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Everything posted by Wom

  1. the old tyres may have been stale but yea huge difference good tyres make eh
  2. Wom


    hahaha omg that is awesome
  3. Wom


    have you been allowed to go check out your car yet? I hope it's ok
  4. My mate's driveway is shocking like that too, even in my auto with traction control I still struggle for grip when it has been raining. Luckily it's a wide driveway so you can go on quite an angle to get out ok. My driveway is on a messed up angle at the top, so if I go faster than 2kph or have a passenger I scrap the bottom of my car real bad (I actually make the mrs get out on the footpath haha)
  5. https://forms.police.govt.nz/forms/online-c...dwatch-report/9 always handy if you remember the plate (slightly off topic but also slightly on topic) - why are there so many different names for a Corolla?
  6. Wom


    haha only in NZ could someone turn an earthquake into a drinking game
  7. Wom

    Barking Dogs

    good stuff, that's all it takes is training and responsibility unfortunately, like common sense, responsibility is rather rare these days
  8. Wom

    Barking Dogs

    I think the reason why I'm the only one who has complained to the council (who after another phone call today, will be sending a letter to the owner) is because all the other neighbours have dogs too I've always wanted a bigger place and a garage, maybe it's finally time to make the move
  9. Wom

    Barking Dogs

    I'm glad to see that there are some responsible owners out there
  10. yea saw that if I was sinking my life savings into a car, I would definitely want to see it first
  11. Pink Floyd can never be too loud
  12. Wom

    Barking Dogs

    right, I am now quite certain that the dogs on both sides only act like this when their owners aren't home the yappy dogs are usually kept inside when their owners are home, and I think it must be the same with the big menacing dog both neighbours are home now and what do ya know, peace and quiet I talked with a mate who has a big mofo dog, he said that the problem is most likely that the dogs are bored when their owners aren't around he suggested chucking a chew toy over the fence to see if that helps I think when I am feeling better I will go over to both uncooperative neighbours and try talking with them again if all else fails, I will go with the suggestions of playing barking noises and / or the dog whistle at them through the stereo I'm also going to talk with some other neighbours to see if they are annoyed about this but haven't complained to the council or the offending neighbours
  13. Wom

    Barking Dogs

    it is persistent barking, not just once in a while (which I could tolerate) the attitudes from the neighbours was rather poor though they're basically just shrugging it off as if there isn't any issue
  14. Wom

    Barking Dogs

    Neighbours on the left - 2 yappy little dogs that go nuts every time someone walks past their house, or I go outside, or the neighbours themselves go outside - annoying as heck Neighbours behind me - 1 yappy dog that goes off every time the other neighbours' yappy dogs goes nuts and then the neighbours to the right of me - this one is the worst it is a very big, black, menacing looking dog (it is seriously huge - looks like a stereotypical junkyard dog you would see in a movie) this dog has a very loud and menacing bark it barks at EVERYTHING no exaggeration, it literally barks at anything that moves to top it off, their fence and gate is one of those low rider fences that a 3 year old could jump over with no trouble I'm absolutely amazed that it hasn't jumped the fence and attacked anyone yet so, apart from feeding these dogs chocolate (I do not want to harm the dogs in anyway), what solutions are there? I have tried talking to all the neighbours with dogs, only one of them (the one down the back with 1 yappy dog) said he would try to do something about it (the dog is now mostly kept inside, and he said he has been taking it to training), but any time it is outside, it goes off when the other dogs go off. It bothers me but at least the owner is trying to do something about it. The other 2 neighbours both told me to harden the f**k up and get over it. I've rung the council and they said that no-one else has complained, so they're not going to do anything about it. Absolute rubbish attitude, makes me wonder why I pay rates to them aholes. Of course no-one else has complained, everyone else has dogs that are doing the exact same thing. Noise control told me it's not their problem (again, why do I pay rates?) A mate of mine suggested I feed all the dogs laxatives, even if it doesn't shut them up it should make a nice mess for the owners
  15. got a few mates living in EU now, might have to make a trip over there for this
  16. Wom

    WOF's & tyres

    should you be using 4x4 tyres on the road though? however, if you get pinged during a wof, just show them the little tyre plate thing on your door and point out that's how they came from the factory ... I don't see how they could argue against that
  17. sounds much like Wellington tooeveryone goes to Palmy lol
  18. what about if the bonnet ended a bit further back meaning the bonnet gap was on the top instead of at the front? hope that makes sense lol
  19. it kinda makes it look like it has a fat nose lol
  20. yep definitely a good buy, I'm very happy with mine
  21. are Z4's supposed to have a bmw roundel over the side indicator? also spotted a euro plate on a nissan and a volvo branded euro plate on a fiat lol
  22. damn, I have a 5.1 pioneer receiver here that I've been meaning to sell but haven't got around to it would've been a nice local pick up for you too, not 7.1 though
  23. Wom

    Who is the Stig?

    that message board section is almost impossible to read without highlighting the text who ever thought that grey writing on a grey background would work? anywho, keep the stig nameless, it adds a certain element to the show
  24. yep that's the team I work in small world
  25. e46 wagon was full beaming me while following me from Totara Park lights up towards Caltex Rimutaka last night plate was bmw951 I think (I might have the 51 bit wrong) flicked on my rear fog and slowed right down but he didn't get the hint
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