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Everything posted by sp8s

  1. May need a flush of the cooling system if the problem is back
  2. sp8s


    Just take one of the old plates into the above places and ask for new ones. Cant remember the cost but it aint much Yes you will have to part with some cash
  3. Excuse me but I like my Compact Infact I turned down a couple of 4 doors before getting my compact
  4. would have thought you would get instructions with them telling you how to fit Where did you get them from?
  5. I would also ask what program are you using to burn cd's Are they being burned as MP3's or converted by the burning program I ask because some programs convert the music as a lot of car stereos cant play mp3's Personally I use Musicmatch to make cd's to play in the car, works every time. You will know by how many songs you get on a cd Each song as mp3 is about 5 megs so divide 700 by 5 = 140 Converted to play on non mp3 player you will get about 12 songs
  6. You scored a total of 39 The Loyal Friend
  7. Whats wrong with the old EA FalconI have had one for 5 years and not spent a cent on it apart from WOF Reg and oil change.
  8. Whats with all the e36 window regulator lately Sh*t I just had mine done as well
  9. How much do you intend on spending on this Could be a good start for a project but the price! Well thats up to you
  10. Yup My drivers side window fell out the other day. Damned annoying as it was snowing haha Thank the Gods for mechanical warranty. Mind you the garage is finding it hard to find a new window regulator (Craig Gilberts)
  11. +1sounds like a good price to me
  12. sp8s

    e36 320i - 194km/h

    Now that empress's meThat would be that little compact wouldn't it Would love to do that to mine but being total useless at electronics I would have to leave that to someone with brains
  13. I could store it for you Promise I wont use it
  14. I always have a problem with people who can't spell propa in their adsSomething about it bothers me
  15. Had the problem Cleared all cookies Fine now
  16. Try here http://pdftown.com/search/node/525i
  17. sp8s

    Recovery Disk

    Too late As stated has reinstalled Windows home Do a google for UBCD or Hirens BootCD Download and copy to cd reboot as you will get several programs to recover data MAYBE if its not already been written over. Bad luck
  18. sp8s

    165mph+ blind

    Freakin amazing
  19. sp8s

    Electric windows

    If they work with doors open and dont work when doors closed I would suspect a loose/worn wire where the wiring loom goes from car body to door. Have had the same problem with one of my other cars (mitsi quad cam V6 Diamante) also the old tow wagon Fairmont does it in the wet.
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