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nzodea last won the day on November 26 2018

nzodea had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

25 Excellent

About nzodea

  • Rank
    2nd Gear
  • Birthday 05/10/1966

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  • Location
  • Car
    SWB Prado/ Subaru outback
  • Car 2
    E46 CSL
  • Car 3
    Z4M Coupe
  • Race Car
    E36 M3 S50b32
  • Race Car Number

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3916 profile views
  1. I want a Dakar coupe not a sedan alas or I would jump on it. Good luck with the sale
  2. After a ZF 5 speed box - preferably in Christchurch. Need ASAP for race car for next weekend if possible michael 021337946
  3. So cool.back when cars were light and you did not need endless horsepower
  4. I so want - but then I'd love your 130tc abarth!
  5. nzodea


    ok no worries. Don't need another engine; got three already
  6. nice and tidy. I'm after a 2-door dakar yellow 3.0. I love this colour on an e36. It just works
  7. nzodea


    Arron don't suppose you still have the headers?
  8. i missed this would have loved them
  9. yum https://www.turners.co.nz/Cars/Used-Cars-for-Sale/bmw/alpina/19196494
  10. Hey after a locksmith in CHCH who will cut BMW blanks. Brought some from Trademe to replace my failing three button remote for an E61. Ross Galt said they would not do it unless it was one of theirs or a BMW genuine one. Anyone got a go-to guy/gal??
  11. https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1988-bmw-m3-wagon/?utm_source=transactionalemail&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=bat_model_notification I love these S50 swaps especially when they are wagona=s
  12. agree. you have to factor that in when you buy. However with overseas shipping now, I buy most parts ex germany www.carondo.com and they arrive faster than NZ or aussie ordered stuff and cheaper for sure
  13. My E61 has 240,000Kms, my prado 295K, go well and if used and maintained work out good value running
  14. Interesting discussion, seat colour takes precedence over it being a limited edition CS Pretty sure all CS are SMG like all CSL
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