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Everything posted by sp8s

  1. sp8s

    E30 Manual

    heres a couple of places to look Visit My Website Visit My Website
  2. There have been a couple on trademe in the past few months. If it was an E36 it would be much more betterer
  3. Is anyone artistic want to have a go at doing one of these persona's for firefox. Would like a bimmersport.co.nz one. BMW persona's available
  4. Check your phone book. There are a few shops in Porirua'Been a while since I have been up there but I remember a few by the river north of the rail station
  5. I got one from bmwarehouse in hamilton = $180
  6. appreciate the sentiment but not your shoe bottomsNot digging at you but it should be SOUL Thought I would add a website so you can see visually what has been shaking http://www.christchurchquakemap.co.nz/
  7. sp8s

    lol wtf

    And people wonder why cops chase these idiots What a tosser
  8. I'd be in for 2. Take some pics from the projects posts. A montage of each car, you know 4-5 pics.
  9. - E30 318i/316i M40 Flywheel/Clutch/Pressureplate/Driveshaft/throwout fork/gearbox mount $60 so will this will bolt up to a M44 and what flywheel is it. And starter to suit Also what gearbox was this connected to
  10. Now I have not pulled a BMW diff apart but am presumming they are the same as all other diffs. DONT ever pull the front of a diff apart unless you have the tools and expertise to set up again. The crown wheel and pinion will need to be set properly so they mesh as the should with the crush washer. I wait for the "you dont know what you are talking about" flame
  11. sp8s

    E36 325i Coupe

    Forum sponsers do this for 1200 RETAIL
  12. By the amount of people thrown out of their cars seat belts weren't used in the 70's or helmets for that matter. Good for a laugh tho
  13. sp8s

    E36 325i Coupe

  14. make sure your pics are only 800 x 600 in size. search for the resize your pics topic
  15. Breath You will be surprised how many people forget to.
  16. Had Vero on mine. Was worth it. $100 excess
  17. OEM unless its heavy duty race car
  18. sp8s

    Ninja car

    Mad Max's family got deaded that why he turned into Mad Max
  19. Wont you have to cert both cars?
  20. sp8s

    1989 E30 m50 Tech2

    Got a heap of one an two cents pieces, How many you need? jkwould like myself but its new year, on holiday, not due back at work for another 3 weeks an Im broke as well. Damn hard luck they closed down the local money man
  21. Like anything these days its only worth what you are willing to pay. Check trademe etc for pricing of similar cars.
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