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Everything posted by BM WORLD

  1. some clips from some track days at hampton downs back in nov ,dec 2009 and jan 2010.
  2. good result 160kw at the wheels?? same as my M5 engine before it got a remap where do you think you can improve it
  3. flips caps , use a small alan key , undo untill they stop the grab and remove


    you need to look in the day time and put your glasses on to see rust


    have a 88 525e parts car that still has the reg on hold if you want a project one . was a 5spd manual , no engine , box , diff ,body kit and other various bits removed , but have other bits from others that can go back into it if needed.
  6. also check the conector plug is pushed on properly and contacts are not rusty etc
  7. yes i gues so, the second engine has had some repairs at some stage in its life , had welding on some of the front covers etc ,
  8. have all the parts if you need. just got a 740i in with rear blind etc
  9. hpefully in the next few weeks , just depends on the engine builder guys time , wont take to long to fit back into the car . was 3.453 10.5c/rnow 3.65L 11:1 c/r yea yea thats if you can keep it on the track stronger gasget , pistons are custom made to suit the gasket thickness etc .so end result will still be 11:1. also the block or head can be skimmed to suit if needed
  10. some pics of the old engine in the car with the head off with groves in the bores(no wonder it smoked a bit) and the orginal one thats being done up etc
  11. in the LOOOOOONNNGGG process of rebuilding the M88 (m5 engine) thats in my 86 e28 m535i at the moment after it blew its head gasket last year at hampton downs (orginal 25year old 250,000k gasget i think) back in november i think , i picked up another M88 engine and threw that in , then that head gasget went poff as well after a couple more atempts at hampton's ,pulled the head off that one only to find it had big groves in number 5 and 6 bore's from some previous problems/repairs it had etc so decided to do a full on rebuild of the orginal engine i had in the car . took the head in to get it all tidied up , new valve guides , planned , cleaned , set up etc . got the block in at another place to do all the pistons etc , found there is too much wear in the bores and pistons to use , so decided to do a rebore out to 95mm (orginal is 93.4mm) fir custom high compression lighter pistons etc . also have changed the crankshaft for a 86mm instead of the 84mm one it has (old one had some damage to to the pully end ) . and i thought while i am at it might as well fit some schrik camshafts. also orderd in all new camchains , tensioners , water pump , thicker MLS head gasgets also all new top and bottom end gasgets etc etc . so hopefully it all goes together ok , will drop all the parts down the engine guys in the morning .
  12. do the lights go out or does the fan stop or is the a/c just not working . could be the fan resistor ??
  13. pretty good i think, most of the ones in our yard have held up pretty good . lots of break off ali bits , also good passive safty in bmw's in general , better brakes than most cars , better handling than most cars , that alone makes them fair better in most crashes .
  14. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-311124577.htm
  15. been watching that for a while now , he has dropped his price . yea the tourings look a little strage but can be improved on .
  16. BM WORLD

    WTB: e30 bits

    can do cassete thing and door clips
  17. came into the country with 53,000miles on it in 1996. useed import from the UK or hongkong etc but is built nov 1990 . so just a typo at the vtnz office etc i suppose or they gave false info when they imported it
  18. this is better http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITZRp4DwDas...feature=related
  19. bring it down if you like
  20. sometimes they are set up different , but should work . can do either if needed
  21. so what was the fuel problem??? glad to hear its going though .
  22. remember its a lhd , so pedal boxes are different
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