steel have we?
  5. Haha shot guys no doubt about it nath and John u best be making a roady too n.p for the skid comp on sat and drift comp on sunday!
  6. So freakin dope Nath! Top effort I say dude cant wait to see this in person in a few weeks bro, have to swap for a drive
  7. So guys I thought id get a quick video of the durty 30 0-100ish Pretty average video, gives you an idea of what she goes like roughtly, enjoy
  8. Boost Junky


    James that looks amazing dude! Good to see some more progress.
  9. Damn I have to remove that firewall cover haha! Not easy on my car. So my contacts are possibly really dirty ill try clean them thanks heaps Glenn, awesome link Michael cheers
  10. Ah so the motor ya reckon? If thats all it is then sweet not to much of a mission at all! Thanks Glenn and Martyn!
  11. Congratulations son! totally awesome what you have done to this E30 it truely is your own now bro. Now time for you to hit it upto New Plymouth for your first descent trip looking forward to that in 3 weeks both me and Blair.
  12. Hey guys, well finally got the E30 WOF'd and Regd Now im just ironing out all the minor issues and one major wheel fitment issue haha! One of the small issues is my wipers. Since the car was taken off the road ive noticed the wipers only work on the constant normal speed no matter what speed i have the wiper switch set on. They will not do intermitent or the fast speed and they also will not return to the bottom of the windscreen when i turn them off. They simply stop where i happen to turn the switch off. Have talked to one electrician and he said this could likely be my wiper relay? [edit] spelling
  13. He will pull all the b****s on the block with this pimpin piece of machinery.
  14. Far thats a tidy looking e36 mate! Welcome to bimmersport
  15. Awesome Idea guys! Will make things so much easier when posting etc.. done
  16. +2 I got a WOF straight up with a later M50 dohc motor in my e30. Was so tidy it looked like it was meant to be in there
  17. Haha be funny if they didnt! Wonder if she was the driver though its left hand drive? Most likely she was and had to climb across and get out from the passangers side.
  18. What a sucess cars look top notch and big ups on the photos Mark!
  19. The thermostat should only fit one way (Foot into the motor) the flow of the water is bottom up so the foot will release in the direction of flow. MAxx the cooling system should always heat up the temperatures of your combustion chamber will always bring them up to operating temp but may take twice as long, sounds like you temp gauge may have failed? Haha my cooling system doesnt even have a bleed screw! Bitch to bleed I tell ya.. John apparantly your only meant to turn the heater on but not have it at full blare or on full temp. Seriously Matt I would just take the thermostat out and see what happenes.. if that doesnt fix it which sounds like the t/stat is fine its most likely to be an air lock, crack in a hose, blockage or worse case crack in your head/headgasket which is still a possiblity like John said.
  20. HB Mark.. the whole 40mins left of it.
  21. Damn wish I had $150 spare for one right now haha! Been looking for one for a while but not a priority atm might just steal naths when hes up here next month
  22. Damn that looks soo mint!!! I was gonna paint mine this colour to match my suspension. My mate has a sand blaster that will speed the process up right? Top effort man big props
  23. Haha whoa John! Finally got it sorted today huh, so frustrating with the time barrier also aye makes things 10x more frustrating and takes way longer. I cant remember who i dealt with for my stuff but i had similar problems with my headstuds tho.
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