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Everything posted by smiddy

  1. smiddy

    M20 Headers

    Gus, got my M20 headers from Raceland, Belgium. Olaf, the bottom unit in pic, is a sample, M42 LHD I think, not sure what is required to make it work RHD, but normally steering shaft and rack are in the way, not sure in an E30 body tho.
  2. smiddy

    M20 Headers

    Hi Gus, yeah was me, long time ago now. Have a few odd bits under house, only thing left for M20 is the centre section X pipe. About 15 whp gain on dyno. Rest of stuff is M 50, 52, 54 and 318. Some gaskets, 304 stainless, some good bends and head mount plates for project cars.
  3. smiddy

    XHP V3

    Yes Jon, when you connect to vehicle, your car information and product you have license for will display. Navigate to map flash page XHP stg 3 v 3 should be there for flashing, if not you should be able to download at this stage. I downloaded after connecting to car. Be sure to follow instructions and be in flight mode, only takes about 3 min.
  4. smiddy

    Bought an M4

    Nice ride, rare colour, enjoy.
  5. Finally dumped the run flats! Don't realise the differerance in ride and handling until you swap. Went up a width all round to 235-265 with Pilot Sports, heaps more grip even in straight line. About 10mm inboard on offset on rear over ideal, hence the size change to fill guard a little more, fronts are about 3mm inboard from previous 18s, so not an issue. No rubbing of course which is great as I often carry 100k plus in rear trunk with work.
  6. just had a look on Mamba website, they have new 2256V and also 2260V which is 5 series, little more power, not sure on fitment. Ebay Aus will have the best price with exchange rate and free shipping, I would ask regards upgrade, won"t need much to feel it.
  7. I have spent some time looking at N54 options, fantastic, willing, strong motor, 10+ year old vechicle, 100kms, worth 10-15k$ tops, so price has to be factured. I have punted with the Mamba brand, ( Ex Kinugawa CEO Japan) product is mainly larger single BB race, drift, rally units, with US, AUS, ENG outlets. Was around NZ$1700 delivered, for sort of stage 1.5 new, upgraded hybrid new CHRA's with new 14T comp housings and wastegate upgrade kit. Had some correspondence with owner, says only best, new cores, metals, bronze, stainless used are sourced from US or Japan. They have big range Andrew, have a look for your ride, may find slight upgrade at fair price.
  8. £730 is up there! Exchange rate, freight, gst, fitting??? NZ$2.5k + easy.
  9. smiddy

    XHP V3

    Did you update to V3 John? Thoughts?
  10. Thats a good price for Pommie gear! Is that a upgrade CHRA, Billet comp wheel etc? Turbine wheel design has changed a lot also, with big gains in spool rate and flow gains within stock housings.
  11. smiddy

    XHP V3

    Tried to insert this link, but didn"t work, some info on V3 here. https://m.facebook.com/xhpflashtool/posts/2514477942201553
  12. Glenn, have a look at my results, using a Wurth valve port cleaner. Was about $400 with gaskets.
  13. smiddy

    XHP V3

    Sorry Kyle, didn"t get that far. Did about 30km today after update, did a few M pulls using paddles, felt even twittchy in third! Only 3 days into FIMC upgrade, so I think car still sorting its self out, have 6 new index 12 injectors in also, they love it!
  14. smiddy

    XHP V3

    Just updated my 6AT to latest version 3, stage 2. Even smoother than v2, didn't think that was possible! Anyone else updated?
  15. Fitted like a glove! Took 45 miniutes to remove and fit new cooler, 20 of that was chassis shroud off and on. Certainly a big wack of power gain, mainly mid range from OEM feels to the bum 20+ WHP at 20 deg C. May take a while for DME to adjust to flow, as have done about 10kms before posting.
  16. If this performs as good as it looks, will be rapt!!
  17. Will do, thanks for your interest John. Looking at waste gate upgrade also and will basically add my cores to another pair of exhaust housings to make a smooth transfer.?
  18. One of my oem turbos is starting to siren at low boost, ( i hate noise). I forgot to mension DPs which i plan to add 200 cell cats at flange/ mid pipe junction if possible. No noise, sleeper!?
  19. Not to sure, will be adding stepped cooler, inlets, will mod, rear turbo squished outlet pipe and MHD custom tune. Similar setups in US are around 420 whp on pump gas at around 18psi, be happy with anything around 400.
  20. Took the plunge, 14T comp wheel with 9 blade inconell turbine CHRAs. Upgraded larger thrusts, bearings, collars etc.
  21. Yes, big differance between 1 and 1+ Was out early the in morning a couple of days ago, was about 11c, reminds you of the differance of cool dense air, traction lights flickering even in third!?
  22. Looking to swap out my tired stock turbos with a ugraded rebuild kit, but don"t want a long down time. Has anyone out there a tired, but repairable pair of oem chras with housings they want to sell outright, or swap, when I remove mine? Cheers.
  23. So smooth the power delivery! Really strong between 3 -5k RPM. Have 6 index 12 in now also, can hear them flowing through the mid range. Will upgrade IC and inlets soon I think.
  24. No, intake removed, valves closed, port filled with solution, via gun, left to dwell, sucked out with air driven vacuum pump. Two cycles i believe, as in two applications.
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