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Everything posted by tire

  1. Sick, tight, badass etc. Those stripes ftw!
  2. Hi welcome. Good luck finding a manual 325
  3. Page... I went down there to chat about a service for my E30. They were a bit "don't have time for this kid" ish. Some mad cars to look at walking down that Hania st though eh!
  4. Hit up Keith (handle: SUSPENSION) for your shocks he knows lots, isn't afraid of chatting for ages on the phone and you get the bimmersport discount.
  5. The performance figures from those links keep contradicting. 220hp, 150hp, 160hp 0-100 8sec, 0-100 10sec looks cool yea
  6. Is this you yet kiwi535?
  7. This is where the Welly meets are organised. They come around every month or so. Maybe fortnightly. I'm super keen too to watch and learn as much as poss but it doesn't really seem to happen. Always just beers and drives.
  8. So you decided not to sell? Doing turbo instead? wicked
  9. One of the builders at ours says he can get his down to 7ks per litre...
  10. tire

    my 325i project

    $200 what a score i'm jealous! Have a happy project.
  11. "Ships to: United States" How do you know he/she/they will ship to NZ? good luck with project btw
  12. There is a Dave Hadley tyres on Elizabeth st in town too should you not want to go out to the hutt btw. Sucks to hear about your cool rims being curbed
  13. tire

    HB Max - tire

    Would have loved to! I haven't yet got hold of Ian, seem to keep missing him whenever I call. I did pm him and he was happy to help. I'll try him again now. cheers
  14. Play lego (recent craving after my cousins got it out ), play cod2, do 6 week history assignments in the last 3 days
  15. tire

    HB Max - tire

    Cheers guys! Where would we be without you si? E30 not sold yet, still need help with replacing the steering rack (and shocks). I have the bits. I don't really contribute anything useful haha, hope to one day tho!
  16. I can't understand how some people are saying its ugly. To me its gorgeous (sp?) and yes I can see the veyron in it now you mention it.
  17. Wow. Cheap! That should go quick good luck.
  18. Sh!t I used to live there "Police prosecutor Sergeant Chris Stringer told the court alcohol played a large role in Cradock's life." orly?
  19. tire

    Fair enough

    E30 tail lights remind me of lego blocks now I think of it.
  20. tire

    Fair enough

  21. tire

    BBS RS

    That car is so cool. It's been my background since I started being keen on E30s!
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